We shipped migrated code the
day a!er starting this
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The Theory
Components (or directives in Angular)
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Migrating a component
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Write the React component
import React, { Component } from 'react'
class ListingsButton extends Component {
// code left out to save space :)
render() {
return (
Buy now!
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But how do we embed this within Angular?
Angular directives are used as if they were custom HTML elements:
Rihanna at The O2
Buy now
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With ngReact
Rihanna at The O2
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We can continue this strategy, migrating the other
components to React:
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And now we can migrate this into one big React
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import ListingsTitle from './listings-title'
import ListingsButton from './listings-button'
class ListingsItem extends Component {
render() {
return (
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And update our template
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And we now rinse and repeat
as we replace Angular with
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We cannot break the store
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Unit tests
Migrated from Angular to React + added to as
Unit tests are coupled to the
implementation code.
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Acceptance tests
Automated tests that are entirely
decoupled to the application code.
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Slow to run - so we select key
user flows to cover.
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Keeping people happy and productive
We knew this migration was going to be at least 6
months, more likely closer to a year. 1
1 It was a year
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Momentum & Prioritisation
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One of the goals of this migration is to make it easier to
fix bugs with confidence.
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Pick work based on bugs and
churn rate, not code quality
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Mix larger, multi-week work
with short, 1-2 day work, to
keep momentum.
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Break down large work into smaller cards and pull
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Feature branches
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Release early, release o!en
Encourages small pull requests and units of work
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Release early, release o!en
Keeps momentum up in the team and keeps risk to a
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Release early, release o!en
! Easier to react 2 to a bug if release causes it
2 pun very much intended
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The scout's rule
Always leave things better than when you found them.
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A migrated codebase is not a
perfect code base
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The next time you touch some code, you'll know more
about it than before.
So why make it perfect now?
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The lo!ery factor
Thanks to https://twitter.com/aaronjrandall for the term
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Metrics, metrics, metrics
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Migrations are a good excuse
to upgrade your tools.
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By providing a mix of migration
tasks (big, small, visual,
"under the hood", tooling),
we're able to keep work fun
and interesting
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The most important people to
convince are not in your tech
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And they don't care about
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"React's lifecycle methods and
small API is easier for developers
to learn"
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"React's state model is less
magical; its unidirectional data flow
really simplifies code and makes it
easier to reason about"
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"Right now when you ask us for a
new feature, or bug fix, it's hard
and takes a long time to fix and
have confidence that we've not
inadvertently broken anything else"
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"We will improve our mobile load
time + performance so users on
mobiles should see fewer issues
and have a nicer experience"
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Fix bugs that cause pain for
other departments
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Keep people in the loop
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Deal with !
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We put a lot of work into making sure things don't go
wrong on production.
But unfortunately they will, at some point.
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There are two types of
developer 3
3 shamelessly stolen from Twitter! https://twitter.com/beerops/status/866808660030345218
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Those who have broken production
Those who are about to break
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Apologies to the 3 people who
bought tickets for a concert on
the wrong day in Tokyo
because of me !
We did fix it though and sort these people out! :)
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1. What? went wrong
2. Why? did we not catch it
3. How? did we fix it
4. How? will we prevent it happening again
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It's a two way street
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1. Don't migrate for the sake of
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2. Plan, plan and plan again
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3. Cross business
communication is so
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4. Prioritise based on pain
points in your current
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5. Mix up tasks based on
difficulty + type to keep it
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6. Have metrics to track
progress internally and
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7. Don't expect to migrate
perfectly the first time