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What's New In PHP 7.4?

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Hello! I am Jeremy Lindblom Longtime PHP lover and co-organizer of azPHP You can find me at @jeremeamia 2

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“ I did not develop the PHP we know today. Dozens, if not hundreds of people, developed PHP. I was simply the first developer. —  R A S M U S   L E R D O R F  — 3

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Thank You Nikita Popov nikic is an exceptional programmer, and has been responsible for so many of PHP’s recent improvements, both in performance & syntax. 4

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Let’s Review Let’s start by remembering features that were added in PHP 7.2 and 7.3 5

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PHP 7.2 ◦ object type ◦ libsodium ◦ Limited variance ◦ Trailing comma (use) ◦ Argon2 hash alg ◦ New Multibyte funcs ◦ Zip ext enhancements Recent Additions PHP 7.3 ◦ Improved here/nowdoc syntax ◦ Trailing comma (params) ◦ Destructuring with references ◦ Multibyte improvements ◦ array_key_first/last() ◦ JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR 6

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What’s New? Let’s take a look at some of the new features coming next month in PHP 7.4 7

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1. Typed Properties Can we type everything now? I think so!

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Typed Properties class Model { private array $data; private bool $loaded; private string $name; } 9

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What Types Can I Use? array int string bool float object 10 iterable ? callable void

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2. Improved Covariance and Contravariance Yay! Factories with generic return types!

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Limited Return Type Covariance interface Client {...} class MyClient implements Client {...} abstract class ClientFactory { abstract protected function create(): Client; } class MyClientFactory extends ClientFactory { protected function create(): MyClient {...} } 12

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Contravariance in Parameters class Mapper { public function map(Iterator $i) {...} } class ArrayMapper extends Mapper { public function map(iterable $iter) { return parent::map(iterator_for($iter)); } } 13

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3. Preloading Preloading frameworks into opcache? Nice!

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Preloading ◦ Part of Opcache ◦ Write a PHP script to preload files ◦ Executed once on server startup ◦ All preloaded files are available in memory for ALL requests ◦ Changes made to the source file won't have any effect, until the server is restarted 15

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Preloading # In your INI opcache.preload=/path/to/preload.php # In your preload.php $files = /* files to preload */; foreach ($files as $file) { opcache_compile_file($file); } 16

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4. Unpacking in Arrays Making arrays that much more sweet.

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Unpacking Arrays $data = ['b', 'c', 'd']; $more = ['a', …$data, 'e', 'f']; # Works with Iterators too $other = ['a', …$iterator, 'e']; # But not with Associative Arrays 18

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Goodbye iterator_to_array(); # These two lines do the same thing $array = iterator_to_array($iter); $array = […$iter]; # Again, it doesn’t work with # associative arrays. 19

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5. Arrow Functions (Short Closures) One-liner array_maps are easy on the eyes.

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Arrow Functions / Short Closures $add = 5; # Before array_map(function($num) use ($add) { return $num + $add; }); # After array_map(fn($num) => $num + $add, $numbers); 21

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6. Null Coalescing Assignment More weapons in the war against NULL.

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Null Coalescing Operator // Way Before $params['greet'] = isset($params['greet']) ? $params['greet'] : 'hello'; // Before $params['greet'] = $params['greet'] ?? 'hello'; // After $params['greet'] ??= 'hello'; 23

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7. Weak References For more intentional memory optimizations.

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Weak References 25

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Weak References $obj = new Thing(); $ref = new WeakRef($obj); // Later if ($ref->valid()) { $myObj = $ref->get(); } else { throw new Exception('object destroyed'); } 26

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8. Numeric Literal Separator Better readability for funky numbers.

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Numeric Literal Separator $dec = 299_792_458; $hex = 0xFFFF_A974; $bin = 0b0101_1111; 28

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9. Exceptions in toString Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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Exceptions in __toString class URL { // … public function __toString() { throw new Exception('YOLO!'); } } // NOT A FATAL ERROR ANYMORE! 30

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10. New Custom Serialization Methods Do we finally have good/safe serialization?

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New Serialization ◦ Old way: ◦ __sleep() and __wakeup() methods ◦ Serializable interface ◦ New __serialize() and __unserialize() ◦ Addresses issues with previous implementations ◦ Serializable interface will be deprecated 32

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New Custom Serialization Methods class Foo { private $bar; public function __serialize(): array { return ['bar' => $this->bar]; } public function __unserialize(array $data) { $this->bar = $data['bar']; } } 33

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34 Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: ◦ @jeremeamia ◦ azPHP Meetups

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Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ◦ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ◦ Photographs by Unsplash 35

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Resources ◦ ◦ 36