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All power of bleeding edge deep learning technologies to build clever bots &

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Uma plataforma de código aberto que permite a troca de mensagens em tempo real entre colaboradores, clientes e fornecedores relevantes. Rocket.Chat STARS 17.4K FORKS 3.7K CONTRIBUTORS 416 RASA NLU STARS 3K FORKS 1K CONTRIBUTORS 76

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MUDANÇAS DE PARADIGMA 80s - desktop & clients 90s - browser & websites 00s - smartphones & apps 10s - it’s the turn of messaging & bots

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On-Premises On Cloud Implementação Instale no seu próprio servidor. Ideal para empresas que lidam com informações sigilosas. Na sua Infraestrutura Rode de forma segura e escalável. Não se preocupe com a parte técnica. Na nuvem da Rocket.Chat

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Exemplo de Customização Change Theme Colors

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How chatbots work Dialog Engine NLP API Chat usuário Intenção 1 Ação 1 Resposta Intenção 2 Resposta

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we wanted more…

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STACK RASA uses Python libraries for machine learning, deep learning and natural language understanding, making it the most powerful and promising open source framework in the scene. RASA Stack is made of 2 independent solutions: RASA NLU & RASA Core Rasa Stack

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CORE domain.yml Rasa Stack

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CORE Arquivo de histórias Rasa Stack

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CORE … or they can be trained using interactive learning, like this Rasa Stack

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NLU Configurar seu próprio pipeline de NLU nlu_model_config.json

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NLU Configurar seu próprio pipeline de NLU nlu_model_config.json

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NLU RASA Natural Language Understanding Um interpretador próprio que pode funcionar como um server http: "I am looking for Mexican food" returns:

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CORE INTERESTING RASA Core can track conversation status, by saving information about users interactions with the bot, and execute a action according with a certain custom policy Rasa Stack

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STACK CARACTERÍSTICAS POSITIVAS - Powerful deep learning engine - Separated NLU server - MS LUIS and WIT.AI compatible - NLU pipeline rendering - Interactive Learning tool - Easy configuration file syntax - Custom Policy and Featurization for model tuning NEGATIVAS - Needs Deep Learning skills for model tuning - Configuration UI is not Free (RASA Platform) - Early project with NO analytics, plugins, and not much examples available

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/BOTS Mande um e-mail para [email protected] @diego.dorgam Converse com a gente no Rocket.Chat Acesse o servidor do time da Rocket.Chat no link . Teste a plataforma e nos encontro nos canais: ● #general General discussion channel ● #support Rocket.Chat support channel