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The price of performance shouldn’t have to be crashes and exploits.

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• Safe unions and pointers • Explicit memory layout & stack allocation • Optional garbage collection • Mutability control & race-free concurrency Rust: perf + safety

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enum Color { Red, Green, Blue }

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enum Tree { Empty, Leaf(int), Node(~Tree, ~Tree) }

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tag tag int tag ~Tree ~Tree Empty Leaf(int) Node(~Tree, ~Tree)

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struct Tree { enum TreeTag tag; union { int leaf; Pair node; } data; }; enum TreeTag { Empty, Leaf, Node }; struct Pair { Tree *left, *right; };

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match tree { Empty => 0, Leaf(_) => 1, Node(~ref left, ~ref right) => f(left) + f(right) }

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enum Option { None, Some(T) }

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fn double(p: ~int) -> int { *p * 2 }

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fn double(p: Option<~int>) -> int { match p { None => 0, Some(~n) => n * 2 } }

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void *realloc(void *, ...); void free(void *); Owned pointers

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void *realloc(void *, ...); void free(void *); template class Hashtable { vector> buckets; ... }; Owned pointers

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memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, uintptr_t count); Temporary pointers

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memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, uintptr_t count); template class Hashtable { ... V& find(K& key); }; Temporary pointers

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the right to free memory What is ownership?

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struct Hashtable { buckets: ~[Option>] } struct Bucket { key: K, value: V }

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{ let b = ~[]; let table = Hashtable { buckets: b }; ... }

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{ let b = ~[]; let table = Hashtable { buckets: b }; ... } heap allocate

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{ let b = ~[]; let table = Hashtable { buckets: b }; ... } heap allocate stack allocate

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{ let b = ~[]; let table = Hashtable { buckets: b }; ... } heap allocate stack allocate move

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fn move_from() { let x: ~int = ~22; move_to(x); } fn move_to(p: ~int) { printfln!(“%d”, *p); }

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fn move_from() { let x: ~int = ~22; move_to(x); } fn move_to(p: ~int) { printfln!(“%d”, *p); } heap allocate

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fn move_from() { let x: ~int = ~22; move_to(x); } fn move_to(p: ~int) { printfln!(“%d”, *p); } heap allocate move

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fn move_from() { let x: ~int = ~22; move_to(x); } fn move_to(p: ~int) { printfln!(“%d”, *p); } heap allocate free p move

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fn move_from() { let x: ~int = ~22; move_to(x); } fn move_to(p: ~int) { printfln!(“%d”, *p); } heap allocate free p move printfln!(“%d”, *x); // error

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fn f() { let x: ~int = ~22; borrow(x); printfln!(“%d”, *x); } fn borrow(x: &int) { printfln!(“borrowing: %d”, *x); }

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fn f() { let x: int = 22; borrow(&x); printfln!(“%d”, *x); } fn borrow(x: &int) { printfln!(“borrowing: %d”, *x); }

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let w = ~22; { let x = &w; let y = &*x; } ‘a ‘b ‘c ‘d Lifetimes

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fn find<‘a,K,V>(tbl: &’a Hashtable, key: &K) -> Option<&’a V> { ... }

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fn find<‘a,K,V>(tbl: &’a Hashtable, key: &K) -> Option<&’a V> { ... } pointer with lifetime ‘a to table

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fn find<‘a,K,V>(tbl: &’a Hashtable, key: &K) -> Option<&’a V> { ... } pointer with lifetime ‘a to table pointer with lifetime ‘a to value

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template class Hashtable V& Hashtable::find(K& key); unsafe!

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let (port, chan) = stream(); do spawn { let p = ~Point { x: 1.0, y: 2.0 }; chan.send(p); } let p = port.recv(); printfln!(p.to_str());

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• Pluggable I/O • Optional scheduler • Data race-free shared data structures • Potential for race-free fork-join parallelism • Working on SIMD and GPU libs There’s more

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unsafe { transmute::<&str,&[u8]>(“L”) == &[76, 0] } unsafe fn f(...) { ... }

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unsafe { transmute::<&str,&[u8]>(“L”) == &[76, 0] } unsafe fn f(...) { ... } ☢

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1. Don’t use unsafe code. 2. If you absolutely must break Rule 1, • get out of unsafe code ASAP, and • always provide a safe interface at the boundaries. The rules

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Low-level programming… without the segfaults.

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Thank you.

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Image credits Sean Martell Ben Clinch juicyrai Rama, Wikimedia Commons Jared Zimmerman CCAC North Library Mike Hayes