Slide 38
Slide 38 text
Don’t do anything.
The queries that dropped
are not really meant to rank
queries for your site, and not
bringing any business
value. You shouldn’t have
ranked for them
Create and optimize
from a technical, content
and experience perspective
the pages that will ful
ll the
need of the relevant queries that
dropped, making sure they
provide a more comprehensive,
authoritative and higher
quality experience than the
best ranked ones
Optimize from a
technical, content and
experience perspective the
pages that will ful
ll the need
of the relevant queries that
dropped, making sure they
provide a more comprehensive,
authoritative and higher
quality experience than the
best ranked ones
Don’t do anything.
If you are really already
providing a better quality,
comprehensive, authoritative
experience than the best ranked
pages with well optimized ones
that are the relevant to ful
ll the
need and rank at that stage of
the search journey… they
should regain their
rankings soon.
Let’s go through the main scenarios
Rankings dropped for
non relevant queries for
your site to rank
You don’t have pages to
ll the user search
needs of meaningful
You have pages to ful
ll the
user search needs of
meaningful queries at that
stage of the journey but
they’re not optimized You have pages to ful
ll the
user search needs of
meaningful queries at that
stage of the journey and
they’re fully optimized