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The chronicle of earning points with RWS Vol.01 2013/09/11 Collaborative Application Group, IT department , Tatsuya Sato

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Who am I?

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3 As Developer •  Rubyist – For 10 years •  tDiary Contributor – tDiary is 日記 engine, not Blog. •  Other Information – Github: – Twitter: – Blog:

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4 Affiliation •  Tatsuya Sato •  System Developer •  IT Department, Development Unit.

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5 Resume •  2009, Joined Rakuten, Inc. •  2011, Rakuten PaaS Project. – Launched PaaS system based on Cloud Foundry – Support for Ruby developers •  2013, IT Dept. – Developing new HR system for globalizing.

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6 Rakuten Tech Talk

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7 Rakuten Tech Conf., 26th Oct.

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8 Keynote Speech: Matz, the father of Ruby

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9 Keynote Speech: Dave Thomas, Pragmatic Programmer

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The chronicle of earning points with RWS

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11 2010 Total 6,013 pt

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12 Earned with only Twitter

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13 Problems •  Bother to find items…

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14 Automate it with RWS!

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15 Architecture Me!

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16 Issue •  How to find keyword to fetch items? – Main issue still exists.

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17 2011 Total 17,667 pt

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18 Developed 2 applications •  東北支援 •  ItemNetwork

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19 東北支援 •  Introduce items related with reconstruction for Tohoku earthquake –  Search items with ‘東北震災 復興支援’ and similar keywrods. –  Uses Rakuten Ichiba Item Search API

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20 ItemNetwork •  Crawling #RakutenBookmark tag on Twitter •  Find twitter users who bookmarks a same item and tweets. – – Uses Rakuten Ichiba Item Search API

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21 2012 Total 21,808 pt

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22 Developed 2 applications •  売れてる技術書 – Twitter bot tweeting technology books

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23 売れてる技術書 @populartechbook •  Tweet O’reilly’s book ranking – Rakuten Books Search API

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24 2013 Total 3,964 pt

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25 Why? •  I’ve not developed application yet. •  Busy. Just busy now.

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26 The Next Step: To Fix SPoF Me! Bottle Neck

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27 Thanks •  Let’s make :money

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28 Web Service SDK … PHP only

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29 rakuten_web_service

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30 Feel free to contact me •  Feel free to contact me – If you want to use it – If you want to contribute to it