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AWS 認證經驗談 Jonathan Huang

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Outline •  AWS 認證簡介 •  AWS 認證內容介紹 •  其他參考資料 •  Q&A

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AWS 認證簡介 •  考試語言 •  全英文 •  題型 •  單選, 多選, 連連看(找對應組合) •  認證考試費用 •  USD 150 (台幣4500元) •  台灣地區考試地點 •  資策會 – 資訊技術訓練中心 (近捷運大安站) •  報名網址 • •  請務必記住密碼!? AWS Certification Program Overview

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AWS 認證簡介 •  適用對象 •  Solutions Architect •  System Operator Administrator •  Developer •  以上之有使用 AWS 服務的人 •  三個熟練等級 (由淺至深) •  Associate (目前只有開放這個等級) •  Professional •  Master •  大部分的東西細看文件就會熟, 能搭配實作⼀一定更好! AWS Certification Program Overview

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AWS 認證簡介 – Associate Level •  了解 AWS 基本架構 •  Compute (EC2, VPC) •  Network (ELB, Route53) •  Storage (S3, EBS) •  Database Service (RDS, Dynamo DB) •  能夠靈活且彈性運用 AWS 服務 •  了解 AWS 上關於資料及機器安全相關功能及可以使用工具 •  Programmable tools •  API, CLI, EC2 Meta-data API ( •  了解 Web服務的多層式系統架構 (Multitier architecture) •  可能我比較幸運, 遇到的題目大部分是 VPC, RDS, S3, ELB, IAM,… AWS Certification Program Overview

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帶著大家找文件 Reading Giraffe

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AWS 認證內容介紹 -參考資料 •  AWS Architecture Center •  Web Application Hosting •  Content and Media Serving •  Fault tolerance and High Availability •  Disaster Recovery for Local Applications •  Log Analysis •  AWS Cloud Computing Whitepapers •  Overview of Amazon Web Services •  Backup and Recovery Approaches Using Amazon Web Services •  Amazon Web Services - Overview of Security Processes •  參考 AWS Whitepapers 的 tab 即可 •  親身操作並使用 •  盡可能地了解所有AWS服務的內容以及功用

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AWS 認證參考資料 Backup and Recovery Approaches Using Amazon Web Services •  Backup and Recovery Approaches Using Amazon Web Services •  Self-Configuring Instances – Creating Flexibility and Deployment Options •  Backing Up Database and File Servers •  Creating Consistent or “Hot” Backups •  Long-Term Data Archival

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AWS 認證參考資料 Amazon Web Services – Overview of Security Processes •  Amazon Web Services – Overview of Security Processes •  AWS Identity and Access Management(AWS IAM) •  Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) Security •  Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) Security •  Data Durability and Reliability

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實作⼀一下 VPC How Do Giraffes Sleep

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其他參考資料 •  Amazon Web Services (AWS) Documentation • •  AWS Solutions • •  Articles & Tutorials & Blogs • • • • •  大大們的部落格 •  HINA::工程幼稚園

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