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Revive a Browser Game Server The Open Unlight Project Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

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Ruby + ActionScript 3

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Adobe Flash IDE is unavailable!

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mxmlc src/Unlight.mxml

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Unlight can be compiled by Flex SDK 3.x

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Failed because missing files

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Setup environment takes much time

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The source code always become dirty

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•Always reset client compile environment •Patches / Rework •Customizable Server/Client •Adjustable Docker compose configure

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Secure Remote Password not matched!

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Slide 20 text Step 1. Client create PublicKey A

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Slide 21 text Step 2. Server create PublicKey B and send it with Salt to user

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Slide 22 text Step 3~. Compute SessionKey and verify other's Matcher

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(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧

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24 Core CPU 24G RAM 98K IOPS SSD 300M/100M FTTH Sponsor by Poka

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Feel "LAG" after 500 online players

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(0.214518s) SELECT * FROM `card_inventories` WHERE ( `card_inventories`. `chara_card_deck_id` = 2971)

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ALTER TABLE card_inventories ADD INDEX chara_card_deck_id (chara_card_deck_id)

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About 100x faster

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About 1000 online players without "LAG"

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•Adjust Cpuset to fix database on specify cores •Adjust Swappiness to prevent use disk •Adjust Full Table Index to cache small table

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•Move Database outside Docker •Enable SR-IOV to use physics network card •Add partition to database

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Estimate capability > 3000 online players

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•DAU about 500 online players •Rows grow fast
 Only two weeks we have 10M ~ 20M rows •1 Developer
 1 DevOps
 1 Player Support

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But how to hosting this game?

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Add CloudWatch to analytic online players

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Open Unlight's Reword/Customize

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Open Unlight's Allow add customize gems

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Tricks to allow Docker add optional files

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Use Rack to implement API server

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Extend CLI to serve in docker

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Hosting a game have to support players resolve problems

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SmartLook can replay player session to debug

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ZenDesk can help players in one central system

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•ZenDesk - Player support •SmartLook - Client Debug (for HTML5) •Asana - Issue Tracking •AWS - CDN/Monitoring •Discord - Co-working

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The HTML5 version?

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Flash will be removed at 2020 in Chrome

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The Unlight client is Flash

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But no one knows CPA will maintenance or not

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From TCPSocket to WebSocket

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Client Server Packet The TCPSocket send packet directly

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Client Server Packet The WebSocket send packet with WebSocket wrapper WebSocket

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Unlight use EventMachine handles connection

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Comment out all EventMachine connection

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Implement a Rack middleware with WebSocket gem

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Add Rack's .ru and it can be served by Puma or Unicorn

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We already migrated 90% server to WebSocket

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How the client communicates with the server?

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It convert data to a command

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Each packet should have a header to describe command

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JavaScript can create 2 byte struct?

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new Int8Array([0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x0a])

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(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧

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You can learn how the C programmer think by Unlight's Ruby source code

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From Golang to WebAssembly

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func AuthCmd(name string) []byte { buffer := new(bytes.Buffer) binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, uint16(1)) binary.Write(buffer, binary.BigEndian, []byte(name)) return buffer.Bytes() }

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GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o libul.go

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Convert Unlight to HTML5 is possible!

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What the next?

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Test! Test! Test!

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We are trying to learn to host a game server as a programmer

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And last ...

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New security problem is coming!

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