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@stefanjudis Everything You Should Know About Web Development in 2022

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@stefanjudis Things You Should Know About Frontend Development in 2022

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Good old times!

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Use the platform JavaScript all the way! Apps Sites

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@stefanjudis Heyo, I'm Stefan!

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TypeScript GraphQL Grid webp Font Display :focus-within ESM Lazy Loading PWA JAMStack Zero-Config JavaScript Cypress Serverless Web Components

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It's fine to disagree... (Back then and today)

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... and I'll miss topics you consider important. (Back then and today)

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TypeScript GraphQL Grid webp Font Display :focus-within ESM Lazy Loading PWA JAMStack Zero-Config JavaScript Cypress Serverless Web Components

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TypeScript GraphQL Grid webp Font Display :focus-within ESM Lazy Loading PWA JAMStack Zero-Config JavaScript Cypress Serverless Web Components Played out

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TypeScript GraphQL Grid webp Font Display :focus-within ESM Lazy Loading PWA JAMStack Zero-Config JavaScript Cypress Serverless Web Components Evolved

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TypeScript GraphQL Grid webp Font Display :focus-within ESM Lazy Loading PWA JAMStack Zero-Config JavaScript Cypress Serverless Web Components Sorta played out

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The state of the platform

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.grid { grid-template-columns: [a] auto [b] minmax(min-content, 1fr) [b c d] repeat(2, [e] 40px) repeat(5, auto); } CSS Grid and its incredible power arrived!

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AVIF arrived! 2000 x 1333px Original 333KB MozJPG 115KB Webp 72KB AVIF 32KB

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* * Partial support

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:fullscreen :modal :picture-in-picture :auto-fill :enabled :disabled :read-only :read-write :placeholder-shown :default :checked :indeterminate :blank :valid :invalid :in-range :out-of-range :required :optional :user-invalid :dir() :lang() :any-link :link :visited :local-link :target :target-within :scope :playing :paused :current :past :future :root :empty :nth-child :nth-last-child :first-child :last-child :only-child :nth-of-type :nth-last-of-type :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-of-type :hover :active :focus :focus-visible :focus-within :is() :not() :where() :has()

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:fullscreen :modal :picture-in-picture :auto-fill :enabled :disabled :read-only :read-write :placeholder-shown :default :checked :indeterminate :blank :valid :invalid :in-range :out-of-range :required :optional :user-invalid :dir() :lang() :any-link :link :visited :local-link :target :target-within :scope :playing :paused :current :past :future :root :empty :nth-child :nth-last-child :first-child :last-child :only-child :nth-of-type :nth-last-of-type :first-of-type :last-of-type :only-of-type :hover :active :focus :focus-visible :focus-within :is() :not() :where() :has()

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section h1, article h1, aside h1, nav h1 { font-size: 25px; } :is(section, article, aside, nav) h1 { font-size: 25px; } :where(section, article, aside, nav) h1 { font-size: 25px; } :is() and :where() Specificity: 0,0,2 Specificity: 0,0,1

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:has() The parent family selector Game changer alert!

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form:has(:focus) {} form:has(:invalid) {} form:has(:valid) {} form:has(:placeholder-shown) {} Form handling

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figure:has(> figcaption) { /$ ..& *( } a:not(:has(> svg)) { /$ ..& *( } article:has(>h1):has(>h2) { /$ ..& *( } h1:has(+ p) { /$ ..& *( } form:has(:focus-visible) { /$ ..& *( }

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Hello World!
world!<*div> <*div>

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Hello World!
world!<*div> <*div> div { background: blue; color: white; }

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Hello World!
world!<*div> <*div> div > div { background: blue; color: white; }

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Hello World!
world!<*div> <*div> div:has(> div) { background: blue; color: white; }

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world!<*div> <*div> div + div { background: blue; color: white; } World!

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Hello World!
world!<*div> <*div> div:has(+ div) { background: blue; color: white; }

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We yet have to discover all the new :has() patterns!

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* * Behind layout.css.has-selector.enabled flag

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@container Container queries Game changer alert!

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Hello world!<*section> <*div> .container { container-type: inline-size; container-name: article; } Hello world!

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Hello world!<*section> <*div> .container { container: article / inline-size; } Hello world!

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.container { container: article / inline-size; } section { background: blue; } Hello world!
Hello world!<*section> <*div>

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.container { container: article / inline-size; } section { background: blue; } @container article (min-width: 200px) { section { background: red; } } Hello world!
Hello world!<*section> <*div>

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.container { container: article / inline-size; } section { background: blue; } @container article (min-width: 200px) { section { background: red; } } Hello world!
Hello world!<*section> <*div> 150px

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.container { container: article / inline-size; } section { background: blue; } @container article (min-width: 200px) { section { background: red; } } Hello world!
Hello world!<*section> <*div> 250px

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.container { container: article / inline-size; } section { background: blue; } @container article (min-width: 200px) { section { background: red; } } Hello world!
Hello world!<*section> <*div> 150px

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100 vw 100 vh 100 cqw 100 cqh New units!

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Speaking of units... All browsers ship large, small, and dynamic viewport units!

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.posts { container-name: posts; } @container posts (background-color: #f8a100) { .post { color: #fff; } } The future — Container Style Queries

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.posts { container-name: posts; } @container posts (-,mode: blue) { .post { color: #fff; } } The future — Container Style Queries

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* * Staring with version 109 shipping Jan 2023. Container Size Queries

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Truly Component-driven CSS Container queries enable you to style elements based on their size whereas :has() lets you style them based on their content!

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Truly Component-driven CSS Container queries enable you to style elements based on their size whereas :has() lets you style them based on their content! THIS IS HUGE!!!

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Nevertheless, the web needs more components!

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Alert Avatar Badge Breadcrumb Button Card Checkbox Datepicker Dialog File Flex Focusgroup Icon Image Menu Popup Radio Button Select Skeleton Slider Switch Table Tabs Text Toast Tooltip

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Alert Avatar Badge Breadcrumb Button Card Checkbox Datepicker Dialog File Flex Focusgroup Icon Image Menu Popup Radio Button Select Skeleton Slider Switch Table Tabs Text Toast Tooltip

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Pick one<*button> <*span> <*div>
Benedek<*option> Carmen<*option> Jeremias<*option> <*div> <*div> <*selectmenu> selectmenu and popup Not ready yet...

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const dialog = document.querySelector('dialog'); dialog.showModal(); // to close the dialog use `close` dialog.close(); A new Dialog API

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View transitions Huge game changer alert!

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async function navigate(data) { if (!document.createDocumentTransition) { await updateTheDOMSomehow(data); return; } const transition = document.createDocumentTransition(); await transition.start(async () =. { await updateTheDOMSomehow(); }); }

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View transitions SPA

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TypeScript goes mainstream...

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Do I really need this?

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/** * @param {string} p1 - A string param. * @param {string=} p2 - An optional param (Closure syntax) * @param {string} [p3] - Another optional param (JSDoc syntax). * @param {string} [p4="test"] - An optional param with a default value * @return {string} This is the result *( function someMethod(p1, p2, p3, p4 = 'test') { // TODO }

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function someMethod( p1: string, p2?: string, p3?: string, p4 = "test" ): string { // TODO }

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TypeScript Less time spent in docs Fewer bugs Max developer productivity

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TypeScript is the language we need for complex stu!.

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The state of the web

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Everybody uses React because everybody uses React because everybody uses React.

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But what for?

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Video platforms Blogs Shops Image & Illustration software Marketing sites Games Productivity Apps PWAs Streaming sites Social Networks

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Website Web App

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Website Web App Grey zone

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Website Web App Grey zone

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MPA vs. SPA Multi Page App Single Page App

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First render (All of it!) index.html main.css jQuery.js A Fetch-Render Waterfall some-spaghetti.js DB Calls API Calls API Calls API Calls Server Browser index.html DB Calls API Calls API Calls API Calls All done!

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<*App> App Sidebar Nav Main TweetBox Tweets SideBar Trends OtherNonSense Data for OtherNonSense Data for Trends Data for Tweets A Render-Fetch Waterfall (aka "fetch as you render")

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<*App> App Sidebar Nav Main TweetBox Tweets SideBar Trends OtherNonSense Data for OtherNonSense Data for Trends Data for Tweets A Render-Fetch Waterfall (aka "fetch as you render") Network? CPU? Memory?

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You can make your server fast, but you can't control the user's network. Remix docs

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The JAMStack era

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The Jamstack era

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The modern web development era?

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SSR Server Side Rendering

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SSR Server Side Rendering CSR Client Side Rendering

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SSR Server Side Rendering CSR Client Side Rendering SSG Static Site Rendering

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SSR Server Side Rendering CSR Client Side Rendering SSG Static Site Rendering DPR Incremental Static Regeneration Distributed Persistent Rendering ISR

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What should you use? As always, it depends...

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... but every tech choice has trade o!!

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We'll live on the edge Partially at least

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Server delivering HTML CSS, JavaScript, Images coming from a CDN

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HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images coming from a CDN

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HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Images coming from a CDN Edge compute

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We yet have to learn what "edge" means but frameworks will lead the way.

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Tooling advances and moves away from JavaScript

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Testing evolved

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Slide from my 2019 talk

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// @ts-check const { test, expect } = require("@playwright/test"); test.describe("navigation", () =. { test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) =. { // Go to the starting url before each test. await page.goto(""); }); test("main navigation", async ({ page }) =. { // Assertions use the expect API. await expect(page).toHaveURL(""); }); });

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npx playwright test -,workers 4 // playwright.config.js const config = { workers: process.env.CI ? 2 : undefined, }; module.exports = config;

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const button = page.locator('button') await page.locator(click) expect(button).toBeHidden() Auto-wait and web-first assertions make waitFor statements redundant.

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Playwright testing (one moment in time) Playwright monitoring (over time)

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Will we move up the stack?

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Higher level components

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// pages/_app.js import { Inter } from '@next/font/google' // If loading a variable font, you don't need to specify the font weight const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] }) export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( ) } next/image Higher level components

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Let's see where we'll go next...

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Container Queries :has() View Transitions AVIF Playwright Rendering patterns Popup Edge Compute End-to-end Type Safety Rust/Go Tooling

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How to stay up to date?

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You can't always be cutting edge...

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... use what works for you!

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@stefanjudis Thanks.