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Structured logging Embrace the power of machine-readable logs

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“ Logging: The process of recording events during the execution of a computer program.

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22:55:40 INFO Initializing hub 22:55:40 INFO Starting webserver 22:55:42 INFO Incoming connection from 22:55:42 DEBUG Connection upgraded 22:55:42 DEBUG Received message: “ping”

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>>> import logging

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log = logging.getLogger()“Starting up”) log.warning(“Something is going wrong here”)

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“ Structured logging: Logging events with specific fields (key=value)

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INFO[07-07|22:55:42] Incoming connection component=websocket.serveWs remote= DBUG[07-07|22:55:42] Connection upgraded component=websocket.serveWs remote= event=connection.upgraded DBUG[07-07|22:55:42] Received a message component=websocket.connection remote= event=connection.message message=ping

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>>> import structlog

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Structlog example >>> log = get_logger() >>> log = log.bind( … user=”nick”, … remote=”” … )

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Structlog example >>>“”, message=”ping”) 22:55:42 DEBUG user=”nick” remote=”” message=”ping” event=””

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“Unstructured” logs suffer from two big problems

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It is difficult to parse 1

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Humans are rarely the first consumer of logs

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Why? Parsed and sent to graphite Filtered or transformed with awk/cut/grep/sed Shipped to logstash/graylog/splunk

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Parsing free-form logs is hard

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Jul 15 15:33:06 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:25:90:4d:0c:a8 via bond0 Jul 15 15:33:06 dhcpd: DHCPOFFER on to 00:25:90:4d:0c:a8 via bond0 Jul 15 15:33:06 dhcpd: DHCPDISCOVER from 00:25:90:4d:0c:a8 via bond0.106 Jul 15 15:33:29 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 84:2b:2b:6a:ee:24 (idrac-3MQ1Y4J) via bond0

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Grok filter ((%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:timestamp})\s* dhcpd\S+\s* (%{WORD:dhcp_action})?.* [for|on] (%{IPV4:dhcp_client_ip})?.* [from|to] (%{COMMONMAC:remote_mac_addr})?.* via (%{USERNAME:interface}))

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Machine-readable log event { "timestamp": "Jul 15 15:33:06 +0000", "program": "dhcpd", "message": "Offering DHCP lease", "event": "DHCPOFFER", "offered_ip": "", "remote_mac_addr": "00:25:90:4d:0c:a8", "interface": "bond0" }

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Structured logs are perfect for computers to consume 1

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JSON makes my eyes bleed

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JSON access logs $ parse-nginx-log \ --filename /var/log/nginx/access.log \ --fields status,remote_addr,request 302 GET /cgi-bin/rtpd.cgi HTTP/1.0 302 GET / HTTP/1.1 200 GET / HTTP/1.1 200 GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1

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Individual messages lack context 2

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22:55:42 INFO Incoming connection from 22:55:42 DEBUG Connection upgraded 22:55:42 DEBUG Received message: “ping”

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INFO[07-07|22:55:42] Incoming connection component=websocket.serveWs remote= DBUG[07-07|22:55:42] Connection upgraded component=websocket.serveWs remote= event=connection.upgraded DBUG[07-07|22:55:42] Received a message component=websocket.connection remote= event=connection.message message=ping

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Context makes filtering and correlation simple 2

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Ask yourself: Will I ever feed this to a computer?

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Thanks! ANY QUESTIONS? @NickGroenen

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Credits Many thanks to ◦ SlidesCarnival for providing the design for this presentation. ◦ My employer Byte for hosting these meet-ups.