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Client-Server GUI Web Components With Ext JS And Rails Max Gorin @uptomax

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Challenges hundreds of data models most of which need a dedicated GUI comlpex compound views

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Our options?

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Conventional MVC partial hell

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Monolithic client side connected to Rails API Monstrous client-side code Separated client and server code duplicated logic no single point of configuration

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Pain to maintain!

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Something better client-server GUI components

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Divide and conquer!

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Floralogic app

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Orders nested in...

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ShipmentsAndOrders nested in...

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Workspace nested in...

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My tools Rails Mostly ActiveRecord & ActiveSupport Sencha Ext JS Rich extendable views with JavaScript Netzke ( Binding those together in a modular way

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Netzke component

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Netzke component

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Netzke::Basepack::Grid class Contacts < Netzke::Basepack::Grid def configure(c) super c.model = "Contact" end end

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Netzke::Basepack::Grid CRUD pagination sorting filtering/searching association support on-the-fly column configuration and more

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Modular development

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Tests first!

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Mocha specs describe 'Orders', -> it 'searches by seller', (done) -> wait -> expect(gridCount('Orders')).to.eql 5 select 'One', from: combo('seller_id') wait -> expect(gridCount('Orders')).to.eql 3 select 'Two', from: combo('seller_id') wait -> expect(gridCount('Orders')).to.eql 2 done()

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Running specs

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Nesting class ShipmentsAndOrders < Netzke::Base component :shipments do |c| c.klass = Shipments::Grid end component :orders do |c| c.klass = Orders::Grid end def configure(c) super c.items = [:shipments, :orders] end end

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Client-side code handles user clicking a shipment outside of this talk's scope

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Dynamic component loading

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Can have hundreds of models and even a bigger number of components

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Loading them at once? bad idea let's load them on request

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class Shipments < Netzke::Basepack::Grid component :attachment_window do |c| c.klass = Attachment::Window end end

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client code onManageAttachments: function(){ var row = this.getSelectionModel().selected.first(); if (row) { this.netzkeLoadComponent('attachment_window', { clientConfig: { id: row.get('id') }, callback: function(w){; } }); } }

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Recapping: our arms reusability ✓ extensibility (OOP) ✓ modular development ✓ composability (nesting) ✓ dynamic loading ✓

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About Max Gorin author and maintainer of @netzke on Rails since 2007 freelance nomad since 2008 tweets at @uptomax

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