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More than you wanted to know about Service Objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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4 Things About Me Coding In The Bad Old Days Meet Service Objects Service Object Nirvana What's In It For Me? Hey Kid, Wanna Build One? Tips & Tricks Questions & Closing I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. 00 Todays Agenda More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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01 More than you wanted to know about Service objects 4 Things About Me My Family My Dogs My Company Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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01 Too much Destiny More than you wanted to know about Service objects Hit me up on gee-forr on PSN. gee_forr on Steam. Let's raid. Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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A story about the bad old days More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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V Logic in your views More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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C What about controllers? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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M Models are the perfect place for my logic, right? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Mixed concerns Single use context Hard to refactor Difficult to extend Painful to test More than you wanted to know about Service objects ⇣ The downside Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Developer, meet Service Object. Service Object, meet developer. More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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A Service Object is a Plain old Ruby Object, that is meant to decompose business logic into manageable classes and methods. Rob Race, Hackernoon ( “ ” Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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03 More than you wanted to know about Service objects What makes a Service Object great? 7 Preferably via a single public method like call() It Does One Thing 8 Simple Services can compose together to implement complex processes They Can Chain Together F Gives you more than a simple boolean return value Complex Return Objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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03 Let's get meta More than you wanted to know about Service objects Two types typically found in the wild: Actions & Composers Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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What changed when I started using Service Objects in my code? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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04 What Changed? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Give some input Test some output Stub friendly Tests became easier     Change friendly architecture Limited blast radius for changes Logic can be swapped out easily Logic can be dropped easily Changes to reqs are simpler      Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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04 What Changed? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Logic reuse Reuse across situations Reuse became a reality    Objectively simpler code Most code fits in a screen More devs can contribute Less complexity → more quality Lower overall code complexity L     Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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04 What Changed? More than you wanted to know about Service objects Clear codepath Linear logic flow Self-documenting sequencing Flattened structure with no or minimal nesting Explicit Flow C     Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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05 More than you wanted to know about Service objects What can I expect if I use Service Objects? Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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05 What is this? More than you wanted to know about Service objects What does it do?

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05 How about now? More than you wanted to know about Service objects

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05 Great if you're DHH More than you wanted to know about Service objects Not so great for the rest of us. Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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05 Any clearer now? More than you wanted to know about Service objects

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05 Let's take a closer look More than you wanted to know about Service objects

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IssuesJWT IssuesCookie FetchExistingUserForOpenIDPayload CreateUserForOpenIDPayload More than you wanted to know about Service objects 05 Simpler feature refactoring LogUserIn Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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UpdateWhileYouWereGoneNotifications SendWelcomeBackEmail IssuesJWT FetchExistingUserForOpenIDPayload FetchExistingUserForOpenIDPayload More than you wanted to know about Service objects 05 Modular logic at the process layer LogUserIn Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Services have easily stubbable or mockable inputs, and easily testable outputs Organisers take code on a journey, traversing through a 'full stack'. They implement a process end to end. Treat like unit tests Services Treat like integration tests Organisers

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Web Controllers Async jobs Rake tasks 05 Use outside of just web requests More than you wanted to know about Service objects Your application is more than just a series of HTTP transactions Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Controllers become super boring. 0 resist the temptation to send params as primary argument Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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06 Let's build one More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Tip, Tricks, etc 07 More than you wanted to know about Service objects Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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07 Name after steps in business process. Avoid naming after implementation details. InviteFriend is better than CreateLinkedUser Actions P Naming More than you wanted to know about Service objects Name after business processes Organisers f Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Not traditional. Publish/ Subscribe Framework Wisper ! Plenty of features. Responsive developer. Light-Service ^ Can be very powerful. D.R.Y? more like D.I.Y, amirite? Dry-rb B Battle-tested. Simple. Core features supported. Has plugins. Recommended. Interactor V 07 More than you wanted to know about Service objects Picking a Service Object Framework 01 02 03 04 Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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07 Programatically generate action sequences

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More than you wanted to know about Service objects Sidekiq Worker Service Object Hybrid Service Object × Async Worker

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08 Khop khun krab! More than you wanted to know about Service objects Gabriel Fortuna / / @gee_forr Zero One / / @we_are_zero_one Kill some mediocrity with us - We're hiring. Seriously, let's play Destiny. PSN: gee-forr. Steam: gee_forr Zero One × Rubyconf TH

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Rubyfuza February 2020 Cape Town South Africa