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@clleew commitizen-tools What can we gain from crafting a git message convention?

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@clleew 2019/10/24 -

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@clleew 2019/10/24 -

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@clleew Slide

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@clleew __name__ = 李唯 / Wei Lee __position__ = [ Software Engineer @ Rakuten Slice, Volunteer @ PyCon Taiwan, "Maintainer of commitizen-tools, ] __twitter__ = @clleew __github__ = Lee-W __blog__ = $ cat

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@clleew File "", line 1 __name__ = 李唯 / Wei Lee ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax $ python

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@clleew Who have ever used git?

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@clleew Who have ever commit like this? git commit -m "update"

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@clleew Why not use "update" as a commit message? • Hard to find the right commit to rollback • Hard to know the trace of this change during code review • Tend to make a lot of changes in a single commit
 (because you don't know how to describe these changes)

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@clleew Why should we write good commit message? • Guide teams on how code changes should be made • Save reviewers' time to know the intention of changes • Give newcomer a clear view of the evolvement of projects

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@clleew How to write good commit messages? 1. Separate subject from body with a blank line 2. Limit the subject line to 50 characters 3. Capitalize the subject line 4. Do not end the subject line with a period 5. Use the imperative mood in the subject line 6. Wrap the body at 72 characters 7. Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

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@clleew But... It's easy to forget all the guidelines when you enter "git commit"

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@clleew commitizen-tools

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@clleew The command line tool for creating committing rules

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@clleew GitHub Action that runs commitizen

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@clleew cookiecutter template for creating customized rule

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@clleew Commitizen

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@clleew Install Commitizen

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration

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@clleew Initialize commitizen configuration We'll discuss more about it later.

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@clleew [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_conventional_commits" version = "0.0.1" tag_format = "$version" Commtizen configuration pyproject.toml

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@clleew cz commit type of this change A hint for users to break down multiple changes into separate commits

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@clleew $ cz commit scope of this change

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@clleew $ cz commit
 a short description

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@clleew $ cz commit
 detail description of this change

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@clleew $ cz commit
 whether it's a breaking change

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@clleew $ cz commit
 footer reference to the ticket or issue related to this change

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@clleew How does the commit look like? feat( awesome meetup hope everyone enjoys this talk 272270687/

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@clleew $ cz commit

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@clleew $ cz commit

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@clleew $ cz commit

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@clleew Standardized git commits

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@clleew What if I forget to use "cz commit" to do git commit?

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@clleew Enforce commit check through pre-commit 1.Create .pre-commit-config.yaml
 2.Install pre-commit hook repos: - hooks: - id: commitizen stages: - commit-msg repo: rev: v2.1.0

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@clleew It looks familiar

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@clleew It looks familiar We already initialize it when running "cz init".

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@clleew git will block it if your commit does not follow the rule.

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@clleew git will block it if your commit does not follow the rule.

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@clleew git will block it if your commit does not follow the rule.

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@clleew How can we utilize these standardize commit messages? • Auto versioning • Auto generate changelog

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@clleew Semantic Versioning x.y.z MAJOR Minor Patch

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@clleew • MAJOR: incompatible API changes • MINOR: add backwards compatible functionality • PATCH: make backwards compatible bug fixes Semantic Versioning

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@clleew Bump Version • MAJOR: breaking change • MINOR: feat • PATCH: fix, refactor, perf

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@clleew Bump Version • MAJOR: breaking change • MINOR: feat • PATCH: fix, refactor, perf

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@clleew Bump Version $ cz bump

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@clleew The commit with the highest version to bump is feat (The original version of the sample project is 1.2.0.) Bump Version $ cz bump

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@clleew message tag to create: 1.3.0 increment detected: MINOR The commit with the highest version to bump is feat (The original version of the sample project is 1.2.0.) Bump Version $ cz bump

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@clleew Bump Version in Source File [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_conventional_commits" version = "0.0.1" tag_format = "$version" version_files = [ "my_project/" ]

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@clleew Keep a changelog

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@clleew Auto generate changelog

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@clleew Auto generate changelog # CHANGELOG ## Unreleased ### feat - add cov task to check test coverage - make scripts a package - add pylint task - add mypy, flake8 style check - add reformat task to reformat code through black

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@clleew Auto generate changelog

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@clleew Cutsomization 1. Use "cz-customize" in configuration file • No Python Knowledge needed • Suitable for basic rules 2. Creating a customized python package • Suitable for advance usage
 (e.g., customize changelog parser and hook)

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@clleew Back to our config file [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_conventional_commits" version = "0.0.1" tag_format = "$version"

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@clleew cz_customize [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize"

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@clleew cz_customize [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize" [tool.commitizen.customize] message_template = "{{change_type}}: {{message}}" bump_pattern = "^(break|new|hotfix)" bump_map = {"break" = "MAJOR", "new" = "MINOR", "hotfix" = "PATCH"} [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize"

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@clleew cz_customize [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize" [tool.commitizen.customize] message_template = "{{change_type}}: {{message}}" bump_pattern = "^(break|new|hotfix)" bump_map = {"break" = "MAJOR", "new" = "MINOR", "hotfix" = "PATCH"} [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] type = "list" name = "change_type" choices = [ {value = "feature", name = "feature: A new feature."}, {value = "hotfix", name = "bug fix: A bug fix."} ] message = "Select the type of change you are committing" [[tool.commitizen.customize.questions]] type = "input" name = "message" message = "Body." [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize" [tool.commitizen.customize] message_template = "{{change_type}}: {{message}}" bump_pattern = "^(break|new|hotfix)" bump_map = {"break" = "MAJOR", "new" = "MINOR", "hotfix" = "PATCH"} [tool.commitizen] name = "cz_customize"

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@clleew Customize through python package from import BaseCommitizen class JiraCz(BaseCommitizen): def questions(self) -> list: """Questions regarding the commit message.""" questions = [ {"type": "input", "name": "title", "message": "Commit title"}, {"type": "input", "name": "issue", "message": "Jira Issue number:"}, ] return questions def message(self, answers: dict) -> str: """Generate the message with the given answers.""" return f"{answers['title']} (#{answers['issue']})" discover_this = JiraCz # used by the plug-in system

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@clleew commitizen-tools/commitizen_cz_template

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@clleew Join us and make commitizen-tools better ⭐

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@clleew Reference • commitizen-tools • Conventional Commits • Semantic Versioning • Keep a changelog • How to Write a Git Commit Message