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Jérôme Gasperi CNES activities on semantic search CEOS WGISS-35 INPE - Sao Paulo dos Campos, Brazil - May 7th, 2013

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Semantic search Linked Data Faceted search

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Semantic search Help users to find the right data

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AMMA CYCLOPES GEOLAND GLOBCOVER PARASOL POLDER .... Land cover Soil moisture Temperature Reflectance Vegetation ...

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How ?

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Tag metadata at the product level with keywords related to the project or mission name e.g. search for "Land cover" products instead of "GLOBCOVER"

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Use Exogeneous data to characterize product content. The product footprint should be use for automatic processing - e.g. toponyms extraction with OpenStreetMap

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Example Using Global Land Cover 2000 to automatically characterize product thematic content

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Global Land Cover (GLC 2000)

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Thematic sliders SPOT cover - 1,300,000 scenes

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Search for coastal cultivated area ?

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Search results (footprints displayed in black over the map) Coastal cultivated area

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Thematic classification is displayed within the result metadata costal... ...cultivated area

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Linked data Achieve multidisciplinary interoperability

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« Linked data is the right way to do Semantic Web » Tim Berners-Lee

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The Graph of Idea -

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Faceted search Break the hierarchy of search filters

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Web search paradigms Taxonomy search (e.g. Yahoo! Directory) Direct search (e.g. google) vs.

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Faceted search Taxonomy search (e.g. Yahoo! Directory) Direct search (e.g. google) + (a sort of)

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« Faceted search enables users to navigate a multi- dimensional information space by combining text search with a progressive narrowing of choices in each dimension »

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Classification to be ordered in multiple ways

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