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http/2 is here, let’s optimize now let’s make it easy Rebecca Murphey / DotJS 2015 / Paris

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http/2 one connection 
 per host* handles 
 all requests server push 
 (no more inlining!) prioritization https required 
 by browsers * through connection coalescing, hosts that resolve to the same IP can share the same connection

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Designed for the web that is, 
 not for the web that was.

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There’s a lot we still don’t know about how HTTP/2 should work in the real world.

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How will servers support HTTP/2?

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How a web server determines what a 
 client needs before the client knows
 is seriously challenging, especially for 
 general-purpose web servers which need to allow site owners to tune certain aspects for best performance and reliability. The heuristics for determining what to push vary.

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link: ; 

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How will servers support HTTP/2?

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How will we visualize HTTP/2 connections?

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separate setTimeout(function () { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = "/common/libs/combined.js"; document.body.appendChild(s); }, 200); /index.html?push=/common/libs/combined.js

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push starts: 96ms all data sent: 366ms push accepted: 500ms

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$ npm install chrome-http2-log-parser

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How will we visualize HTTP/2 connections?

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How will my app work with HTTP/2?

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grunt build:http2 grunt build:http1

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How should my app work with HTTP/2?

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Why does all of this matter?

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Members of the front-end community are among the most likely to champion HTTP/2. The spec may be finalized, but HTTP/2 is incomplete without a developer ecosystem to support it.

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