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@ChrisFerdinandi Vanilla JS for Beginners

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$ @ChrisFerdinandi

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This is for…

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who don’t really know JavaScript jQuery Developers

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Learning vanilla JavaScript helps you write better jQuery.

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(but don’t know where to start) JavaScript Frameworks People who want to learn other

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Rat Race Opt out of the JavaScript framework

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and more reliable websites Faster

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and easier JavaScript experience Simpler

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1 Vanilla JavaScript APIs 2 Cross-Browser Compatibility 4 Putting it All Together 3 Debugging

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Slides & Downloads

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Vanilla JavaScript APIs 1

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ECMAScript 5 (ES5) (thanks jQuery!)

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Cross-Browser Compatibility 2

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Support is not the same as optimization

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A progressive enhancement technique Cutting the Mustard Photo Credit:

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var supports = 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in window; if ( supports ) { // Codes goes here... } // or... if ( !supports ) return;

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Browser Compatibility • IE9+ • Firefox 3.5+ • Opera 9+ (and probably further back) • Safari 4+ • Chrome 1+ (I think) • iPhone and iPad iOS1+ • Android phone and tablets 2.1+ • Blackberry OS6+ • Windows 7.5+ (new Mango version) • Mobile Firefox (all the versions we tested) • Opera Mobile (all the versions we tested)

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Don’t hide content until JavaScript loads.

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document.documentElement.className += ' js-accordion'; .collapse .js-accordion .collapse { display: none; } .collapse .js-accordion

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Debugging 3

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Your code will break. A lot.

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Use Strict Mode

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“Strict mode makes several changes to normal JavaScript semantics. First, strict mode eliminates some JavaScript silent errors by changing them to throw errors.”

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'use strict';

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Putting it all together 4

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A project Invisible Ink

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What now?

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{ } Vanilla JS

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Pick a Project

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Project Ideas • Toggle Tabs • Modals • Save Form Data • Toggle Password Visibility • Make Content the Same Height • Generate a Table of Contents

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Vanilla JS Crash Course

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Thank You!