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Knative: k8s for developers Knative: k8s for developers

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Claudio E. de Oliveira Sr. Software Engineer @ZUP Innovation Java & Golang K8s, Docker & Mesh

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1 - What is K8s 4 - Demos 3 - Knative 2 - k8s in developer perspective Agenda Agenda

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What is kubernetes??

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Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation

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and what is kubernetes in developers perspective??

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Containers PODs ReplicaSets Deployments Endpoints Services Secrets ConfigMaps Volumes / PV / PVC Ingress / LBs Networks K8s Primitives K8s Tools yamls Istio helm kubectl Spec and Status

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but...wait….it is not made for pretty much infrastructure for them… that is the turning point

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Slide 12 text “So adopt Kubernetes. Get it running. And recognize that it’s a platform for running other platforms that will improve your software delivery and business outcomes.” - Richard Seroter is the VP of Product Marketing at Pivotal

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Some examples

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Introducing Knative Introducing Knative

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What is Knative??? The purpose of Knative is to provide a simple, consistent layer over Kubernetes that solves common problems of deploying software. Remember: Kubernetes is a platform for building platforms

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Built for developers!!!! This layer creates a firmer boundary between the developer and the platform, allowing the developer to concentrate of the software they are directly responsible for.

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Built as a k8s extensions There is no restrictions regarding k8s If you need you can use full k8s resources it integrates with non-knative resources

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Platform teams or Platform Owners - Platform teams build, deploy, monitor, and are on call for the platform components and underlying platform infrastructure.

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we will focus on knative Serving

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How it works??? Knative is a collection of processes, a.k.a containers, that run in k8s cluster. Knative uses CRDs, or kubernetes extensions and enables developers to use yamls like vanilla kubernetes.

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knative uses extensively kubernetes objects & concepts to achieve their goal

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Some words about infrastructure...few words… I Promise!!!!

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but for developers there are only four main concepts to understand...

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let's understand a little bit

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Configuration Configuration is a definition of our software, the list of containers and environments variables required to application run

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Revisions Snapshot of an app considering configuration, every time that configuration changes a new revision will be provisioned. In favor of immutable infrastructure

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Routes Is the way that Knative uses to map incoming requests to a specific revision. Get traffic for our applications

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Routes Questions that Routes wants to answer…. At what public address or URL will traffic arrive from ? What targets can I send traffic to ? What percentage of traffic goes to which targets?

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Service Manage the application's lifecycle Our application abstraction

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let's see some knative use cases

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Abstract infra for developer Infra for Developer Demo #1

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Problem : k8s is a quite complex for developers deployments, services, configmaps….. Solution: Simple element Service

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Releasing Software Releasing software Demo #2

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Problem : release a new version of our software Solution: Release a new version using Canary Release

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Problem : release a new version of our software Solution: Release a new version using Canary Release

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Plus: Rollback immediately

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Increasing Demand Auto-Scaling Rules Increase demand - Auto-Scaling Rules Demo #3

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Problem : demand increasing our services should attend effectively Solution: Using KPA to provide elastic infrastructure

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Plus: Scale to zero feature

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Tips Tips

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Bootstrap time matter (if you are using scale to zero)

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Quarkus (native image)

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Conclusions Conclusions

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Knative is not only serverless. It is a complete platform to help developers in software delivery topic

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Take a look on Knative Eventing it can be very helpful to work with Event Driven Architecture

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github docker images are available at docker hub

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Serverless Quarkus Serverless

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