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Alice and the return to the world of pods and higher-order functions

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Roksolana Diachuk • Big Data Developer at Captify • Women Who Code Kyiv Data Engineering Lead • Member of Ukrainian Scala community • Speaker

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In previous episodes talks…

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Functional forest

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magic-db- cluster-0

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2 years later

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NAME READY STATUS AGE launcher-crd 1/1 Running 33s magic-db- cluster-0

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3 months passed

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{ “predictions”: [ [ “B-natural phenomenon”, “O”, “B-geographical entity”, “B-time indicator”, ] ] }

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{ “instances”: [Pods and higher- order functions are in danger]} Test

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5 Days passed

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“Oh, don’t be rude, Alice!
 I will only entertain you a bit with my riddle” “Like it explains anything”

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The past is the key to the future

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1 Day LAter

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Version Timestamp User Operation Comment 9 2021-11-01 Alice CREATE New pods created 10 2021-11-01 System DELETE All pods lost val deltaTable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, “/magic-db”) deltaTable.history()

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3 DayS LAter

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Alice has been thinking of the ways to help the pods but nothing came up.She decided to distract herself from anxious thoughts by the work tasks.

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anonym% There’s a way to help your friends Alice% What? How? anonym% You need to travel to their world Alice% But I don’t know how to get there anonym% There’s a passage close to you anonym% Follow my instructions Alice% But I don’t know how to get there anonym% You don’t Alice% How will I know that you’re telling the truth?

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“What is that?”

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“Oh my …”

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kafka-1 kafka-0 “Hello, Alice!”

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kafka-1 kafka-0 “What happened here?” “It’s a long story. Follow us”

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A few months ago new moment got started psql-0 “Freedom to the pods!!” And then pods started to disappear

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On one of the days someone set the factory on fi re Some pods found shelter in functional forest kafka-1 kafka-0

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“And what can I do from here?” “Actually, a lot!” kafka-1 kafka-2

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“Never used it, but I can fi gure it out” “You’ll need to use Zio-k8s” kafka-1 kafka-2

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Code generator support for custom resources Client for the Kubernetes API Support for operators

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Hand-written base code Generated code ZIO-k8s internals

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libraryDependencies ++= Seq( 
 "com.coralogix" %% "zio-k8s-client" % “1.4.8”, "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "async-http-client-backend-zio" % “3.1.1", “com.softwaremill.sttp.client3" %% "slf4j-backend" % “3.1.1" ) ZIO-k8s setup “Looks easy”

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case class Config(k8s: K8sClusterConfig) val configDesc = ConfigDescriptor.nested(“k8s") (clusterConfigDescriptor).to[Config] val config = TypesafeConfig.fromDefaultLoader[Config](configDesc) val pods = (client ++ cluster) >>>

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def getPod(namespace: String, name: String): IO[ContextInfoFailure, Pod] = { for { ns <- namespace maybePodName <- system .env(name) .mapError(reason => ContextInfoFailure.PodNameMissing(Some(reason))) … } } yield result }

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…. result <- maybePodName match { case Some(podName) => pods .get(podName, ns) case None => } } yield result }

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getPod("default", “magic-db-cluster-1") “Let’s get this pod!”

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“But where is this pod?” “We think they’re in another namespace” kafka-1 kafka-2

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getPod(“pods-freedom“, "magic-db-cluster-1") “Hmm, what about this namespace?”

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getPod(“pods-freedom“, "magic-db-cluster-1") NAME READY STATUS AGE pod/magic-db-cluster-1 1/1 Running 2y10d

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private def tailLogs(podName: String, containerName: Option[String]): ZIO[Pods with Console, K8sFailure, Unit] = pods .getLog(podName, K8sNamespace.pods-freedom, containerName, follow = Some(true)) .tap { line => console.putStrLn(line).ignore } .runDrain

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tailLogs(“magic-db-cluster-1", Some("magic-db")) 5 Nov 17:23:41 * ERROR! Can’t fi nd data storage location
 5 Nov 17:25:13 * ERROR! Can’t fi nd data storage location 5 Nov 17:28:03 * ERROR! Can’t fi nd data storage location 5 Nov 17:31:22 * ERROR! Can’t fi nd data storage location

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“What if we can move this pod back?”

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val updatedPod = magicDbPod .modify(_.metadata.each.namespace).setTo(“default") println(updatedPod)

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Code generation! Les boilerplate code Access control

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“Then let’s build something to move the pod” “???” kafka-1 kafka-2

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Custom object Service Namespace Volume Deployment StatefulSet ReplicaSet DaemonSet Pod

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apiVersion: kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: nstrains.transport namespace: default spec: group: transport versions: - name: v1 nstrain.yaml

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properties: spec: properties: image: magic-train replicas: 2 scope: Namespaced names: plural: nstrains singular: nstrain kind: NsTrain nstrain.yaml

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//sbt.plugins addSbtPlugin("com.coralogix" %% "zio-k8s-crd" % "1.4.8") //build.sbt externalCustomResourceDefinitions := Seq(file("crds/nstrain.yaml")) enablePlugins(K8sCustomResourceCodegenPlugin) CRD setup

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import nstrain.get("namespace-train", K8sNamespace.pods-freedom) “This should work!”

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“What’s happening?” kafka-1 kafka-2 “Some kind of blackout”

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import nstrain.get("namespace-train", K8sNamespace.pods-freedom)

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To be continued…

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Thank you for attention

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My contact info dead_flowers22 roksolana-d roksolanadiachuk roksolanad

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Stand with Ukraine