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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON: Whaddya mean I donʼt do my fair share…

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Dialog RACCOON cont: …look I patched the leak.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: …look I patched the leak.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: …look I patched the leak.

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Action Notes He points to a gob of mud in the ceiling.

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Dialog BEAVER: When we got married...

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Dialog BEAVER cont: said that you would convert,

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Dialog BEAVER cont: that we would raise our kids in the beaver way…

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Dialog BEAVER cont: …but look at you. You lay around the dam all day long.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: …but look at you.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: You lay around the dam all day long.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: You lay around the dam all day long.

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Dialog BEAVER: You donʼt build. You donʼt maintain.

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Dialog BEAVER: You donʼt build. You donʼt maintain.

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Dialog BEAVER: You donʼt build. You donʼt maintain.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: You donʼt do anything.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: You donʼt do anything.

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Dialog BEAVER: And youʼre out all night long with your...

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Dialog BEAVER cont: And youʼre out all night long with your...

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Dialog BEAVER cont: ...debased deprived debauchery.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: ...debased deprived debauchery.

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Dialog BEAVER: My mother was right about you.

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Dialog BEAVER: My mother was right about you.

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Dialog RACCOON: Beverly, look, Iʼm nocturnal…

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Dialog RACCOON: Beverly, look, Iʼm nocturnal…

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Dialog RACCOON: Beverly, look, Iʼm nocturnal…

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Dialog RACCOON: Beverly, look, Iʼm nocturnal…

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Dialog RACCOON: Beverly, look, Iʼm nocturnal…

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Dialog RACCOON cont: …what do you want from me?

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Remember, thatʼs why you fell in love with me, because I was different…

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I can't change the way I'm hotwired.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Remember, thatʼs why you fell in love with me,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Remember, thatʼs why you fell in love with me,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: because I was different…

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Dialog BEAVER: That was then...

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Dialog BEAVER cont : ...and this is now. Itʼs time for you to grow up

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Dialog BEAVER cont: and take on more of this responsibility.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: This family wonʼt raise itself.

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Dialog RACCOON: Cʼmon,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: the kids are fine!

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Dialog BEAVER: Joey has rabies

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Dialog BEAVER: Joey has rabies

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Dialog BEAVER cont: and little Meagan wonʼt stop defecating where she eats.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: and little Meagan wonʼt stop defecating where she eats.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: and little Meagan wonʼt stop defecating where she eats.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They arenʼt normal kids!

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Dialog BEAVER cont: They need a father!

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Dialog RACCOON: They donʼt need a father... theyʼve got a father!

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Dialog RACCOON: They donʼt need a father... theyʼve got a father!

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Me!

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Whaddya want?!

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I go out... I earn.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I go out... I earn.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I go out... I earn.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Did I not bring back six French fries,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Did I not bring back six French fries,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: Did I not bring back six French fries,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: an almost full bag of Cheetos,

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Dialog RACCOON cont: and a half eaten Ding Dong last night?

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Dialog RACCOON cont: and a half eaten Ding Dong last night?

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Action Notes CUT to the pile of garbage food on the table. The Ding Dong has a needle stuck in it.

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Dialog RACCOON: From my old man, that wouldʼve been a great haul…

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Dialog RACCOON: From my old man, that wouldʼve been a great haul…

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Dialog BEAVER: Great haul for a Raccoon, sure,

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Dialog BEAVER: Great haul for a Raccoon, sure,

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Dialog BEAVER: Great haul for a Raccoon, sure,

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Dialog BEAVER ...

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Dialog BEAVER cont: ... but not for beavers.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: ... but not for beavers.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: ... but not for beavers.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: These kids need wood.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: Good Wood.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: Good Wood.

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Dialog BEAVER cont: Good Wood.

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog MEAGAN/JOEY: Good wood…good wood…good wood…/ (snarling snapping sounds)

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Dialog RACCOON: Fine…

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I could use some air anyways.

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Dialog RACCOON cont: I could use some air anyways.

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Dialog RACCOON: I wonʼt come back without wood.

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Dialog RACCOON I wonʼt come back without wood.

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Dialog RACCOON I wonʼt come back without wood.

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Dialog BEAVER (to herself) Thatʼs how I got into this mess.

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Dialog BEAVER (to herself) Thatʼs how I got into this mess.

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