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FindViewBindings, All ways to bind views Veronika Bae Android Developer. GDG Incheon Korea, veronika.bae

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1. Butter Knife 2. Kotlin Android Extensions 3. Data Binding 4. View Binding Intro findViewById?

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findViewById How to use public final class R { /* ... */ public static final int button_ok = 0x7f090133; /* ... */ } Button okButton = findViewById( AAPT generates

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Button okButton = findViewById( findViewById Problems 1. Casting Button okButton = (Button)findViewById( ImageView okButton = findViewById( API 25 API 26 Class Cast Exception

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findViewById Problems 1. Casting API 25 @Nullable public final View findViewById(@IdRes int id) { if (id < 0) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); } Button okButton = (Button)findViewById(

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findViewById Problems 1. Casting API 26 Button okButton = findViewById( @Nullable public final T findViewById(@IdRes int id){ if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); }

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findViewById Problems 2. Null Pointer Exception API 26 Button okButton = findViewById( @Nullable public final T findViewById(@IdRes int id){ if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); }

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findViewById Problems 2. Null Pointer Exception API 26 Button okButton = findViewById( @Nullable public final T findViewById(@IdRes int id){ if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); } Null Pointer Exception

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findViewById Problems 3. Boilerplate code class SomethingView @JvmOverloads constructor( context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null, defStyleAttr: Int = 0 ) : RelativeLayout(context, attrs, defStyleAttr) { private val itemGroup: LinearLayout private val itemGroupTitle: TextView private val someText: ImageView private val someText2: TextView private val someImage: ImageView private val someImage2: ImageView private val itemImage: ImageView private val itemImage2: ImageView /* .... */ init { View.inflate(context, R.layout.some_view, this) itemGroup = findViewById( itemGroupTitle = findViewById( someText = findViewById( someText2 = findViewById( someImage = findViewById( someImage2 = findViewById( itemImage = findViewById( itemImage2 = findViewById( /* ... */ } }

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findViewById Hidden costs @Nullable public final T findViewById(@IdRes int id) { if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); }

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findViewById Hidden costs @Nullable public final T findViewById(@IdRes int id) { if (id == NO_ID) { return null; } return findViewTraversal(id); } protected T findViewTraversal(@IdRes int id) { if (id == mID) { return (T) this; } return null; }

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@Override protected T findViewTraversal(@IdRes int id) { if (id == mID) { return (T) this; } final View[] where = mChildren; final int len = mChildrenCount; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { View v = where[i]; if ((v.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) == 0) { v = v.findViewById(id); if (v != null) { return (T) v; } } } return null; }

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@Override protected T findViewTraversal(@IdRes int id) { if (id == mID) { return (T) this; } final View[] where = mChildren; final int len = mChildrenCount; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { View v = where[i]; if ((v.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) == 0) { v = v.findViewById(id); if (v != null) { return (T) v; } } } return null; } Same as View

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@Override protected T findViewTraversal(@IdRes int id) { if (id == mID) { return (T) this; } final View[] where = mChildren; final int len = mChildrenCount; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { View v = where[i]; if ((v.mPrivateFlags & PFLAG_IS_ROOT_NAMESPACE) == 0) { v = v.findViewById(id); if (v != null) { return (T) v; } } } return null; } Poor performance

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Butter Knife

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Butter Knife How to use Deprecated This tool is now deprecated. Please switch to view binding

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Butter Knife How to use @BindView( Button helloButton; helloButton.setText(sayHello); ButterKnife.bind(this);

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Butter Knife How it works ButterKnife.bind(this); public class SimpleActivity_ViewBinding implements Unbinder { /* ... */ view = Utils.findRequiredView(source,, "field 'hello', method 'sayHello', . . .); target.hello = Utils.castView(view,, "field 'hello'", Button.class); } New Java Class : Original Class_ViewBinding

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Butter Knife How it works view = Utils.findRequiredView(source,, "field 'hello', method 'sayHello', . . .”) public static View findRequiredView(View source, @IdRes int id, String who){ View view = source.findViewById(id); if (view != null) { return view; } /* … */ }

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Kotlin Android Extensions

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use “Deprecate Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin.”

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use “Deprecate Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin.” As the @Parcelize functionality is extracted the rest of the Android Extensions functionality can be deprecated in favour of View Binding. The existing Android Extensions plugin will continue to work, however, a warning message will be shown.

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' build.gradle

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions' build.gradle import* import* textViewFirst.text = "Hello, World"

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use import* import* textViewFirst.text = "Hello, World" import{product flavor}.{layout}.*

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Kotlin Android Extensions How to use import* import* textViewFirst.text = "Hello, World" import{product flavor}.{layout}.* Synthetic Property

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Kotlin Android Extensions How it works Tools → Kotlin, Show Kotlin ByteCode Bytecode Decompile

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Kotlin Android Extensions How it works import* textViewFirst.text = "Hello, World" TextView var10000 = (TextView)this._$_findCachedViewById(id.textViewFirst) Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(var10000, "textViewFirst") var10000.setText((CharSequence)"Hello, World") Tools → Kotlin, Show Kotlin ByteCode Bytecode Decompile

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Kotlin Android Extensions How it works private HashMap _$_findViewCache; public View _$_findCachedViewById(int var1) { if (this._$_findViewCache == null) { this._$_findViewCache = new HashMap(); } View var2 = (View)this._$_findViewCache.get(var1); if (var2 == null) { var2 = this.findViewById(var1); this._$_findViewCache.put(var1, var2); } return var2; }

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Kotlin Android Extensions How it works private HashMap _$_findViewCache; public View _$_findCachedViewById(int var1) { if (this._$_findViewCache == null) { this._$_findViewCache = new HashMap(); } View var2 = (View)this._$_findViewCache.get(var1); if (var2 == null) { var2 = this.findViewById(var1); this._$_findViewCache.put(var1, var2); } return var2; }

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Kotlin Android Extensions How it works public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); this._$_clearFindViewByIdCache(); } public void _$_clearFindViewByIdCache() { if(this._$_findViewCache != null) { this._$_findViewCache.clear(); } } Fragment

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Fragment View Created Fragment View Destroyed Fragment View LifeCycle Fragment Added Fragment Destroyed Fragment LifeCycle

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution Synthetic Property Not Real Property View Cache

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution fun FirstFragment.a() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } import* class FirstFragment : Fragment() Used View Cache

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution fun Fragment.b() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } fun FirstFragment.a() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } import* class FirstFragment : Fragment() Used View Cache Not Used View Cache

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution fun FirstFragment.a() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } public final void a(@NotNull FirstFragment $this$a) { . . . TextView var10000 = (TextView)$this$a._$_findCachedViewById(id.textViewFirst) . . . var10000 = (TextView)$this$a._$_findCachedViewById(id.textViewFirst) . . . var10000.setVisibility(4) } Used View Cache Decompile

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution fun Fragment.b() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } Not Used View Cache public final void b(@NotNull Fragment $this$b) { TextView var10000 = (TextView)$this$b.getView().findViewById(id.textViewFirst); . . . var10000.setText((CharSequence)"Hidden view"); var10000 = (TextView)$this$b.getView().findViewById(id.textViewFirst); . . . var10000.setVisibility(4); } Decompile

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution import* fun FirstFragment.a() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } fun Fragment.b() { textViewFirst.text = "Hidden view" textViewFirst.visibility = View.INVISIBLE } Used View Cache Not Used View Cache class FirstFragment : Fragment()

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution Custom Layout layout_custom.xml Common Mistake Case

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.itemView.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.itemView) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.itemView.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.itemView) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution Decompile import* public void onBindViewHolder( @NotNull ViewHolder holder, int position) { if (holder instanceof SearchAdapter.CustomViewHolder) { View var10000 = holder.itemView; TextView var8 = (TextView)var10000.findViewById(id.itemTitle1); var8.setText((CharSequence)”hello1"); View var3 = holder.itemView; var8 = (TextView)var3.findViewById(id.itemTitle2); var8.setText((CharSequence)"hello2"); } }

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Kotlin Android Extensions Caution Decompile import* public void onBindViewHolder( @NotNull ViewHolder holder, int position) { if (holder instanceof SearchAdapter.CustomViewHolder) { View var10000 = holder.itemView; TextView var8 = (TextView)var10000.findViewById(id.itemTitle1); var8.setText((CharSequence)”hello1"); View var3 = holder.itemView; var8 = (TextView)var3.findViewById(id.itemTitle2); var8.setText((CharSequence)"hello2"); } } Calling every time

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.itemView.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.itemView) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions A common class

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: CustomViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.itemView.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.itemView) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.itemView.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.itemView) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.customLayout.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.customLayout) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) } Kotlin Android Extensions

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import* class SearchAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter() { override fun onCreateViewHolder(. . .) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder { return CustomViewHolder(CustomLayout(parent.context)) } override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, position: Int) { if (holder is CustomViewHolder) { holder.customLayout.itemTitle1.text = "hello1" with(holder.customLayout) { itemTitle2.text = "hello1" } } } class CustomViewHolder(private val customLayout: CustomLayout) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(customLayout) { // declare view properties - itemTitle1, itemTitle2 } } Kotlin Android Extensions

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DataBinding, ViewBinding

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DataBinding, ViewBinding How to use Google IO 19

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DataBinding, ViewBinding How to use build.gradle DataBinding ViewBinding Gradle 3.6 dataBinding { enabled = true } viewBinding { enabled = true } Gradle 4.0 buildFeatures { dataBinding = true } buildFeatures { viewBinding = true }

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DataBinding How to use activity_sample.xml Elements are wrapped in a layout tag Expressions are defined inside a data

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DataBinding How to use activity_sample.xml Elements are wrapped in a layout tag

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DataBinding How to use SampleActivity.xml class SampleActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val binding : ActivitySampleBinding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView( this,R.layout.activity_sample) binding.dataBindingFirst.text = "hello data binding!” } } (android:id=“@+id/data_binding_first”) ActivitySampleBinding = LayoutFileName + Binding = activity_sample.xml + Binding

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ViewBinding How to use activity_view_sample.xml

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ViewBinding How to use activity_view_sample.xml

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ViewBinding How to use SampleViewActivity.xml class SampleViewActivity : AppCompatActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) val binding = ActivityViewSampleBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) setContentView(binding.root) } } binding.viewBindingFirst.text = "hello view binding!" No! ( R.layout.activity_view_sample )

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ViewBinding Caution private var _binding: ResultProfileBinding? = null private val binding get() = _binding!! override fun onCreateView(. . .): View? { _binding = ResultProfileBinding.inflate( inflater, container, false) val view = binding.root return view } override fun onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView() _binding = null } Fragment Should be released

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Fragment View Created Fragment View Destroyed Fragment View LifeCycle Fragment Added Fragment Destroyed Fragment LifeCycle

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DataBinding How it works val binding : ActivitySampleBinding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, R.layout.activity_sample) create binding class public abstract class ActivitySampleBinding extends ViewDataBinding { } ???

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DataBinding How it works public abstract class ActivitySampleBinding extends ViewDataBinding { @NonNull public final TextView dataBindingFirst; protected ActivitySampleBinding(... TextView dataBindingFirst) { super(...); this.dataBindingFirst = dataBindingFirst; } @NonNull public static ActivitySampleBinding inflate(. . .) { return inflate(..., DataBindingUtil.getDefaultComponent()); } } generated from SampleActivity

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DataBinding How it works activity_sample.xml activity_sample-layout.xml

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DataBinding How it works

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DataBinding How it works

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DataBinding How it works activity_sample-layout.xml DataBinderMapperImpl.class @Override public ViewDataBinding getDataBinder(DataBindingComponent component, View view, int layoutId) { final Object tag = view.getTag(); . . . switch (localizedLayoutId) { case LAYOUT_ACTIVITYSAMPLE: { if ("layout/activity_sample_0".equals(tag)) return new ActivitySampleBindingImpl(component, view); . . . } }

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DataBinding public class ActivitySampleBindingImpl extends ActivitySampleBinding{ @Nullable 
 private static final SparseIntArray sViewsWithIds; static { . . . sViewsWithIds = new android.util.SparseIntArray(); sViewsWithIds.put(, 1); } public ActivitySampleBindingImpl( @Nullable ..DataBindingComponent bindingComponent, @NonNull View root) { this(bindingComponent, root, mapBindings(bindingComponent, root, 2, sIncludes, sViewsWithIds)); } } activity_sample.xml activity_sample-layout.xml

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DataBinding private static void mapBindings(. . .) { . . . Object objTag = view.getTag(); final String tag = (objTag instanceof String) ? (String) objTag : null; boolean isBound = false; if (isRoot && tag != null && tag.startsWith("layout")) { . . . } else if (tag != null && tag.startsWith(BINDING_TAG_PREFIX)) { . . . if (bindings[tagIndex] == null) { bindings[tagIndex] = view; } isBound = true; } else { . . . } if (!isBound) { final int id = view.getId(); if (id > 0) { int index; if (viewsWithIds != null && (index = viewsWithIds.get(id, -1)) >= 0 && bindings[index] == null) { bindings[index] = view; } } } } Activity_sample-layout.xml

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DataBinding private static void mapBindings(. . .) { . . . Object objTag = view.getTag(); final String tag = (objTag instanceof String) ? (String) objTag : null; boolean isBound = false; if (isRoot && tag != null && tag.startsWith("layout")) { . . . } else if (tag != null && tag.startsWith(BINDING_TAG_PREFIX)) { . . . if (bindings[tagIndex] == null) { bindings[tagIndex] = view; } isBound = true; } else { . . . } if (!isBound) { final int id = view.getId(); if (id > 0) { int index; if (viewsWithIds != null && (index = viewsWithIds.get(id, -1)) >= 0 && bindings[index] == null) { bindings[index] = view; } } } } Activity_sample-layout.xml

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DataBinding How it works activity_sample.xml android:text=“@{textValue}” activity_sample-layout.xml tag=“binding_1”>

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ViewBinding public final class ActivityViewSampleBinding implements ViewBinding { @NonNull public final TextView viewBindingFirst; ... @NonNull public static ActivityViewSampleBinding bind(@NonNull View rootView) ... missingId: { id =; TextView viewBindingFirst = rootView.findViewById(id); if (dataBindingFirst == null) { break missingId; } return new ActivityViewSampleBinding( (LinearLayout) rootView, dataBindingFirst); } )); } }

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ViewBinding public final class ActivityViewSampleBinding implements ViewBinding { @NonNull public final TextView viewBindingFirst; ... @NonNull public static ActivityViewSampleBinding bind(@NonNull View rootView) ... missingId: { id =; TextView viewBindingFirst = rootView.findViewById(id); if (dataBindingFirst == null) { break missingId; } return new ActivityViewSampleBinding( (LinearLayout) rootView, dataBindingFirst); } )); } }

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findViewById Hidden Costs, Exceptions Butter Knife Annotation Processor, findViewbyId Kotlin Android Extensions View Caching, findViewbyId DataBinding Annotation Processor, Tag ViewBinding findViewById

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ViewBinding? Find yours!

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Thank you [email protected]