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傳說中可以治百病的 區塊鏈是怎麼⼀一回事? 高見龍

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a.k.a Eddie 愛現! 喜歡冷門的玩具 Ruby/Rails/iOS app 開發者、講師 Ruby 技術推廣、教育、諮詢 台灣、日本等國內外 Ruby 技術研討會講者 目前於五倍紅寶石擔任紅寶石鑑定商職務 部落格: 高見龍 photo by Eddie @eddiekao !

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發售中! 第五刷

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發售中! 沒人買

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源起 why this topic?

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1 BTC vs. 19,000 USD

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動⼿手實作 learning by coding

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⼤大綱 agenda

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從開發者的⾓角度看區塊鏈 from a developer's perspective

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區塊、鏈條與挖礦! block, chain, and mining!

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以太坊、智能合約、Dapp ethereum / smart contract / Dapp 不會講到

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該不該買比特幣? should I buy bitcoin? 我不懂 沒錢錢 不會講到

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沒有買賣,沒有傷害 No expectations, no disappointments

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科普 popular science

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區塊 block

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區塊 = 資料結構 data structure

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DATA 4bb5fc9c 獮㮆玟璸篷 ୌ缏碻樌 Block #0 交易資料

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DATA 4bb5fc9c 獮㮆玟璸篷 ୌ缏碻樌 Block #0 DATA 51e15133 獮㮆玟璸EEIFF ୌ缏碻樌 Block #1 DATA 7a44fb64 獮㮆玟璸H ୌ缏碻樌 Block #2 DATA 00bbedf4 獮㮆玟璸DIE ୌ缏碻樌 Block #3 區塊 鏈

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class Block attr_reader :hash attr_reader :previous_hash attr_reader :data attr_reader :timestamp def initialize(previous_hash, data) @previous_hash = previous_hash @data = data @timestamp = @hash = calculate_hash end private def calculate_hash # 待會再來來寫! end end 檔案:app/block.rb 定義屬性 計算Hash 初始化

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def calculate_hash content = "!#{previous_hash}!#{timestamp}!#{data}" Digest!::SHA256.hexdigest(content) end 檔案:app/block.rb SHA256

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require 'pp' require_relative '!../app/block' block0 ='00000000000000', '我要變成海海賊王!') pp block0 檔案:playground/playground001.rb

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# 程式執⾏行行結果

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⼀一顆區塊不夠,那就來來兩兩顆 我給你 3 個!

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require 'pp' require_relative '!../app/block' block0 ='0000000000000000', '我要變成海海賊王!') block1 =, '我是 1 號區塊!') block2 =, '我是 2 號區塊!') pp block0 pp block1 pp block2 檔案:playground/playground002.rb

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# # # 串起來了 程式執⾏行行結果

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創世 Genesis block

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比特幣世界裡的第 0 個區塊 (資料來來源:

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彩蛋 surprise!

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The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks

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static CBlock CreateGenesisBlock(uint32_t nTime, uint32_t nNonce, uint32_t nBits, int32_t nVersion, const CAmount& genesisReward) { const char* pszTimestamp = "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"; const CScript genesisOutputScript = CScript() !<< ParseHex("04678afdb0fe5548271967f1a67130b7105cd6a828e03909a67962e0e a1f61deb649f6bc3f4cef38c4f35504e51ec112de5c384df7ba0b8d578a4c702b6b f11d5f") !<< OP_CHECKSIG; return CreateGenesisBlock(pszTimestamp, genesisOutputScript, nTime, nNonce, nBits, nVersion, genesisReward); } 檔案:src/chainparams.cpp 這裡!

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鏈條 chain

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require_relative './block' class Blockchain attr_reader :chain def initialize @chain = [ genesis_block ] end private def genesis_block @genesis_block !!||='0' * 64, '2018/7/18 我宣佈參參選天龍國國 王,我要變成海海賊王!') end end 檔案:app/blockchain.rb 創世區塊 初始化

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require 'pp' require_relative '!../app/blockchain' blockchain = pp blockchain 檔案:playground/playground003.rb

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程式執⾏行行結果 #]> 當個創世神!

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比特幣世界裡的第 0 個區塊 (資料來來源: 前無古人

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挖礦 mining

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聽說「挖礦」是在解決複雜 的數學題⽬目嗎?

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⾙貝吉達: 「好⿇麻煩!那叫⼩小傑同學來來負責記帳總 可以了了吧」。

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柯南推著眼鏡: 「這乍看之下好像沒問題,但如果管錢 的同學跟管帳的同學⼀一起串串通好的話, 上⾯面的情況還是可能會發⽣生的。」

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⼩小蘭蘭提議: 「那如果由全班同學⼀一起來來記帳呢?」

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柯南: 「好像不錯,但要每位同學都來來記帳好 像太辛苦了了,同學們同時還要顧⾃自⼰己的 課業,下課也要參參加社團活動,所以到 最後可能會沒有⼈人想做這件事…」

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班導師江島⽥田平八站到講臺上說: 「這樣好了了,為了了⿎鼓勵⼤大家⼀一起記帳, 每次負責記帳的同學可以獲得 1 個乖寶 寶點數喔!」。

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挖礦 == 爭取記賬的權利利

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⼯工作證明 prove of work (PoW)

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雪崩效應 Avalanche Effect

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打到這裡 才算成功

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比特幣世界裡的第 0 個區塊 (資料來來源: 就像這樣!

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隨機數 Nonce = Number use once

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require 'digest' class Block attr_reader :hash, :previous_hash, :data, :timestamp attr_reader :nonce def initialize(previous_hash, data) @previous_hash = previous_hash @data = data @timestamp = @nonce = 0 @hash = '' mine! end def mine! # 待會再來來寫 end private def calculate_hash content = "!#{previous_hash}!#{timestamp}!#{data}!#{nonce}" Digest!::SHA256.hexdigest(content) end end 檔案:app/block.rb 從 0 開始 隨機數 隨機數

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def mine! loop do result = calculate_hash if result.start_with?("000") @hash = result break else @nonce += 1 @timestamp = end end end 檔案:app/block.rb 開頭 3 個 0 ++

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聽說「挖礦」是在解決複雜 的數學題⽬目嗎?

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萬⼀一都找不到合適的隨機數? Nonce = Number use once

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記賬 ledger book

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區塊鏈 == 記賬本

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花錢 spend mondy

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未花費的交易易輸出 Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

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巷⼦子⼝口的⽜牛⾁肉麵店... prove of work (PoW)

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找錢的時候不⼀一定會找回原 本的錢包位址

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交易易 Transaction

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class Transaction attr_reader :from, :to, :amount attr_reader :timestamp def initialize(from:, to:, amount:) @from = from @to = to @amount = amount @timestamp = end end 檔案:app/transaction.rb 要說清楚這是 要給誰的錢

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require './block' require './transaction' class Blockchain attr_reader :chain attr_reader :transaction_pool def initialize @chain = [ genesis_block ] @transaction_pool = [] end def add_transaction(transaction) raise "必須是交易易" unless transaction.is_a?(Transaction) raise "交易易⾦金金額必須⼤大於 0" if transaction.amount !<= 0 @transaction_pool !<< transaction end private def genesis_block # !!... 略略 !!... end end 檔案:app/blockchain.rb 交易先放 在這裡 丟進池子裡 一開始是 空的

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require 'pp' require_relative '!../app/blockchain' require_relative '!../app/transaction' blockchain = tx1 = 'Eddie', to: 'Sherly', amount: 10) blockchain.add_transaction(tx1) pp blockchain 檔案:playground/playground004.rb

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程式執⾏行行結果 #], @transaction_pool= [#]> 待確認交易

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def mine! @chain !<<, pick_transactions) clean_transactions end private def last_block @chain.last end def pick_transactions # 細節待實作,暫時先回傳整個 @transaction_pool 陣列列 @transaction_pool end def clean_transactions # 細節待實作,暫時先把全部的交易易都清掉 @transaction_pool = [] end 檔案:app/blockchain.rb 挖礦完成 清除交易

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require 'pp' require_relative '!../app/blockchain' require_relative '!../app/transaction' blockchain = tx1 = 'Eddie', to: 'Sherly', amount: 10) blockchain.add_transaction(tx1) blockchain.mine! pp blockchain 檔案:playground/playground005.rb

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程式執⾏行行結果 #, #], @hash="000f737c1008bfc27be216e5147dbd67079894b34fbeca5b5bf04699a28e2bea", @nonce=4688, @previous_hash= "00002669323dbc9e5d9f6f43b7f29094939b3ba1f2c863e33af7ba00ab2d5b2e", @timestamp=1531780941>], @transaction_pool=[]> 交易清掉了 產生了新 的區塊

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都沒有⼈人想打包我的交易易 你就是邊緣啊!

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分叉 fork

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驗證 validation

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檔案:app/blockchain.rb def valid? # 來來,讓叔叔幫你檢查!!...你的 Hash 值 # 第⼀一顆區塊應該要是創世區塊 return false if first_block !!= genesis_block # 接下來來檢查每個區塊是不是合法!!... chain.each.with_index do |b, i| # 第⼀一顆不⽤用檢查 if i > 0 current_block = chain[i] previous_block = chain[i - 1] # ⽬目前這顆的 previous_hash 應該要等於前⼀一顆的 hash return false if current_block.previous_hash !!= previous_block.hash # ⽬目前這顆的 hash,再重新計算後應該要得到⼀一樣的結果 return false if current_block.hash !!= Block.block_hash(current_block) end end # 如果都通過檢查!!... return true end

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DATA 4bb5fc9c 獮㮆玟璸篷 ୌ缏碻樌 Block #0 交易資料

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默克爾樹 Merkle Tree

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展⽰示 demo

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未來來 future?

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投資理理財有賺有賠,申購前 應詳閱公開說明書

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以上 end

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