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Swi! Côté Serveur 1

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Salut 2

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Simone Cive!a 3

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Je suis un développeur iOS 4

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7 ans 5

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4 ans 7

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Enfin... 14

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Plan 1. Les Origines 2. État de l'art 3. Pourquoi l'utiliser ? 4. Swift Server dans la vraie vie 5. Évolutions 15

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1. Les origines 16

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Pourquoi Open Source ? 19

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2. État de l'art 25

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Swi! 3.1 26

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1.0 27

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1.1 28

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1.2 29

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2.0 30

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2.1 31

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2.2 32

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2.3 33

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3.0 34

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Swi! 3.1 35

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En 2015-16 1 version tous les 2 mois 36

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Un langage (presque) finalisé 37

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Un langage complet 38

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bibliothèques tierces 44

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Beaucoup de bibliothèques tierces stables 45

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Bibliothèques C 49

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Frameworks Web 50

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Swi! Package Manager 56

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SPM swift package init swift package fetch swift package update swift package generate-xcodeproj 57

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Swi! Package Catalog 58

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Quelques images Docker — swiftdocker/swift/ — ibmcom/kitura-ubuntu/ — zewo/todobackend/ 62

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Qualité du code 63

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Metriques de qualité Pour en savoir plus... to-see-in-your-app-swift-edition 68

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! 72

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Enfin... 73

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3. Pourquoi l'utiliser ? 74

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Développement actif 75

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Performance 82

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Performance 83

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Performance 84

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Mémoire Source: 85

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Applications isomorphes 86

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GCD 87

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4. Dans la vraie vie 88

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L'application Serveur 1. Routing 2. Fichiers statiques 3. Proxy YouTube 4. Caching 91

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Package.swi! import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "XebiaTV", dependencies: [ .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 5), .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1) ] ) 92

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Router import Foundation import Vapor let drop = Droplet() let categoryController = CategoryController() let youtubeController = YouTubeController() drop.get("/categories", handler: categoryController.categories) drop.get("/playlistItems", handler: youtubeController.playlistItems) drop.get("/search", handler: drop.get("/live", handler: drop.get("/video", String.self, handler: 93

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Fichiers statiques import Foundation import Vapor import Core import HTTP final class CategoryController { private let dataLoader = DataFile() func categories(_ req: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable { let fileBody = try dataLoader.load(path: drop.workDir + "Data/categories.json") return Response(body: .data(fileBody)) } } 94

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Proxy YouTube public final class YouTubeController { // ... func search(_ req: Request) throws -> ResponseRepresentable { let query = "\(googleApisBaseUrl)/search?key=\(apiKey)&channelId=\(channelId)" return try drop.client.get(query) } } 95

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// ... public func video(_ req: Request, videoId: String) throws -> ResponseRepresentable { let cacheKey = "video-\(videoId)" guard let cached = try cacheService.load(for: cacheKey) else { let urls = try videoUrls(for: videoId) try urls, with: cacheKey, expiration: cacheExpiration) return try JSON(node: urls) } return try JSON(node: cached) } private func videoUrls(for videoId: String) throws -> Node { guard let urls = try videoId) else { throw Error.noVideo } return Node(["urls": Node.array(urls)]) } 96

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Intégration avec LiveStreamer static func launch(_ command: String, args: [String] = []) throws -> Data { #if os(Linux) let task = Task() #else let task = Process() #endif let pipe = Pipe() task.launchPath = command task.arguments = args task.standardOutput = pipe task.launch() let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile() task.waitUntilExit() return data } 97

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Cache avec Redis public protocol CacheService { func load(for key: String) throws -> Node? func save(node: Node, with key: String, expiration: TimeInterval) throws } public class RedisService : CacheService { private let drop: Droplet public init(drop: Droplet) throws { try drop.addProvider(VaporRedis.Provider(config: drop.config)) self.drop = drop } public func load(for key: String) throws -> Node? { return try drop.cache.get(key) } public func save(node: Node, with key: String, expiration: TimeInterval) throws { try drop.cache.set(key, node) if let redisCache = drop.cache as? RedisCache { try redisCache.redbird.command("EXPIRE", params: [key, "\(Int(expiration))"]) } } } 98

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Build $ swift build Compile CLibreSSL xts128.c Compile CLibreSSL x_x509a.c Compile CLibreSSL xcbc_enc.c Compile CLibreSSL x_spki.c .... Compile Swift Module 'libc' (1 sources) Compile Swift Module 'SocksCore' (15 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Jay' (21 sources) Linking CLibreSSL Compile Swift Module 'Core' (28 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Routing' (11 sources) Compile Swift Module 'HTTPRouting' (5 sources) Compile Swift Module 'TypeSafeRouting' (3 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Cache' (3 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Auth' (15 sources) Compile Swift Module 'Vapor' (92 sources) Compile Swift Module 'VaporRedis' (2 sources) Compile Swift Module 'App' (6 sources) 99

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Tests class AppTests: XCTestCase { // ... Create a StubCategoryController func testCategoryRoute() throws { let drop = try makeTestDroplet(categoryController: StubCategoryController()) let request = try Request(method: .get, uri: "/categories") let response = try drop.respond(to: request) let jsonBody = try JSON(bytes: response.body.bytes!) XCTAssertEqual(jsonBody["categories"]?.string, "someCategory") } } 100

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Tout s'est bien passé™ 102

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Enfin... 103

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Cross platform #if os(Linux) import Glibc #else import Darwin #endif 106

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Swift Build 107

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Swi! Package Manager Mess swift package generate-xcodeproj 108

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Tester c'est linker (?) Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "test2.test2.init () -> test2.test2", referenced from: test2Tests.test2Tests.(testExample () -> ()). (implicit closure #1) in test2Tests.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 109

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5. Évolutions 110

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Encore plus de Frameworks 111

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Encore plus de APIs Swi! 112

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Peut-on le déployer en prod ? 115

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Oui ! 116

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Enfin... 117

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Merci ! 118

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Simone Cive!a 119

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Je suis un développeur iOS 120

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Je suis un développeur Back 121

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Enfin... 122

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Be a Be!er Developer beabe! 124

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