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Shared Cross-Platform Modules with Kotlin

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Simone @viteinfinite

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Microsoft Surface

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❝"A Surface app is like an iPad app"❞

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❝"An iPad app is like a Xoom app"❞

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Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform

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Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform Cross-Platform

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Years Later...

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Konan Kotlin Native Backend

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Kotlin for JavaScript Transpilation to JavaScript

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❝"Kotlin is like Swift"❞

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How It Works

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❝A Kotlin/Native compiler is like a Swift compiler❞

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Supported Targets ➀ Android Native ➁ Web Assembly ➂ Linux ➃ Embedded Systems ➄ macOS ➅ iOS

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Interoperable Can make use of C / C++ / Objective-C libraries

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Can I Write an Entire iOS App in Kotlin?

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Can I Write a Complete Cross-Platform App in Kotlin?

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Can I Write a Complete Cross-Platform App in Kotlin?

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iOS Frameworks

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Share a Cross-Platform Module Between Android and iOS

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Let's Try Out

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My Use Case Written in Markdown, presented with Deckset

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My Goal Create viewer apps, sharing parsing logic: ☞ Shared parsing library: ☞ iOS ➡ .framework (Kotlin/Native) ☞ Android ➡ .aar (Kotlin/JVM) ☞ iOS (view logic in Swift) ☞ Android (view logic in Kotlin)

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Multiplatform Since Kotlin 1.2, Kotlin/Native 0.6

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Multiplatform ☞ Sharing code across multiple platforms: ☞ JVM ☞ JS ☞ Native (iOS, macOS, Android Native, ...)

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Kotlin 1.3

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Kotlin 1.3 New Multiplatform DSL

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Kotlin 1.3 New Multiplatform DSL Key Concepts

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Kotlin Gradle Extension > build.gradle kotlin { // ... }

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4 Key Concepts ➀ SourceSet ➁ Target ➂ Preset ➃ Compilation

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1. SourceSet ☞ A group of source files ☞ Usually what's inside the src/ folder

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1. SourceSet ☞ A group of source files ☞ Usually what's inside the src/ folder ├── build.gradle │ └── src │ ├── main // ← SourceSet │ ├── iosMain // ← SourceSet │ └── ... // ← Other SourceSets

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2. Target ☞ A variant of your project for a given platform (e.g. Android, iOS device, iOS simulator, Linux, etc) kotlin { targets { // ... } }

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3. Preset ☞ A way to easily create a target ☞ It's composed of pre-defined configuration kotlin { targets { fromPreset(presets.iosX64, 'iosSim') } }

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4. Compilation ☞ A "trasformation" of your sources for a specific target ☞ Each target can have one or more compilation, for instance "main", "test", etc

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4. Compilation kotlin { targets { fromPreset(presets.iosX64, 'iosSim') { = bar } } }

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Target+Compilation ☞ Kotlin automatically creates a sourceSet for each possible compilation + target combination

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Target+Compilation ☞ Kotlin automatically creates a sourceSet for each possible compilation + target combination ├── build.gradle │ └── src │ ├── main // almost useless in MPP │ ├── commonMain // created automatically │ ├── iosMain │ ├── iosTest │ └── ...

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What if...

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2 Solutions

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1. Interfaces Interfaces get translated conveniently across platforms interface Logger { fun log(string: String) } class Service(val logger: Logger) { fun log(string: String) { logger.log(string) } }

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2. Actuals: 1/3 Actuals are a functionality introduced in KMPP 1.2 // SourceSet commonMain expect class Logger { fun log(string: String) } class Service(val logger: Logger) { fun log(string: String) { logger.log(string) } }

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2. Actuals: 2/3 // SourceSet iosMain actual class Logger { actual fun log(string: String) { NSLog(string) } }

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2. Actuals: 3/3 kotlin { sourceSets { iosMain { dependsOn commonMain } } ...

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Project Setup

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Project Setup ├── build.gradle │ └── src │ ├── commonMain │ ├── iosMain │ └── main

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build.gradle: 1/4 buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.0-rc-57' // ... Repositories and dependencies as usual } apply plugin: 'kotlin-multiplatform' // ...

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build.gradle: 2/4 apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 26 defaultConfig { minSdkVersion 21 targetSdkVersion 26 versionCode 1 versionName '1.0' } }

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build.gradle: 3/4 kotlin { sourceSets { iosMain { dependsOn commonMain } }

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build.gradle: 4/4 targets { fromPreset(, 'androidLibrary') def isSim = findProperty("") == "iosSim" def iosPreset = isSim ? presets.iosX64 : presets.iosArm64 fromPreset(iosPreset, 'iosSim') { compilations.main.outputKinds('FRAMEWORK') } } }

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Tasks ./gradlew tasks assemble - Assembles all variants of all applications and packages. build - Assembles and tests this project. linkDebugFrameworkIos - Links an Objective-C framework from the 'main' compilation for target 'native'.

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Build ./gradlew -p . linkDebugFrameworkIos

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❝"A Kotlin Framework is like a Swift Framework"❞

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❝"A Kotlin Framework is like a Swift Framework"❞

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❝"A Framework is a Framework"❞

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Digging Deeper

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Testing ☞ Unit tests supported in Kotlin Multiplatform ☞ IDE support

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import kotlin.test.* class TestFoo { @Test fun testBar() { assertTrue { Foo().bar().startsWith("bar-") } } } ... Kotlin/Native requires additional configuration → please refer to our blogs

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Digging Deeper Objective-C Headers

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Objective-C Generated Headers

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Objective-C Generated Headers └── KotlinSlideParser.framework ├── Headers │ └── KotlinSlideParser.h ‏‏‏ ├── Info.plist ├── KotlinSlideParser └── Modules └── module.modulemap

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#import @class KSPSupport, KSPMyEnum, KSPStdlibEnum, KSPOtherEnum, KSPSlideEntity, KSPSlideEntityPage, KSPMarkdownEntity, KSPMarkdownEntityItalic, KSPMarkdownEntityBold; @class KSPMarkdownEntityHeader, KSPMarkdownEntityInlineCode, KSPMarkdownEntityCodeBlock, KSPMarkdownEntityLinks; @class KSPMarkdownEntityPlain, KSPMarkdownEntityRefer, KSPMarkdownEntityDelete, KSPSlideParser; @protocol KSPStdlibComparable; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface KotlinBase : NSObject -(instancetype) init __attribute__((unavailable)); +(instancetype) new __attribute__((unavailable)); +(void)initialize __attribute__((objc_requires_super)); @end; @interface KotlinBase (KotlinBaseCopying) @end; __attribute__((objc_runtime_name("KotlinMutableSet"))) @interface KSPMutableSet : NSMutableSet @end; __attribute__((objc_runtime_name("KotlinMutableDictionary"))) @interface KSPMutableDictionary : NSMutableDictionary @end; __attribute__((objc_subclassing_restricted)) @interface KSPSupport : KotlinBase -(instancetype)init NS_SWIFT_NAME(init()) NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; -(NSNumber* _Nullable)optionalInt NS_SWIFT_NAME(optionalInt()); -(void)somethingThatThrows NS_SWIFT_NAME(somethingThatThrows()); @end; @protocol KSPStdlibComparable @required -(int32_t)compareToOther:(id _Nullable)other NS_SWIFT_NAME(compareTo(other:)); @end; NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END

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Kotlin / ObjC / Swift Type Mapping Kotlin Objective-C Swift Boolean BOOL Bool Float / Double float / double Float / Double Int int32_t Int32 String NSString * String List NSArray * [String] Int? Nullable NSNumber * NSNumber?

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Kotlin Objective-C Swift interface @protocol @protocol class class class data class class class enum class StdlibEnum StdlibEnum Kotlin Objective-C Swift open (subclassable) open public (subclassable) open -→

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Digging Deeper Debugging

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Debugging ☞ Debugging is supported ☞ Compiler produces a .dSYM file ☞ "official" LLVM symbolication file for debugging ☞ Allows using Xcode for debugging

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Debugging (lldb) breakpoint set --func-regex "myFunc" (lldb) b kfun:

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❝Xcode is like AppCode!❞

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Features ☞ Breakpoints ✅ ☞ Stack Trace ✅ ☞ Stepping ✅ ☞ Object Value Inspection ⚠

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Digging Deeper Memory Management

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Memory Management ☞ ARC-based... ☞ ...with an automatic cycle collector on top ☞ Garbage Collection is performed periodically ☞ weak references supported since 0.7

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Digging Deeper Exceptions

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Exceptions ☞ All exceptions are unchecked in Kotlin ☞ @Throws is not supported in Kotlin/Native ☞ Cannot bridge Kotlin Exceptions to Swift Errors

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Exception (un)Handling fun somethingThatThrows() { throw Exception(message = "Oops.") } ‑ Uncaught Kotlin exception: kotlin.Exception: Oops. at 3 KotlinSlideParser 0x104cb54f3 kfun:kotlin.Exception.(kotlin.String)kotlin.Exception + 115 at 4 KotlinSlideParser 0x104c81dea kfun:fr.xebia.slideparser.Support.somethingThatThrows() + 122 at 5 KotlinSlideParser 0x104c81d10 KotlinSlideParser + 7440 at 6 SlideRehearser 0x104978081 _T014SlideRehearser14ViewControllerC11viewDidLoadyyF + 81 at 7 SlideRehearser 0x104978104 _T014SlideRehearser14ViewControllerC11viewDidLoadyyFTo + 36 at 8 UIKit 0x107e8646c -[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 1235 ...

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Digging Deeper Concurrency

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Concurrency Kotlin/Native supports: ☞ Workers (specific to Kotlin/Native) ☞ Coroutines! ☞ kotlinx.coroutines available since September ☞ Only single-threaded code is currently supported

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In Action!

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Kotlin public sealed class SlideEntity { data class Page(val contents: List): SlideEntity() } public sealed class MarkdownEntity { data class Header(val contents: List, val level: Int): MarkdownEntity() data class Plain(val contents: String): MarkdownEntity() } public class SlideParser { public fun parsePages(string: String): List? { return this.pageParser().process(string) } }

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iOS (Swift) import KotlinSlideParser // ... let parser = KSPSlideParser() guard let pages = parser.parsePages(string: myText) else { return } pages.first?.contents.forEach { entity in switch entity { case let header as KSPMarkdownEntityHeader: header.level // Level of the header case let plain as KSPMarkdownEntityPlain: plain.contents // Text of the entity default: break } }

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Android (Kotlin) import fr.xebia.slideparser.SlideParser // ... val parser = SlideParser() val pages = parser.parsePages(myText) pages?.first()?.contents?.forEach { when(it) { is MarkdownEntity.Header -> it.level // Level of the header is MarkdownEntity.Plain -> it.contents // Text of the entity } }

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So this thing is perfect! Right?

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Current Limitations

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Still a Technology Preview

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Current Limitations ☞ Compilation time ☞ Binary size ☞ Not 100% compatible with iOS bitcode ☞ Some everyday functions not available in K/N ☞ Lacking documentation

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Open Questions ☞ GC-like memory model: strength or weakness? ☞ How to overcome platform differences? ☞ e.g. Concurrency / Workers

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The Future is Now

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The Future is Now ☞ Feature parity between Kotlin dialects ☞ New common extensions: ☞ coroutines ✅ ☞ Limited IDE support ✅ ☞ Simplified MPP Support ✅ ☞ Cannot inspect objects in the debugger ✅ ☞ Direct Interoperability with Swift ☞ Some new announcements at KotlinConf?

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Summing Up

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Kotlin Multiplatform + Kotlin/Native

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Technology Preview

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Encourages Modularity

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Feels Familiar to All Mobile Developers

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A New Approach to Cross-Platform

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Thank You!

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Simone @viteinfinite

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Full demo: framework

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Other Resources ☞ Kotlin Blog ☞ Deep Dive into Kotlin/Native by Andrey Breslav ☞ | ☞ ☞ Kotlin Slack