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The values and challenges of Open Source at source{d}

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VP of Developer Relations [email protected] @francesc campoy

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Agenda source{d} and Open Source Our MIssion - ML on Code - Code as Data Open Core Open Source Benefitting from Open Source Cooperation Contributions Protecting with Open Source Copyleft Licenses MIT, Apache v2, GPLs Q&A

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source{d} and Open Source

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source{d} and Open Source our mission Improving the Developer Experience through Machine Learning

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source{d} and Open Source our mission Requires large datasets Results in trained models Examples: - Bug prediction - Automated Code Review ML on Code Large software repositories Source code *and* history of revisions Extracting metrics - Business Intelligence SQL, GraphQL, REST interfaces Code as Data

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ML on Code Code as Data Code

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source{d} and Open Source Open Core Open Source Core Tools & Services

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benefitting from Open Source

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benefitting from Open Source the tools we use

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benefitting from Open Source contributing back go-git Git library for Go Similar to jgit or gitlib +2.7k stars on GitHub enry Language Classifier Higher performance & accuracy than GitHub’s linguist

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benefitting from Open Source contributing back go-git Git library for Go Similar to jgit or gitlib +2.7k stars on GitHub enry Language Classifier Higher performance & accuracy than GitHub’s linguist babelish Universal Code Parser Universal ASTs Easily extensible

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benefitting from Open Source contributing back go-git Git library for Go Similar to jgit or gitlib +2.7k stars on GitHub enry Language Classifier Higher performance & accuracy than GitHub’s linguist babelish Universal Code Parser Universal ASTs Easily extensible gitbase SQL interface for git Integrates go-git, enry, babelfish, and more Code as Data

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benefitting from Open Source contributions to our projects

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benefitting from Open Source “Open Sourcing our libraries makes better for everyone.” contributions to our projects

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a quick history of Open Source

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a quick history of Open Source Richard Stallman

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a quick history of Open Source Xerox 9700

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a quick history of Open Source Free Software Foundation

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a quick history of Open Source GNU/Linux

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protecting with open source

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protecting with open source GNU General Public License v3 (GPL) source:

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Viral Licensing

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Apollo / Gemini

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protecting with open source GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL) source:

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protecting with open source Apache License v2 source:

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protecting with open source Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) source:

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Public Git Archive

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protecting with open source Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) source:

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Awesome Machine Learning On Source Code

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protecting with open source MIT License source:

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Checking licenses

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No content

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protecting with open source Developer Certificate of Origin This agreement states three things: 1. you offer the changes under the same license agreement as the project, and 2. you have the right to do that, 3. you did not steal somebody else’s work. ➜ git commit -s -m "adding some feature" ➜ git log -n 1 | cat commit 2cbd480cc1ea29c8e8193637c73eeb7ab92d0f86 Author: Francesc Campoy adding some feature Signed-off-by: Francesc Campoy

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Review source{d} and Open Source Our MIssion - ML on Code - Code as Data Open Core Open Source Benefitting from Open Source Cooperation Contributions History of Free Software Protecting with Open Source Copyleft Licenses MIT, Apache v2, GPLs Q&A That’s now!

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References References ● / ● ● The AGPL | MongoDB ● GNU Affero General Public License- GNU Project - Free Software Foundation ● What is Copyleft? - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation ● Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation ● The Cathedral and the Bazaar - Wikipedia

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Francesc Campoy [email protected] @francesc campoy