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and other adventures in ChatOps Puppet at GitHub

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@wfarr GitHub Operations Known Aliases: King of Kebabs The Computer Guy Mr. RealTalk Probably a delinquent

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The State of Puppet at GitHub 

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub boxen/puppet-* 

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub ~1 YEAR OLD

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub OPEN SOURCED 3 MONTHS AGO

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub ~180 PUBLIC MODULES

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub 2 EXTERNAL MAINTAINERS @fromonesrc @JHaals

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The State of Puppet at GitHub THE STACK 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub PUPPET 3.2 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub MASTER-LESS 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub RUBY 1.8.7 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub RUN MANUALLY 

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub github/puppet 

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 The State of Puppet at GitHub ~5 YEARS OLD

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2010 2011 2012 2013

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CODE COMMITS  The State of Puppet at GitHub

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CODE ADDITIONS  The State of Puppet at GitHub

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CODE DELETIONS  The State of Puppet at GitHub

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CONTRIBUTIONS (PAST YEAR) ~2k commits ~150 commits  The State of Puppet at GitHub

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CONTRIBUTIONS (PAST YEAR) ~23% of all commits  The State of Puppet at GitHub

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The State of Puppet at GitHub AN AVERAGE WEEK About 50 Pull Requests and 25 Issues comprising 300 commits across 24 authors 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub THE STACK 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub PUPPET 2.7.GITHUB 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub SINGLE PUPPETMASTER 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub RUBY 1.8.7 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub RUN VIA CRON JOB 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub PUPPETDB 

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The State of Puppet at GitHub CUSTOM NODE DEFINITIONS 

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How GitHub writes Puppet 

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet PUPPETLABS/STDLIB

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet class redis::server( $data_dir = '/var/lib/redis', $manage_service = false, $package = 'redis-server' ) { validate_bool($manage_service) validate_absolute_path($data_dir) validate_re($package, '^redis2?-server$', "Redis::Server[${name}]: package must be either redis-server or redis2-server: $ {package}") }

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet DATA MUNGING

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet define ruby::version( $env = {} ) { $default_environment = { 'CC' => 'clang', 'CFLAGS' => '-O2' } $ruby_build_environment = merge($default_environment, $env) exec { "install ruby version ${name}": environment => join_keys_to_values($ruby_build_environment, '=') } }

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet RESOURCE HANDLING

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet class redis::server( $data_dir = '/var/lib/redis' ) { if ! defined_with_params(User[redis], { ensure => 'present' }) { user { 'redis': ensure => 'present', group => 'redis' } } }

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet $latest_tcs_version = "${::ruby::root}/versions/1.9.3-p231-tcs-github-1.0.30" $tcs_alias = "${::ruby::root}/versions/1.9.3-p231-tcs-github" $desired_params = { 'ensure' => 'link', 'target' => $latest_tcs_version, 'force' => true } File <| title == $tcs_version |> { ensure => link, target => $latest_tcs_version, force => true } ensure_resource('file', $tcs_alias, $desired_params)

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet GITHUB::ROLE::*

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet NODE CONFIGURATION

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node /^github-redis\d+[a-z]?$/ { class { 'github::role::redis': env => 'production', private_ipv4 => $::ipaddress, } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet ROLE CONFIGURATION

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class github::role::redis($env, $private_ipv4) { validate_re($env, '^(vagrant|staging|production)$') validate_re($private_ipv4, '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$') $monitor = $env ? { 'production' => true, default => false } class { 'github::core': monitor => $monitor, private_address => $private_ipv4 ; 'redis::server': bind_address => $private_ipv4, monitor => $monitor ; } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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 ABSTRACTION How GitHub Writes Puppet

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class github::core($monitor) { include github::common_packages include github::staff class { 'github::ssh': monitor => $monitor ; 'github::ipv6': ensure => absent ; } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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class github::ipv6($ensure = present) { if $::lsbdistcodename != 'squeeze' { file { '/etc/modprobe.d/ipv6': ensure => $ensure, mode => '0444', source => 'puppet:///modules/github//etc/modprobe.d/ipv6', } } else { $value = $ensure ? { present => 0, default => 1 } sysctl { 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6': value => $value, } } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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 AUGEAS How GitHub Writes Puppet

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class redis::server($bind_address, $data_dir, $monitor, $port) { redis::config { 'dir': value => $data_dir, require => File[$data_dir]; 'bind': value => $bind_address; 'port': value => $port; 'daemonize': value => 'yes'; } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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define redis::config($value, $ensure = present) { validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$') $changes = $ensure ? { present => "set ${name} ${value}", default => "rm ${name}" } augeas { "Set Redis config '${name}' to '${value}'": changes => $changes, context => '/files/etc/redis/redis.conf', lens => 'Redis.lns', incl => '/etc/redis/redis.conf', require => File['/etc/redis/redis.conf'] } }  How GitHub Writes Puppet

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 How GitHub Writes Puppet CODE SHARE

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 LIBRARIAN-PUPPET How GitHub Writes Puppet

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 HENSON How GitHub Writes Puppet

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How GitHub deploys Puppet 

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KEEP IT CLEAN  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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rodjek/puppet-lint   How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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KEEP IT GREEN  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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rodjek/rspec-puppet   How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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tmm1/test-queue   How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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KEEP IT LEAN  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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$ git commit -am "can't lint this" modules/github/manifests/role/redis.pp: syntax ok modules/github/manifests/role/redis.pp - WARNING: => is not properly aligned on line 118 1 errors found, aborting commit.  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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 How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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 How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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CHATOPS  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet env worker #=> production production production production production production  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet run worker2 #=> Running puppet on  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet noop feature_branch worker2 #=> Running puppet on --noop  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet force feature_branch worker2 #=> Running puppet on  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet disable worker2 #=> Disabling puppet on  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet enable worker2 #=> Disabling puppet on  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet last_run worker2  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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/puppet certs #=> "wills-macbook-pro.local" (A4:5B:AC:B9:E1:85:8B:2B:0E:8B:62:F9:03:32:C9:03)  How GitHub Deploys Puppet

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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boxen/puppet-*  The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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SHELL "REMEMBER TO RUN" SUPPORT The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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You haven't run Boxen in over a week. =( We really recommend running Boxen regularly. It's way better that way! Do you want to run boxen now? (y/N) y # boxen Updating Boxen. ... The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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OPT-OUT The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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touch $HOME/.boxen-never-prompt-for-updates The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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PUPPETMASTER SUPPORT The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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OPT-IN ONLY The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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HIERA SUPPORT The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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"uncomfortunities" The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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UBUNTU SUPPORT The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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UBUNTU PRECISE The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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github/puppet  The Future of Puppet at GitHub 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub RUBY 1.9.3 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub PUPPET 3.X 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub GPANEL: ENC 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub  lol censored

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub MCOLLECTIVE 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub REPLACING PARTS OF GITHUB/SHELL 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub STRUCTURED DATA > SED/AWK 

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The Future of Puppet at GitHub HIERA 

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THANKS puppet-at-github- puppetcamp-raleigh-2013