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Deep Dive into GitLab CI/CD Pipeline using Terraform to delivery Infra as Code at AWS 1

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Hello! • I am Amaury Borges Souza • Based on Monte Mor - SP • I love to give DevOps Talks • DevOps Engineer @kyndryl • Ex Linux SysAdmin @IBM • +9 years of IT experience • Member of SRE Brasil Meetup • Member of DevOps Campinas Meetup • Medium Digital Creator • DM me on Slack @amaury 2

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DevOps Days 3

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SRE Brasil Meetup Não importa sua experiência, histórico profissional, ou nível de conhecimento. Se você quer construir a maior comunidade aberta de tecnologia do brasil você é bem- vindo. 5

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Table of Contents 1. CI/CD using GitLab 1. CI/CD Workflow 2. CI/CD Terms 3. CI/CD Tools Analisys 2. Infrastructure as Code 1. What’s Infrastructure as Code? 2. Infrastructure as Code Workflow 3. Terraform as Code 3. GitOps Approach 4. CNCF (Cloud Native) 1. What’s CNCF? 2. Projects & initiatives & GitOps 3. CNCF Landscape 5. Demo (Hand-on DevOps)

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What’s the purpose of this? Let’s start discuss the real objetive

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Bringing some questions… Why you are using GitLab, Terraform and AWS? How are these tools integrating? How it works? What’s the connection of this with the DevOps? 8

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Roadmap 9 1 3 5 6 4 2 DevOps (Collaboration, Automation, Communication) Infrastructure as Code (Terraform, Pulumi, Ansible) Cloud Native (Argo CI, Kubernetes, Crossplane, FluxCD) Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery Jenkins/GitLab/GitHub Actions GitOps (Infrastructure Automation using Git) Automated DevOps workflow (Comming soon apps bringing scale, elasticity, resiliency, flexibility)

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1. CI/CD – Continous Integration & Continuous Delivery Bringing some essential concepts

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12 Cloud Native Glossary DevOps CI/CD Infrastructure as Code Terraform CNCF Kubernetes Containers Cloud Cluster Machine Learning Ansible Git K8S Kubelet GitOps

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GitLab CI/CD Pipelines For every stage of the DevOps Lifestyle 13

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GitLab Pipeline Example

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CI/CD Tools Analysis 16 Jenkins Open source automation server which enable developers to build, test and deploy their app. GitLab Not a Open source tool. Pipeline as Code feature, pipeline based on YML files. Actions is a CI/CD tool for GitHub workflow. Pipelinein YML files, support many Devops Tools. GitHub Actions A CD Tool focused on GitOps workflow inside Kubernetes. Argo CD

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2. Infrastructure as Code Bringing some essential concepts

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What’s (IaC) Infrastructure as Code? Basically IaC is a way to use code instead manual process to create and provisioning the resources on Cloud environment. 18

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Infrastructure as Code Workflow 19

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Infra as Code (IaC) with Terraform to provision an autoscaling group 20

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Terraform demonstration diagram 21 AWS API’s Terraform Azure declarative Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

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Terraform process is easy 22 1 2 3

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How Terraform calls the Cloud providers 23

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Terraform x Crossplane Basically everything is called via API’s. The Crossplane keeps the eyes on the providers API’s until to modify the infrastructure 24

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3. GitOps Bringing some essential concepts

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4. CNCF Bringing some essential concepts

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“As part of the Linux Foundation, we provide support, oversight and direction for fast-growing, cloud native projects, including Kubernetes, Envoy and Prometheus”. 27

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16 Graduated Projects 71 Sandbox Projects 34 Uncubating Projects 28

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30 Medium Digital Creator Cloud Native: Conheça projetos, iniciativas e uma trilha de estudos. Fonte: native-conhe%C3%A7a-projetos-iniciativas-e- uma-trilha-de-estudos-9704f7c59d8

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5. Demo “Talk is cheap. Show me the code”. Linus

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Thanks! Any questions? I apreciate HCS Week staff ❤ 32