Slide 51
Slide 51 text
Principle of Dynamic squeezing
x(0) = 0n
, I(0) = ∅ ;
u(0) = dualscal(y);
t = 1 // iteration index
// Squeezing test
(c(t), r(t)) = sphere_param(x(t−1), u(t−1), I(t−1)) ;
I(t−½) = squeezing_test(c(t), r(t)) ;
I(t) = I(t−½) ∪ I(t−1) ;
// Iterations of the optimization procedure
(x(t), u(t)) = optim_update(x(t−1), u(t−1), I(t))
// Update iteration index
t = t + 1
until convergence criterion is met;
Output: x(t), I(t)
Clément Elvira Séminaire équipe SCEE 22/28