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70th Tokyo.R @kilometer BeginneR Session 1 -- Bayesian Modeling -- 2018.06.09 at Microsoft Co.

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Who!? 名前: 三村 @kilometer 職業: ポスドク (こうがくはくし) 専⾨: ⾏動神経科学(霊⻑類) 脳イメージング 医療システム⼯学 R歴: ~ 10年ぐらい 流⾏: ガジュマル

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BeginneR Session

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Before After BeginneR Session BeginneR BeginneR

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BeginneR Advanced Hoxo_m If I have seen further it is by standing on the sholders of Giants. -- Sir Isaac Newton, 1676

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BeginneR Session 1 -- Bayesian Modeling --

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What is modeling? Welcome to Bayesian statistics Agenda

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What is modeling?

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What is modeling? ℎ f X ℎℎ Truth Knowledge

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What is modeling? ℎ f X ℎℎ Truth Knowledge Narrow sense Broad sense

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“Strong” Hypothesis “Weaken” Hypothesis Data Data What is modeling? Hypothesis Driven Data Driven

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What is modeling? f X ℎℎ . f X ℎℎ . ℎ ℎ Hypothesis Driven Data Driven

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What is modeling? A/B test Hypothesis Driven やったこと ないけどね! or A B HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2 Strong hypothesis A B * Simple data

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What is modeling? Meta Analysis H0 : There are best/better way Weaken hypothesis Complex data みんなこれの事を なんて呼ぶの? Data Driven

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What is modeling? Data Driven Analysis Hypothesis Driven Analysis How to do? What to do? Decision Making Weaken Hypothesis Strong Hypothesis Simple Data Complex Data

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What is modeling? Data Driven Hypothesis Driven How to do? What to do? Decision Making Weaken Hypothesis Strong Hypothesis Simple Data Complex Data Simple Model Complex Model

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What is modeling? Data Driven Hypothesis Driven How to do? What to do? Decision Making Weaken Hypothesis Strong Hypothesis Simple Data Complex Data Simple Model Complex Model Narrow sense Broad sense

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What is modeling? ℎ f X ℎℎ Truth Knowledge Narrow sense Broad sense

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or A B HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2 A B * A is better

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There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad. Dalí is a dilly. 1956 , The American Magazine, 162(1), 28–9, 107–9. -- Salvador Dalí

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or A B HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. A B There is a difference between A and B A>B A is better d H1 :

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Welcome to Bayesian statistics

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Dice with α faces (regular polyhedron) ℎ … Truth Knowledge ? Hypothesis Observation = 5

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( = 5| = 4) = 0 Dice with faces = 5 ( = 5| = 6) = 1 6 ( = 5| = 8) = 1 8 ( = 5| = 12) = 1 12 ( = 5| = 20) = 1 20 likelihood maximum likelihood

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likelihood maximum likelihood you = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} ( = | = 4) = 0 ( = | = 8) = 1 810 ( = | = 12) = 1 1210 ( = | = 20) = 1 2010 ( = | = 6) = 1 610 Dice with faces

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you Could you find α? Yes. α is estimated at 6!! Why do you think so? Hmmmm…, well.., how many ( = 6)? Oh, it is d edf !! ….nnNNNO!!! WHAT!!???? friend Because, arg maxi {(|)} = 6!!

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Dice with faces ( = | = 6) = 1 610 maximum likelihood you(before) you(after) ( = 6|)!!?? Hmmmm… Well.., how many ( = 6)? friend = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4}

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= 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ = 1 , … , p realization x <- sample(, 1) ∶= ∀ = || sample space (can NEVER get) stochastic variable probability distribution <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5) = hist(, freq = FALSE, label = TRUE) = 2 ~ ⇔ t → : number of trial

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∶ → = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ = 1 , … , p realization sample space (can NEVER get) = = ∀ = || probability distribution g <- function( = 6) { map(1:∞, ~sample(1: , n=10, replace = TRUE)) } = <- g() X <- density() ~ x → t → ⇔ ~(|) statistical modeling outcome function of face dice

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probability distribution sample space | = ~ (|) ∶ → parameter = 1 , … , p ∈ | realization X <- map(1:∞, ~g()) x <- sample(X, 1) = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ statistical modeling

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( = | = 6) = 6 = !!?? = 6 = 12 = 20

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~z (|) : → ~ (|) : → ∈ ∈ | ← = {1 , … , ∞ } x | ← , ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 t ← = 1 , … , ∞ x t ← , ∀ ∈ ℕ, ∀ ≤ , (|) (|) statistical modeling statistical modeling

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∀ ≤ | ← = {1 , … , ∞ } x | ← , ∈ {4, 6, 8, 12, 20} t ← = 1 , … , ∞ x t ← , ∀ ∈ ℕ, ∀ ≤ , ~(|) ~ (|)

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Conditional probability () () ∩ = ( ∩ )

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∗ ∗ () = = ) ∗ () () ℎ () ≠ 0, Bayes’ theorem ∩ = ( ∩ )

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= ) ∗ () () ℎ () ≠ 0, ~ (|) = ) ∗ () ~ (|) : → : →

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likelihood = ) ∗ () () ℎ () ≠ 0, = ) ∗ () ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : →

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= = likelihood = ) ∗ () ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : → | ← = 1 , … , ∞ t ← = 1 , … , ∞ , ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20

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likelihood = …{ ∗ (|) ∀i } marginalization ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 likelihood = ) ∗ () ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : → = =

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likelihood = ) ∗ | ∑ { ∗ (|) ∀i } ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : → = ) ∗ ()

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likelihood maximum likelihood you = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} ( = | = 4) = 0 ( = | = 8) = 1 810 ( = | = 12) = 1 1210 ( = | = 20) = 1 2010 ( = | = 6) = 1 610 Dice with faces

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likelihood = ) ∗ | ∑ { ∗ (|) ∀i } ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : → (|) = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ sample space (can NEVER get)

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likelihood = ) ∗ | ∑ { ∗ (|) ∀i } (|) = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ sample space CAN NEVER GET . ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : →

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∀ | ≅ ∀ |‰ = 1 5 ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 (|) likelihood = ) ∗ | ∑ { ∗ (|) ∀i } ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : →

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= ) ∑ { ∀i } ≈ ) 1.7485 − 08 = (|) 4 + 6 + 8 + 12 + 20 likelihood ≅ ) ∗ |′ ∑ { ∗ (|′) ∀i } , ℎ ∀ |′ = 1/5 ~ (|) ~ (|) : → : →

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( = | = 6) = 1 610 maximum likelihood you ≅ (| = 6) 1.7485 − 08 Hmmmm… Well.., how many ( = 6)? friend ≈ 94.85% = 6 = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces

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6 ≈ 94.58% 4 = 0% 8 ≈ 5.32% 12 ≈ 0.09% 20 ≈ 0.0005% 4 X‰ = 1 5 6 X‰ = 1 5 8 X‰ = 1 5 12 X‰ = 1 5 20 X‰ = 1 5 prior probability posterior probability MAP(Maximum a posteriori) estimation arg i {(|)}= 6

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= {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces 11 ≤ 6|6 ∗ 6 ≈ 94.58% 11 ≤ 6|4 ∗ 4 = 0% 11 ≤ 6|8 ∗ 8 ≈ 3.99% 11 ≤ 6|12 ∗ 12 ≈ 0.046% 11 ≤ 6|20 ∗ 20 ≈ 0.0001% 11 ≤ 6 ≈ 98.62% predictive probability

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you OK, let’s try 11!! friend (11 ≤ 6|) ≈ 98.62% And, = 6 ≈ 94.58% = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces

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you OK, let’s try 11!! friend (11 ≤ 6|) ≅ 98.88% And, = 6 ≅ 94.85% 11 = 8 = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces

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you OK, let’s try 11!! friend (11 ≤ 6|) ≈ 98.62% And, = 6 ≈ 94.58% 11 = 8 = 6 {, 11 } = 0% = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces

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= {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces ́ = {, 8} likelihood ≅ ) ∗ |′ () posterior prior Dice with faces likelihood ́ ≅ ́ ) ∗ |′′ (́) prior

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= {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} Dice with faces ́ = {, 8} likelihood ≅ ) ∗ |′ () posterior prior Dice with faces likelihood ́ ≅ ́ ) ∗ | (́) prior posterior

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X‰ = 20%, 20%, 20%, 20%, 20% prior posterior = {4, 6, 8, 12, 20} ≈ 0%, 94.58%, 5.32%, 0.09%, 0.0005% posterior ́ ≈ 0%, 0%, 99.98%, 0.020%, 0.0000004% prior = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4} ́ = {, 8}

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you OK!!! Let’s 12 !! COME OOON friend (12 ≤ 8|́) ≈ 99.98% And, = 8 ́ ≈ 99.98% Dice with faces ́ = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 8}

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There was nobody that then know their whereabouts...

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likelihood posterior ≅ ) ∗ () likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution predictive distribution data prior

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likelihood posterior ≅ ) ∗ () predictive distribution () (|) Truth Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling prior likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution data

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likelihood prior posterior ≅ ) ∗ () predictive distribution () (|) —˜ (| = − () Kullback–Leibler divergence Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling Truth = − log − − log = log likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution data expectation self-information

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= › ∗ log () (|) = › ∗ log () − › ∗ log (|) = −•(t) − › ∗ log (|) Generalization error ≔ min ” —˜ (| ⇔ min ” Entropy WAIC Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling Kullback–Leibler divergence —˜ (| = log = −[()] − › ∗ log (|)

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likelihood prior posterior ≅ ) ∗ () predictive distribution () (|) Truth Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling —˜ (| = −• + Generalization error ≈ likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution data

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likelihood prior posterior ≅ ) ∗ () likelihood posterior distribution predictive distribution () (|) Truth Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling evidence = − log ≔ —˜ (| = −• + Generalization error ≈ likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution data self-information

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≔ = − log = log () () − log () = log () () ∗ 1 () ”(z) = = log () () − log () = —˜ (| − … p ∗ log (p ) p —˜ (| = − •(z) evidence Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling

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likelihood prior posterior ≅ ) ∗ () likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution predictive distribution data () (|) Truth Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling evidence —˜ ( | = −•(t) + —˜ ( | = − •(z) Free energy Generalization error ≈ ≈ = − log ≔ self-information

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Dice with α faces (regular polyhedron) ℎ … Truth Knowledge ? Hypothesis Observation = {5, 4, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4}

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∶ → = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ = 1 , … , realization sample space (can NEVER get) = = ∀ = || probability distribution = <- g() X <- density() ~ x → t → ⇔ ~(|) statistical modeling outcome function of face dice g <- function( = 6) { map(1:∞, ~sample(1: , n=10, replace = TRUE)) }

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~ (|) : → ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 (|) = 6 = 12 = 20 t ← = 1 , … , ∞ x t ← , ∀ ∈ ℕ, ∀ ≤ ,

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~ (|) : → (|) log ( ) = 6 = 12 = 20 (|) = 8 likelihood = 6 ∈ 4, 6, 8, 12, 20 t ← = 1 , … , ∞ x t ← , ∀ ∈ ℕ, ∀ ≤ ,

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~ (|) : → log ( ) = 6 = 12 = 20 (|) = 8 likelihood ~ (|) ~ (|) : → (|) = =

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~ (|) : → log ( ) = 6 = 12 = 20 (|) = 8 likelihood ~ (|) ~ (|) : → (|) = ) ∗ | (|) ≅ ) ∗ |′ ∑ { ∗ (|′) ∀i } = ) ∗ () () Bayes' theorem likelihood prior posterior

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log ( ) = 6 = 12 = 20 (|) = 8 likelihood = 6 ≅ 94.58% = 6 ℎ ∀ |′ = 1/5 ~ (|) : → ~ (|) ~ (|) : → (|) = ) ∗ | (|) ≅ ) ∗ |′ ∑ { ∗ (|′) ∀i } likelihood prior posterior

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~ (|) : → ~ (|) ~ (|) : → (|) = ) ∗ | (|) ≅ ) ∗ |′ ∑ { ∗ (|′) ∀i } likelihood prior posterior log ( ) = 6 = 12 = 20 (|) = 8 likelihood = 6 ≅ 94.58% = 6 ℎ ∀ |′ = 1/5

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likelihood prior posterior ≅ ) ∗ () likelihood | ”(t|i)∗”(i|z) | ”(||z) ”(t|i) prior distribution posterior distribution predictive distribution data () (|) Truth Information Criterion in Bayesian modeling ebidence —˜ ( | = −•(t) + —˜ ( | = − •(z) Free energy Generalization error ≈ ≈ = − log ≔ self-information

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Oh, by the way…

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or A B HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. A B There is a difference between A and B A>B A is better θ H1 :

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or x y HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. x y There is a difference between x and y A>B A is better θ H1 : = t − § § ← | ”(t|i) ©ª t ← | ”(t|i) ©¬ ←

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or x y HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. x y There is a difference between x and y A>B A is better θ H1 : = t − § t - ← | ← | ”(|│z) ”(t│i) § - ← | ← | ”(°│±) ”(§│²)

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or x y HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. x y There is a difference between x and y A>B A is better θ H1 : ³ ← [t , § ] t - ← | ← | ”(|│z) ”(t│i) § - ← | ← | ”(°│±) ”(§│²)

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or x y HA : A is better HB : B is better H0 : We have to choice better 1 of 2. x y There is a difference between x and y A>B A is better θ H1 : ³ ← [t , § ] t - ← | ← | ” ” § - ← | ← | ” ”

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Summary, again…

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What is modeling? ℎ f X ℎℎ Truth Knowledge Narrow sense Broad sense

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What is modeling? f X ℎℎ . f X ℎℎ . ℎ ℎ Hypothesis Driven Data Driven

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∶ → = 1 , … , ∞ , ∀ ∈ ℕ = 1 , … , p realization sample space (can NEVER get) = = ∀ = || probability distribution = <- g() X <- density() ~ x → t → ⇔ ~(|) statistical modeling outcome function with parameter g <- function( = 6) { map(1:∞, ~sample(1: , n=10, replace = TRUE)) }

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| ← = {1 , … , ∞ } x | ← t ← = 1 , … , ∞ x t ← ~(|) ~ (|) (, ) Bayesian Modeling

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v.s. me “MUST be wholy REJECTED!!!” “p-value **cking!!!” Frequentist Bayesian Old Stereotype

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f X ℎℎ . f X ℎℎ . ℎ ℎ Hypothesis Driven Data Driven ∶ → ∶ → →

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“Life shrinks or expands to one’s courage.” -- Anaïs Nin, 2000

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Before After BeginneR Session BeginneR BeginneR ?

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Enjoy!! KMT©

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Bar DraDra KMT©