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“@{dataBinding}” talk:title= @{dataBinding} @lisawrayz

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textView.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds( ContextCompat.getDrawable(this,, null, null, null); Problem: Repetitive Java boilerplate @{dataBinding} findViewById, casts setters are verbose/confusing toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

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Problem: Repetitive Java boilerplate @{dataBinding} findViewById, casts setters are verbose/confusing XML layout is limited Manually keep track of UI updates

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What is it? @{dataBinding} A framework to connect your model and your UI Once or persistently

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An XML attribute for every Java setter @{dataBinding} What else is it?

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Custom XML attributes @{dataBinding} What else is it?

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Overwrite Android XML attributes @{dataBinding} What else is it?

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An alternative to custom views @{dataBinding} What else is it?

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O.K., show me!

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Find the views Set custom font Set button colors Load and set the image Set title

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Before: inflate and find views CollapsingToolbarLayout appBarLayout = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(; ImageView backdropImageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; Button upvoteButton = (Button) findViewById(; Button downvoteButton = (Button) findViewById(; setContentView(R.layout.activity_pet_detail); After PetDetailBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView (this, R.layout.pet_detail);

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Before:Java if (pet != null) { appBarLayout.setTitle(pet.getName()); } After:XML

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Before: Java Typeface lobster = FontCache.getInstance().get("LobsterTwo-Bold"); appBarLayout.setCollapsedTitleTypeface(lobster); appBarLayout.setExpandedTitleTypeface(lobster); After:XML

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Before:Java After:XML switch( { case UPVOTE: upvoteButton.setSelected(true); downvoteButton.setSelected(false); break; case DOWNVOTE: …

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Before: Java Glide.with(this).load(pet.getImageUrl()).into(backdropImageView); After:XML

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Making the connection

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PetDetailBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView (this, R.layout.pet_detail); Before: Java … After:XML binding.setPet(pet); PetDetailBinding binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView (this, R.layout.pet_detail); Your old layout goes here Your model object

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100% generated Java code Uses bitwise flags to mark ‘dirty’ One traversal to find all views How does it work? @{dataBinding}

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layout/pet.xml generated: PetBinding.image .title .upvote @{dataBinding}

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@{ }

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Existing attributes Pet.getName() app:title="@{}"

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android:text android:textColor Existing attributes android:drawableLeft android:src … and many, many more

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Attributes for every Java setter View.setSelected()

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app:imageUrl="@{pet.imageUrl}" Custom attributes

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@BindingAdapter({"bind:imageUrl"}) public static void loadImage(ImageView view, String url) { Glide.with(view.getContext()) .load(url) .into(view); } Bindings You pick The view you’re binding Attribute

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app:font Custom attributes @BindingAdapter({"bind:font"}) public static void setFont(TextView textView, String fontName) { Typeface type = FontCache.getInstance().get(fontName); textView.setTypeface(type); } Bindings Tinkerbell

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app:collapsedTitleTypeface="@{`LobsterTwo-Bold`}" app:expandedTitleTypeface="@{`LobsterTwo-Bold`}" Custom attributes @BindingAdapter("bind:expandedTitleTypeface") public static void setExpandedTitleTypeface( CollapsingToolbarLayout layout, String fontName) { Typeface type = FontCache.getInstance().get(fontName); layout.setExpandedTitleTypeface(type); } @BindingAdapter("bind:collapsedTitleTypeface") public static void setCollapsedTitleTypeface …

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Evaluate simple expressions app:selected=“@{vote == VOTE.UPVOTE}"

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before: if (pet != null) { appBarLayout.setTitle(pet.getName()); } after: android:text=“@{}” Avoid NPEs android:text=“@{}”

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@BindingAdapter("android:indeterminateTint") public static void setIndeterminateTint( ProgressBar progressBar, int color) { Drawable toTint = progressBar.getIndeterminateDrawable().mutate(); toTint.setColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN); } Overwrite Android attributes

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layout/family.xml … layout/pet.xml …

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One way binding Model changes, view is updated Persistent binding

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enum VOTE { UPVOTE, DOWNVOTE, NONE } public class VoteState { public final ObservableField vote = new ObservableField(); } Persistent binding

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enum VOTE { UPVOTE, DOWNVOTE, NONE } public class VoteState extends BaseObservable { private VOTE vote; @Bindable getVote(); setVote(VOTE vote) { = vote; notifyChanged( } } Persistent binding

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“In beta”, you said “It’ll be fun”, you said

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Gradle integration Syntax highlighting Code completion (2.0.0-alpha5) View and debug generated code Android Studio and You

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Refactoring “Convert to data binding” shortcut “Clean project” required sometimes Still to come …

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Android Studio tips tools:text=“Jane Doe” tools:ignore="UnusedAttribute" Declare namespaces in layout tag Use tools: prefix for layout preview Ignore lint warnings

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app/build.gradle android { dataBinding { enabled = true } } How do I get started?

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fonts: docs: @lisawrayz