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Micro Frontends University of São Paulo USPCodeLab 1. July 2021 Michael Geers

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Breaking up the Monolith

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Ne w Tren d presented by The Frontend Monolith

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popular architectures nowadays Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Micro Frontends

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Michael Geers frontend engineer naltatis Twitter & GitHub author of the book Micro Frontends in Action and the website building tailored e-commerce systems

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The Agenda 🧙 What? 🧚 Why? 👩🏭 How? 🤹 Related Stuff

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🧙 What are micro frontends?

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Nov. 2016 2017 2019 source: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar

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A De fi nition 1/3 Our preferred (and proven) approach is to split the browser-based code into micro frontends. In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features, and each feature is owned, frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed, tested and deployed independently from other features. … source: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Michael Geers / @naltatis

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A De fi nition 1/3 Our preferred (and proven) approach is to split the browser-based code into micro frontends. In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features, and each feature is owned, frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed, tested and deployed independently from other features. … source: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Michael Geers / @naltatis

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pages & fragments* * aka includable Micro Frontends, Podlets, Parcels, Pilets, … Michael Geers / @naltatis

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teams can own one or more pages 2 33 $ 66 $ 99 $ buy 2 1 66 $ 1 1 list home detail basket payment confirm $ $ %% Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Customer Journey Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Team Decide Team Inspire Team Checkout Fragment Fragment Page fragments are embedded mini-applications Michael Geers / @naltatis

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A De fi nition 2/3 Our preferred (and proven) approach is to split the browser-based code into micro frontends. In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features, and each feature is owned, frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed, tested and deployed independently from other features. … source: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Team Missions Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Cross Functional Teams ux/design, frontend backend, data science, ops Self-Contained Systems separate applications that don’t rely on each other End-to-End Responsibility from user interface to database Independent Teams & Systems Michael Geers / @naltatis like a chunky microserivce, but with its own UI

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stream-aligned teams book recommendation about structuring your organisation’s teams & systems Michael Geers / @naltatis

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each team ships user interface Michael Geers / @naltatis

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A De fi nition 3/3 Our preferred (and proven) approach is to split the browser-based code into micro frontends. In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features, and each feature is owned, frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed, tested and deployed independently from other features. … source: ThoughtWorks Technology Radar Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Independent Deployments Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Real World Projects

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Klingel Group 5 teams from 4 software companies 
 15 brands, 12 countries, ~65 shops

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Team Search category page Team Checkout mini basket Team Decide wishlist Team Account login status 
 support Team Inspire promotion 
 inspiration Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Team Search navigation Team Checkout mini basket Team Decide wishlist product page Team Account login status 
 support Team Inspire promotion Michael Geers @naltatis

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Team Checkout new basket entry Team Decide add-to-cart layer Team Inspire recommendations

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Team Checkout login page Team Inspire recommendations Team Account feedback 
 support Michael Geers / @naltatis

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PayPal Egnineering Blog PayPal Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Who uses micro frontends? logos link to the sources Michael Geers / @naltatis

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👩🏭 How can they be implemented?

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putting it back together

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What needs to be integrated? Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Spotify web player (until early 2019) & Desktop App composition with iframes Michael Geers / @naltatis

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buy for 66 € 0 items 0 items


buy for 66 € server Team Decide reverse-proxy (nginx, …) server Team Checkout /red-tractor


/checkout/basket /checkout/buy /red-tractor composition on the server 
 using SSI or ESI

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 composition in the browser with custom elements Michael Geers / @naltatis

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class InspireReco extends HTMLElement { constructor() {...} 
 connectedCallback() {...} 
 attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldVal, newVal) {...} 
 disconnectedCallback() {...} 
 } window.customElements.define(“inspire-reco“, InspireReco) is created attached to DOM removed from DOM, cleanup! someone changed an attribute create your own custom element

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2 33 $ 66 $ 99 $ buy 2 1 66 $ 1 1 list home detail basket payment confirm $ $ %% Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Customer Journey page transitions using links Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Linked Single Page Apps Uni fi ed Single Page App page transitions between SPAs Michael Geers / @naltatis

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jobs of the application shell? ‣ central entry point for the user ‣ can load, start and stop all SPAs ‣ switches between SPAs if necessary Michael Geers / @naltatis

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single-spa ‣ ready-to-use application shell ‣ most popular solution ‣ plugins for nearly all frameworks ‣ also supports composition Michael Geers / @naltatis

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different forms of communication Michael Geers / @naltatis

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API communication only inside a system Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Michael Geers / @naltatis asynchronous replication between backends

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🧚Why would I use micro frontends?

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🥇 faster feature development …

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three 8-person teams are more effective than one 24-person team Michael Geers / @naltatis

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teams should be decoupled

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Frontend Payment Service Content Service Operations Platform Business Attributes Service Specialist Teams Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Cross Functional Teams grouped around a use case or customer need grouped around a skill or technology Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Frontend Payment Service Content Service Operations Platform Business Attributes Service Specialist Teams Team Inspire Team Decide Team Checkout Cross Functional Teams grouped around a use case or customer need grouped around a skill or technology Developing a Features Meeting s waiting for others ⏳ Michael Geers / @naltatis

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custome r focu s direct feedback no pure API teams

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fronten d renovatio n without throwing everything away

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technology change becomes a team decision Michael Geers / @naltatis

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🤹 related stuff

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avoid micro frontend anarchy 
 just because you can, doesn’t mean you should 🧀 🍩 🫐 🥦 🌶 🥓 🍆 🍟 🍊 🥖 Technology Radar #23 ‣ agree upon technologies ‣ make it easy to get started ‣ facilitate alignment across teams ‣ don’t over-regulate Michael Geers / @naltatis

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🐌 performance

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🚴 micro frontend sites can be very fast or slow - it’s mostly about good engineering all using a 
 micro frontends 
 architecture source: Textil Wirtschaft Analyses of loading performance (LCP) in German fashion e-commerce shops

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🐘 🐘 🐘 reducing redundancy

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smaller tools mean less redundancy larger runtime hyperapp small runtime 🐘 🦆 Michael Geers / @naltatis

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reusing vendor libraries between systems with import maps with module federation A B C central library repository lib-1 lib-2 A B C lib-1 lib-2 peer-to-peer approach applications can reuse already loaded libraries from inside other applications applications can reference central libraries to reduce their bundle size ♻

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🧫 testing & quality

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testing in isolation fragments are self-contained they can work without a page context mock fragment this page works even without fragments from others majority of tests

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more details on how to do it M A N N I N G Michael Geers Michael Geers / @naltatis my book

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book examples

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need more? article by Cam Jackson article by Gustaf Nilsson Kotte 
 blogposts by Florian Rappl blogposts by Luca Mezzalira 👓 awesomelist by Rajasegar Chandran Michael Geers / @naltatis

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thank you for listening! stay healthy Michael Geers / @naltatis

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Low Top Turnschuhe Natã Romualdo turnschuhe-2904284/ Monolith 1 Jeff Hendricks Monolith 2 Rana Osman Buildings Juhasz Imre buildings-business-425047/ Metal Blade Russ Ward Man Welding Metal Kateryna Babaieva metal-2880871/ Action Bicycling Roman Pohorecki biking-287398/ Running Kids (me) The Tool Guy Tirachard Kumtanom Woodshop Igor Ovsyannykov Tractors Manufactum image credits built with micro frontends