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On the way to achieve autonomous node communication in the Elixir ecosystem 2022/11/03 Presenter: Hideki Takase (Univ. of Tokyo) Collaborators/Contributors: Shintaro Hosoai (Univ. of Tokyo) Ryota Kinukawa (Tombo Works) Shunsuke Kikuchi (SAKURA internet, Inc.)

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Hobby Recent R&D Affiliation Mission @takasehideki ശ ఉ ϩʔΧϧ؀ڥ ηϯγϯά ̇ ̇ ̇ ө૾ Ի Թ౓ ࣪౓ ѹྗ ৼಈ Edge AI ޯ഑ܭࢉɾߋ৽ -PTT 8FJHIU ਪ࿦ ੍ޚ ΢ΣΞϥϒϧ σόΠεɾ ϔϧεέΞ ϩϘοτ ϞϏϦςΟ ೖྗ ग़ྗ ϑΟʔυ όοΫ Edge AI Edge AI Edge AI Edge AI Fog AI ू໿ ෼഑ ϩʔΧϧ؀ڥ Fog AI Edge AI Edge AI ϩʔΧϧ؀ڥ Fog AI Edge AI Edge AI Cloud MEC BEAM クラウド BEAM エッジ BEAM 最適配分アルゴリズム 透過型分散プラットフォーム BEAM システム開発者 デプロイされる コード ① ③ ② ③ ③ ❤ 評価アプリ ❤ 評価アプリ ④ ④ ❤ 評価アプリ ④ ② ② ❤ 評価アプリ ④ ② ② ② ② a design infrastructure that connects all Things and Human Optimization Methodology Toward a world where anyone can easily create awesome products Cutting-Edge Platform and Design Methodology for embedded/IoT Computing

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3 What are we trying to do? network address space A global IP: nodeA2 nodeA1 nodeA3 192.168.10.?? network address space B global IP: nodeB1 nodeB3 192.168.5.?? Node.connect( :”nodeA2@”) Node.connect( :”nodeB0@”) specifying IP address is essential :( 1. want to connect w/o IP address! can connect with global IP address 2. want to connect as lightly as possible! (and beyond NAPT) 3. What we ultimately want to do: autonomous node communication between different networks!! nodeB0

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4 Our Solution!! autonomous node comm. feature powered by DDS/RTPS ROS 2 client library for Elixir A Library for Robotics meet Elixir 2021/11/05 Hideki Takase (Univ. of Tokyo / JST PRESTO) /rclex-a-library-for-robotics-meet-elixir awesome IoT platform by Elixir eloquent, scalable and fast protocol

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5 Step1: Rclex autonomous node communication within the network

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7 • Asynchronous comm. between nodes via topics —ROS application can be developed by combining nodes —Easy to construct loosely coupled architecture —Pub/Sub nodes can be added/deleted/restarted independently • Other methods — Service: sync. server-client — Action: combo of topic/service — Parameter: key-value store Plumbing node1 node2 node3 node4 topicA [String] topicB [Image] node5 publish subscribe DDS Domain msg msg msg msg

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network space 8 node1 pub node3 sub node4 sub • DDS: Data Distribution Service — comm. middleware for ROS 2 • RTPS: Real Time Publish Subscribe — SPDP: Simple Participant Discovery Protocol autonomously searches comm. partners — SEDP: Simple Endpoint Discovery Protocol autonomously establishes comm. paths — No broker or agent is required! — Only topic name & message type are required to specify comm. nodes ü Limitations :( Ø Native Linux (Ubuntu) is generally required Ø Nodes must be on the same network Dive into DDS/RTPS node5 sub node2 pub topicA [String] topicB [Image]

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9 Simple Publisher by Rclex number of nodes create node by name and index create topic :single-> one topic :multi-> multiple set callback func and timer interval create list of messages for each node publish message setting node info. with pipe operator processing a data message with Enum

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Slide 10 text 10 Example of Rclex on e-RT3 Plus default ROS 2 env on laptop Rclex on e-RT3 Plus

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11 Step2: Rclex on Nerves bare minimum and bulletproof runtime platform autonomous node communication within the network

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ナーブスはナウでヤングでcoolなすごいやつです。 “Nerves is awesome!! because it is now, young and cool!!” 225 members in Japan Sapporo.beam Pocket LANcher First product in Japan with Nerves 12

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13 BTW, New Target for Hetero SoC!! • Seeed ODYSSEY STM32MP1 Cortex-A7x2 + -M4 ex/nerves_system_stm32mp157c_odyssey • AMD/Xilinx Kria KR260 Cortex-A53x4 + FPGA ex/nerves_system_kr260 Both are ported by pojiro!! We are developing technologies that will enable Nerves to actively utilize low-power core and FPGA (but WiP,,,)

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# 1. clone our repository git clone cd rclex_on_nerves/ # 2. deps.get mix deps.get # 3. prepare ros2 resources mix rclex.prep.ros2 --arch arm64v8 --ros2-distro foxy # 4. copy them to rootfs_overlay bash # 5. generate codes of message types for topic comm. mix rclex.gen.msgs --from rootfs_overlay/usr/share # 6. create fw, and burn (or, upload) export MIX_TARGET=rpi4 export ROS_DIR=$PWD/rootfs_overlay/usr mix firmware && mix burn # or, mix upload 14 How to Install for on • Copy the directories needed to operate ROS 2 from the Docker container to the Nerves file system Ø rootfs_overlay feature realizes this solution Ø Installing ROS 2 env on the host is not required! /opt/ros/foxy/include /opt/ros/foxy/lib/ /opt/ros/foxy/share arm64v8/ros: foxy-ros-core rootfs … usr/ … rootfs copy NOTE: this operation is still WIP. It may be changed in the future.

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15 Step3: Rclex on Nerves with Zenoh communication autonomy across networks bare minimum and bulletproof runtime platform autonomous node communication within the network

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16 Zero Overhead Network Protocol • Eloquent: First class abstractions for pub/sub, geo-distributed storages, query, and queryables • Scalable: decentralized and scale-out / scale-down • Fast: to learn and extremely performant

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17 Zero Overhead Network Protocol presented at ROSConʼ22!! (2022/10/21)

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# continue from page 15 # 1. scp from RPi4 on Ubuntu scp -r ubuntu@ubuntu:~/zenoh-plugin-dds . # 2. copy `zenoh-bridge-dds` binary under `./rootfs_overlay/opt/` bash # 3. Set `${ZENOH_ROUTER_IP}` for your server export ZENOH_ROUTER_IP=aa.bbb.ccc.d # 4. create fw, and upload mix firmware && mix upload 18 How to Use with on • MuonTrap is used for operating zenoh_bridge_dds NOTE: this operation is still WIP. It may be changed in the future. Please check README for more details, especially for preparing Zenoh environment.

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19 論よりRUN!! "ron yori run" The RUN is mightier than the word global IP: global IP: SFO TYO 192.168.10.?? 192.168.??.?? Rclex messages between nodes will go beyond the Pacific Ocean!!

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Autonomous node communication for Elixir ecosystem! 21 Wrapping Up!! communication autonomy across networks bare minimum and bulletproof runtime platform autonomous node communication within the network Maybe you can use some of Nerves techniques we have experienced, such as rootfs_overlay and MuonTrap

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22 Our journey is still on the way,,, STAR our repos! and Give us your contributions!! • Support for Rclex Service, Action and Parameter • Case study applied to actual IoT systems • Comparison with ROSiE, Phoenix PubSub, etc. • documentation, and academic paper,,,

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23 Thank you so much! Arigato!! @takasehideki A part of this work is supported by JST CREST JPMJCR21D2 and the commissioned research (04001) by National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) , Japan.