Dan Dan Mian
Kevin Inciong
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Dialog ...and you can just
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Dialog walk
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Dialog down the ave
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Dialog and eat a whole
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Dialog meal
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Dialog meal
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Dialog meal
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Dialog bit by bit...
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Dialog bit by bit...
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Dialog bit by bit...and
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Dialog theres not even a competitive nature to it. Its like
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Dialog "Oh you want stinky tofu? The stinky tofu guy is over there."
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Dialog "Oh you want
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Dialog Noodle soup? He's over here.
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Dialog oh you want chicken feet? He's over here!"
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Dialog And like...everyone knows where they're at and umm..
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Dialog 'you know
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Dialog ...uhh.
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Dialog I was eating shaved ice the other night.
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Dialog Around 11 o'clock, closing time shaved ice.
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Dialog and a woman came with her son and she had just bought some
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Dialog toilet paper, things like that from the store.
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Dialog She went up to the shaved Ice guy and said
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Dialog "Hey are you okay?"
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Dialog and he was like "yeah you know it's been tough recently its okay."
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Dialog and she said "Yeah I noticed because I've been coming out at night and you're not here"
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Dialog he's like
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Dialog yeah I've been closing up shop early.
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Dialog she's like "okay, okay look I'll buy two tonight".
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Dialog but if you have trouble let me know.
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Dialog we'll get people together, to try to come out.
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Dialog just let us know your hours." and he was like "okaaayyy.."
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Dialog and they're really like your local bread person.
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Dialog or cheese person or whatever, but instead of having a like a full building - its just like a desk.
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Dialog and you know you're guy or girl
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Dialog is gonna be there, and you just go and see 'em.
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Dialog twice a week, three times a week and they're your neighborhood.
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Dialog and like while Tourists
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Dialog come visit
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Dialog These are just dudes.
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Dialog That's my favorite thing.
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Dialog They live with one person.
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Dialog Like my Dad grew up on this one Dan Dan Mian
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Dialog told me about
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Dialog it his whole life.
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Dialog Tried to recreate it at home
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Dialog It's like one of the early chapters from "Fresh Off The Boat"
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Dialog he could never recreate it.
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Dialog He took me to see this guy
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Dialog when I was twelve.
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Dialog and this guy was like
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Dialog "I've been feeding your dad since he was like this height"
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Dialog And my Dad was like
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Dialog this guy would be so busy
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Dialog we would bring bowls
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Dialog from home
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Dialog and then he would serve it
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Dialog So that he wouldn't have to spend time
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Dialog washing dishes.
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Dialog because he couldn't
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Dialog keep up with the business
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Dialog Like THAT'S the way it is.
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Dialog like Its a big deal in America to bring your bag
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Dialog to the grocery store.
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Dialog Like, Cats (friends & patrons) were bringing bowls
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Dialog and chopsticks
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Dialog to homie
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Dialog because
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Dialog and like
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Dialog That's how familial it is and that's what I love about Taiwan.
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Dialog I think in many ways positively, because we are not part of the global economy.
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Dialog Our country takes care of it's people, the individual. And its very hand-to-hand still.
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