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Ember.js: The Architecture Advantage Luke Melia GothamJS July 12th, 2013

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About this Javascript Developer 2

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Relevant Experience 3 2 Years of Ember under my belt

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Relevant Experience 4 6 Consumer-grade Ember.js apps

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Relevant Experience 5 44 Commits to Ember.js

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Ember.js NYC Meetup 6

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“I’m evaluating Javascript MVC frameworks.” 7

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8 Smart developers experiment with technologies before making big choices...

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Smart developers experiment with technologies before making big choices... 9

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...and they visit with the community around a project. 10

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But it’s hard to know what it’s like to actually live with it. 11

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12 How does a framework support you as the size and complexity of your app increases? How does a framework support you as the size and complexity of your app increases? How does a framework support you as the size and complexity of your app increases?

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Ember’s approach shines as the size and complexity of an app grows. 13 Let’s look at why.

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This talk is not an Ember tutorial. 14

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This talk is an exploration of the value of good architecture in Ember.js... 15

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...with pictures of New York City... 16

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...and no pictures of cats. 17

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18 Unless it’s a Broadway cat!

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19 Or a subway cat.

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What are the qualities of a framework that supports app evolution well? 20

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It should be clear where code belongs and where to find it. 22

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You should have to write and maintain the least amount of code necessary. 23

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Change in one area of your app should not affect other areas. 24

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25 ๏ Well-Organized ๏ Eliminates Boilerplate ๏ Loosely Coupled

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26 ๏ Well-Organized ๏ Eliminates Boilerplate ๏ Loosely Coupled

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27 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template

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28 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template Templates define the HTML to render.

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29 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template Models encapsulate the data and logic of your problem domain.

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30 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template Controllers present data to a template for rendering, by proxying models and by managing local transient state.

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31 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template The Router transitions between a collection of routes, each representing a high-level application state. Each Route coordinates models and controllers for its state and handles high-level events appropriately.

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32 Clear Delineation of Responsibilities Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Template Views execute DOM-related logic.

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33 A map helps you know where you are and where to find things.

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The router DSL is a map of your app 34 PostRoute will load the Post model into the PostController and render the “post” template into the main outlet.

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The router DSL is a map of your app 35 CommentsRoute will render the “comments” template with the CommentsController into the main outlet of the “post” template.

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Pods of Functionality Ember apps are organized by hanging Controller-Template pairs off of each Route, providing clear boundaries and isolation. 36

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Go with the Flow Ember apps have a clear flow of data and events. 37

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38 A clear flow of data and events Router Controller Controller View View Template Model Model Model Model Data flows down from models via bindings Events flow up from view layer to the router Router updates models & controllers based on events Template

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Ember Components Web components while we’re waiting for web components. 39

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Truth in Javascript ๏ Not in DOM ๏ Not in the URL 40

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41 ๏ Well-Organized ๏ Eliminates Boilerplate ๏ Loosely Coupled

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Convention Over Configuration 42

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Convention Over Configuration 43 PostController instance

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Convention Over Configuration 44

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Convention Over Configuration 45

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ObjectController 46 All properties not defined on the ObjectController will be delegated to the model.

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Convention Over Configuration 47 Default behavior

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A Sidenote on Embracing Asynchrony 48 the model hook is Promise-aware

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Convention Over Configuration 49 Default behavior

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Convention Over Configuration 50

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Active Generation 51

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Convention Over Configuration 52

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53 ๏ Well-Organized ๏ Eliminates Boilerplate ๏ Loosely Coupled

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54 Logicless templates Ember uses Handlebars, a superset of the Mustache templating language. Emphasis on keeping logic out of the template.

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Logicless Templates 55 Yep. Nope. Not even possible.

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Data-bound Templates 56 All data-bound! Property paths in Ember Handlebars expressions are automatically observed and updated upon change.

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Uniform Access Principle “All services available through a module should be available through a uniform notation, which does not betray whether they are implemented through storage or computation.” Bertrand Meyer 57

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58 Uniform Access Principle in Basic Javascript

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59 Uniform Access Principle in Basic Javascript

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60 Uniform Access Principle in Ember.js

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61 Uniform Access Principle in Ember.js

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63 The Ember Router is a state machine ■ State machines are a proven way to reduce complexity in apps ■ External components send events to a state machine without knowing what state it is in – the current state will handle it ■ Similar win as polymorphism – very decoupled

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64 The Ember Router is a state machine Template Router Current Route action action Template Router Product Route logout logout OrderConfirmation Route vs.

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65 The Ember Router is a hierarchical state machine ■ Hierarchical state machines allow better modeling of common event handling ■ Events start at the current route and flow up to parent routes until a route handles it ■ The router provides a natural hierarchy

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66 The Ember Router is a hierarchical state machine

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67 The Ember Router is a hierarchical state machine ApplicationRoute ProductRoute OrderRoute ShippingRoute BillingRoute ConfirmationRoute

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68 The Ember Router is a hierarchical state machine ApplicationRoute ProductRoute OrderRoute ShippingRoute BillingRoute ConfirmationRoute ApplicationRoute OrderRoute BillingRoute

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Ember’s Container & Resolver 70 ■ The Container is the crux of Ember’s dependency injection. ■ Dependency injection is another proven design pattern for reducing coupling. ■ Instead of an object instantiating its collaborators, the container “injects” them at creation time.

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Ember’s Container & Resolver 71 Container App & framework code lookup(‘controller:post’)

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Ember’s Container & Resolver 72 Container App & framework code lookup... Resolver resolve(‘controller:post’) The DefaultResolver will convert “controller:post” to “PostController” and return that from the App global. The Container instantiates it with any registered injections. App.PostController

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Ember’s Container & Resolver 73 Container App & framework code lookup... Custom Resolver resolve(‘controller:post’) Substitute a custom Resolver to integrate Ember’s conventions with your module and file system conventions. No globals, no requires, no cruft! requireModule( ‘app/controllers/post’ )

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Room for Improvement ๏ Ember’s container-ization is not yet 100% complete ๏ Controllers can become junk drawers ๏ Persistence libraries are still evolving ๏ The Ember global is unavoidable for now ๏ Approaching 1.0, asymptotically 74

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75 Thanks to awesome Flickr people

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76 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A

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77 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A

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78 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A

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79 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A

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80 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A

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81 Follow me @lukemelia Some examples appear courtesy of my company, Yapp Labs. We are available for Ember.js-related consulting. Contact [email protected]. Q & A