Self Introduction
● Takuya IwaGAMI
● Student of cornerstone college
● Scala / Golang / Google Computing Platform / ReactJS
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Next presentation
● Let’s enable ReactJS(redux)
Application to use API backend on
GCP (appengine + google datastore)
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Game for my nephew
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● Crossplatform game engine
○ ios, android
○ Usually written in cpp but
there’s javascript binding
● Can create a cool game
● Compared to Unity (´・ω:;.:...
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● Javascript!!!
● Take an advantage of fantastic Javascript ecosystem
(websocket, chrome developer tool, browser-sync)
● Easy to deploy
○ Push github if you use github pages
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● Less popular than Unity
● Can’t create a cool game like Unity
● Less information than Unity
⇒ In other words, cocos2d is suited for creating game 雑に
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Create a game 雑に
● Don’t use Javascript tools (webpack, gulp, ES1) , only use browser-sync
● Impossible to follow up-to-date js tools
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How to start!
● Let’s clone!
● Demo
● My recommended book