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Diving into the details with DTrace! Colin Jones @trptcolin

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systems applications

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problems solutions

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problems solutions

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What even is DTrace?

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DTrace is… strace

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DTrace is… strace++

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strace++ $ sudo dtrace -qn ' syscall:::entry { @[probefunc, execname] = count(); } dtrace:::END { trunc(@, 10); printa(@); }'

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strace++ $ sudo dtrace -qn 'syscall:::entry { @[probefunc, execname] = count(); } dtrace:::END { trunc(@, 10); printa(@); }' ^C read Slack 1993 select Slack 2017 kevent_qos Slack 2660 kevent_qos WindowServer 2801 psynch_cvsignal Box Sync 2873 psynch_cvwait Box Sync 2873 select Box Sync 4780 madvise Slack 5783 bsdthread_ctl Slack 6910 workq_kernreturn Slack 10622

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DTrace is… strace++ system resources

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system resources $ sudo dtrace -qn ' vminfo:::maj_fault { @[execname] = sum(arg0); }'

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system resources $ sudo dtrace -qn 'vminfo:::maj_fault { @[execname] = sum(arg0); }' ^C 1 mdworker 2 Google Chrome 12 mds_stores 116 Google Chrome He 252

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DTrace is… strace++ system resources statically-defined tracing

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statically-defined tracing $ sudo dtrace -qn ' mysql*::: { @[probename] = count(); } dtrace:::END { trunc(@, 10); printa(@); }'

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statically-defined tracing $ sudo dtrace -qn 'mysql*::: { @[probename] = count(); } dtrace:::END { trunc(@, 10); printa(@); }' ^C query-exec-start 3 query-parse-done 3 query-parse-start 3 query-start 3 select-done 3 select-start 3 net-read-done 18 net-read-start 18 net-write-done 18 net-write-start 18

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DTrace is… strace++ system resources statically-defined tracing dynamic tracing

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Dynamic tracing $ sudo dtrace -qn ' fbt:mach_kernel::entry { self->in = timestamp; } fbt:mach_kernel::return /self->in/ { @ = quantize(timestamp - self->in) self->in = 0; }'

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Dynamic tracing $ sudo dtrace -n 'fbt:mach_kernel::entry { self->in = timestamp; } fbt:mach_kernel::return /self->in/ { @ = quantize(timestamp - self->in); self->in = 0; }' dtrace: description 'fbt:mach_kernel::entry ' matched 24482 probes ^C value ------------- Distribution ------------- count 256 | 0 512 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 13521 1024 |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 14961 2048 |@@@ 2172 4096 | 79 8192 | 71 16384 | 7 32768 | 3 65536 | 3 131072 | 2 262144 | 0

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DTrace is… strace++ system resources statically-defined tracing dynamic tracing

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Weird slowness… it happens

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Slooooooooow tests (…sometimes)

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Multiple tests, multiple machines

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Affects some teammates worse than others

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annoying productivity-sapping stressful

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Use DTrace!

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Rule out the usual suspect(s)? ruby*:::gc-mark-begin { self->mark_begin = timestamp; } ruby*:::gc-mark-end /self->mark_begin/ { self->duration = (timestamp - self->mark_begin) / 1000000; self->phase = "mark"; self->mark_begin = 0; } ruby*:::gc-*-end /self->duration/ { printf("%-8d %-8d %-8s\n", pid, self->duration, self->phase); }

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Garbage collection? $ sudo ruby-gc.d PID TIME(ms) PHASE 30152 7 mark 30152 33 mark 30152 7 mark 30152 9 mark 30152 38 mark 30152 17 mark 30152 16 mark 30152 17 mark 30152 22 mark 30152 71 mark 30152 22 mark 30152 6 sweep 30152 3 sweep 30152 4 sweep 30152 1 sweep 30152 23 mark

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System resources CPU Memory Disk Network

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CPU? $ sudo dtrace -qn ' profile-997 { @[execname] = count(); } '

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CPU? $ sudo dtrace -qn 'profile-997 { @[execname] = count(); }' ^C [...] Box Sync 3 Google Drive 3 ruby 3 Google Chrome 9 systemstatsd 11 iTerm 14 Google Chrome He 24 WindowServer 25 hidd 26 Box Sync Monitor 47 kernel_task 9527

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CPU? $ sudo dtrace -qn ' profile-997 /execname=="kernel_task"/ { @[stack()] = count(); } '

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CPU? $ sudo dtrace -qn 'profile-997 /execname=="kernel_task"/ { @[stack()] = count(); }' ^C [...] kernel`0xffffff80010f3d30+0x358 kernel`0xffffff800158d890+0x793 kernel`kevent+0x44 kernel`unix_syscall64+0x251 kernel`hndl_unix_scall64+0x16 116 kernel`processor_idle+0x107 121 kernel`machine_idle+0x2e0 kernel`call_continuation+0x17 82967

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CPU $ sudo dtrace -qn 'profile-997 { @[execname] = count(); }' ^C [...] Box Sync 3 Google Drive 3 ruby 3 Google Chrome 9 systemstatsd 11 iTerm 14 Google Chrome He 24 WindowServer 25 hidd 26 Box Sync Monitor 47 kernel_task 9527

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System resources CPU Memory Disk Network

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Network connections

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Network connections $ sudo soconnect_mac.d PID PROCESS FAM ADDRESS PORT LAT(us) RESULT 88161 ruby 2 5432 144 Success 88161 ruby 2 5432 171 Success 88161 ruby 2 5432 150 Success 114 AirPlayXPCHelper 2 7000 1762 In progress 88161 ruby 2 5432 141 Success 88161 ruby 2 5432 179 Success 88161 ruby 2 5432 137 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 29977 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 42121 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 29471 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 29360 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 34731 Success 88161 ruby 2 80 28824 Success

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DNS pid$target::getaddrinfo:entry { self->start = timestamp; self->host = copyinstr(arg0); } pid$target::getaddrinfo:return /self->start/ { this->now = (timestamp - timezero) / 1000000; this->time = (timestamp - self->start) / 1000000; printf("%-8d %-8d %s\n", this->now, this->time, self->host); self->start = 0; self->host = 0; }

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DNS $ sudo dns_latency.d -p 41161 Password: TICK ms HOST 74450 274 redclay.local 74734 0 redclay.local 105006 30075 145171 30075 145191 1 redclay.local 145192 0 redclay.local 177055 0 252314 2 redclay.local 252315 0 redclay.local 284392 0

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Now we know what to fix!

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What did we learn?

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Specific vs. General

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DTrace is… strace++ system resources statically-defined tracing dynamic tracing

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You can do it!

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Where can we learn more?

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Brendan Gregg's blog: The DTrace guide DTrace: Dynamic Tracing in Oracle Solaris, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD Read

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Scripts that ship with OS X find /usr/bin -name "*.d" more DTrace scripts Examples

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DTrace: not just performance performance: not just DTrace Extrapolate

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Try it out!

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DTrace & SIP on El Capitan: Julia Evans' strace zine: Jeff Hodges "Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods": Brendan Gregg's blog: The DTrace guide: DTrace book: DTrace Toolkit: DTrace book scripts: SystemTap (Linux): bcc: Resources

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Thanks! Colin Jones @trptcolin [email protected]