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Research Dr. Oliver Kopp JabRef e.V. @koppor Markdown Architectural Decision Records: Capturing Decisions Where the Developer is Working Keynote at the Workshop “Second Software Documentation Generation Challenge (DocGen2)”

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2 Architectural Decisions  “Let us use Angular and Spring for our Web App because everybody else does, it will look good on our CVs.”  “We chose GSON as our JSON Java parser because of its superior performance shown in PoCand the active community support for it.”  G. Booch: “Architectural decisions are the design decisions that are costly to change” More information

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3 ThoughtWorks thinks…

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4 MADR (minimal) # [short title of solved problem and solution] ## Context and Problem Statement [Describe the context and problem statement, e.g., in free form using two to three sentences. You may want to articulate the problem in form of a question.] ## Considered Options * [option 1] * [option 2] * [option 3] ## Decision Outcome Chosen option: "[option 1]", because [justification. e.g., only option, which meets k.o. criterion decision driver | which resolves force force | … | comes out best (see below)]. Full MADR:

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5 MADRs in JabRef

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6 Example MADR

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7 Example MADR (part 2)

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8 Discussion: Should it get closer to the code?

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9 Discussion: Closer to the Code? Embedded Architectural Decision Records

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10 What to do in a new project?

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11 Example MADR in JabRef

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12 Example MADR in Eclipse Winery

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13 Markdown Architectural Decision Records MADR

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14 Generalizing MADR

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15 Problem Space and Solution Space Source: Olaf Zimmermann et al.: Architectural Decision Guidance across Projects, WICSA 2015

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16 Process Around Creation Source: Olaf Zimmermann et al.: Architectural Decision Guidance across Projects, WICSA 2015

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17 Existing GADRs

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18 Tooling GADR JabRef Eclipse Winery

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19 Tooling

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20 Missing Tooling: AD-Mentor in the Web Source: Olaf Zimmermann et al.: Architectural Decision Guidance across Projects, WICSA 2015

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21 Conclusion and Outlook  MADR as lightweight decision record format  GADR as knowledge capturing format  GitHub Pull Request Check  Is an ADR referenced?  Better Tooling for Governance (AD Mentor in the Web)  Definition of a process  Collection of GADRs  @koppor

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22 Background

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23 Y-Statement In the context of , facing we decided for and neglected , to achieve , accepting , because . U. Zdun, R. Capilla, H. Tran, O. Zimmermann, Sustainable Architectural Design Decisions, IEEE Software, Volume 30, Number 6 (2013).

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24 Michael Nygard’s Lightweight Decision Record # NUMBER. TITLE Date: DATE ## Status STATUS ## Context The issue motivating this decision, and any context that influences or constrains the decision. ## Decision The change that we're proposing or have agreed to implement. ## Consequences What becomes easier or more difficult to do and any risks introduced by the change that will need to be mitigated. More markdown-based records:

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25 Overview on existing templates Source: Olaf Zimmermann et al.: Architectural Decision Guidance across Projects, WICSA 2015