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Domain Driven Design & Data Mesh Webinar 15/03/2022 Kenny Baas-Schwegler Peter Kromhout Niels Zeilemaker

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Photo by Şahin Sezer Dinçer on Unsplash

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“Most organizations don’t have their Data Management in order, and have found themselves in a data mess because of it”

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Businesses miss out on opportunities

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It is a waste of resources

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You break the law 746 225 90 60 60 50 35 27,8 22 20,4 17 12,3 10,4 9 8,5 8,15 7 6 5 4,5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Amazon WhatsApp Google Ireland Facebook Google LLC Google H&M TIM British Airways Marriott Wind Vodafone Italia Notebooksbilliger Austrian Post Eni Vodafone Spain Google Caixabank BBVA bank Fastweb In millions € 20 biggest GDPR fines till date (900 in total)

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Agenda • Why do we do what we do? • From centralised to decentralised, we've been here before.. • What do the data mesh principles have to do with data management? • How do we get to a domain-oriented ownership? • The engineering way of solving this problem • Why a Data Mesh is a decentralized sociotechnical approach

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Why do we do what we do? * * = Data- engineers, analysts, scientists, architects, leaders ..

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How do we try to achieve this goal of Data Driven Organizations? Volume, Velocity & Variety Tooling & technology Growth in number of data professionals

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“The percentage of firms identifying themselves as being data-driven has declined in each of the past 3 years — from 37.1% in 2017 to 32.4% in 2018 to 31.0% this year” (HBR - Companies Are Failing in Their Efforts to Become Data-Driven - 2019) “Today, most firms use data in some fashion for decision making, but many can’t claim to be fully “data-driven.” In fact, only 24% said they had created a data-driven organization.” (NVP - Big Data and AI Executive Survey - 2021)

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From centralised to decentralised approach to data

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From centralised to decentralised, we've been here before..

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How do we split a Monolithic application?

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Big ball of Mud When we have no correct boundaries of functionality, meaning a software systems lack an explicit architecture around these functionalities. Changing one functionality impacts the other functionalities.

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Leads to

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From 2003 - Get a shared understanding of the problems our domain experts have.

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Instead of one canonical language, create multiple bounded languages

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A model is a simplified representation of a thing or phenomenon that intentionally emphasizes certain aspects while ignoring others. Abstraction with a specific use in mind. — Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

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Stakeholders Team developing software Others involved designing the software

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What do the data mesh principles have to do with data management?

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One of the opportunities with Data Mesh is to address the Data Management problem organizations face (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) Data Mesh principles Very much needed & Huge risk for chaos, inefficiency and misalignment Engineering way of solving the data management issue

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“Data mesh, at its core, is founded in decentralization and distribution of data responsibility to people who are closest to the data” “Data product ownership: long-term ownership of responsibilities to create, model, maintain, evolve, and share data as a product to meet the needs of data users.” (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) Data Owner Data Users

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(O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) One long-standing challenge of existing analytical data architectures is the high friction and cost of using data: discovering, understanding, trusting, exploring, and ultimately consuming quality data. Data becomes a 1st class citizen instead of an after thought Data product characteristics: (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022)

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How do we get to a domain-oriented ownership?

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Domain • A sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity. The subject area to which the user applies a program is the domain of the software. • an area of interest or an area over which a person has control • It is all about grouping concepts. Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

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Photo by Michal Balog on Unsplash Photo by Raul Gonzalez Escobar on Unsplash

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What influences our grouping of the domains? • Customers • Resources • People • Team cognitive load • Cohesion of change • Change rate • Culture • Business strategy and there value streams • Software architecture • Organisation structure • Knowledge & Practice • ….. • Aka Contextual!

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Collaborative Modelling

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The engineering way of solving this problem

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A refreshed look at data governance is the missing and final piece to make data mesh work. (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) … rely on automated mechanisms built by the platform and embedded into the distributed architecture ... (O’Reilly – Data Mesh – Zhamak Dehgani - 2022) Examples of governance that can be automated: But How?!

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Data product Catalogue Data product monitoring Experience plane Data Product plane Output port Output port Bounded context Metadata store Bounded context Metadata: - Descriptions - Classifications - SLA’s - Quality - Sample data - Endpoint - Owner - Usage - Access The 'Experience plane'

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Data product Catalogue Data product monitoring Metadata store Experience plane Data Product plane Output port Output port Bounded context Bounded context Bounded context Output port The 'Experience plane'

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Why a Data Mesh is a decentralized sociotechnical approach

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End2End Live Conference:

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Wrap up Data Mesh is an investment in technology and in the people! Use collaborative modelling to design domain-oriented ownership Use an engineering approach to solve the governance problem Getting your data management in order is not limited to Data Mesh

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Contact us Peter Kromhout – Kenny Baas-Schwegler – – twitter: @kenny_baas Niels Zeilemaker –