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Rails, Postgres, Angular, and Bootstrap The Power Stack David Bryant Copeland @davetron5000

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Journey through the “stack”

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Full Stack is important

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“Jack of all trades, master of none… …oftentimes better than master of one”

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Learn about design

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Modular Type Scale

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Subhead 1 Subhead 2 Subhead 3 Body Text Captions & Secondary Text Heading

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About Us The place for all your needs We’ve got everything you could ever want and then some. It’s just that simple to be as awesome as we are, and it shows. You can’t find this much great stuff anywhere else, so what are you waiting for? Sign up Now! MY APP Sign Up Log In Help

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Remember me
Sign in
Email Password Remember me Sign in

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Default Primary Large XS Default Default Default Default

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alert-info alert-warning alert-danger

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Panel Icons Sub-panel Well Disabled Badge

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JavaScript & jQuery

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You shouldn’t think about locating DOM elements and firing or responding to events


Close OK
$(“.js-dimissable”).find(“[data-ok]”).click(function() { // ... });

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Components & Behavior OK? Close OK dialog.on_confirm(function() { // ...

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Some Documentation Kinda Works No Support Yeah, there’s probably some code comments, and it’s entirely possible I used great variable names. Functions and objects should be consistent, but probably aren’t. I think there was a demo page somewhere, maybe? It still doesn’t handle that weird case on IE 8, and I never tested what happens if you use two containers in the same DOM subtree, but CSS polyfills mostly work for major browsers. No, there’s no test suite. I’m moving onto a project using Node, Elixir, Redis, Mongo, and Kubernetes, so the best thing to do is hang out on the Slack channel. I live in New Orleans, but work Amsterdam hours, so I’m not always around. JS

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{{ title }}

{{ message }}

Close OK Maybe

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angular.module(‘controllers’).controller( “DialogController”, function($scope, $dialog, opts) { $scope.title = opts.title; $scope.message = opts.message; $scope.ok = function(data) { if (data == ‘ok’) { $dialog.confirm(); } else { $dialog.confirm(withData: data) }
 } $scope.dismiss = function() { $dialog.cancel();

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User = $resource(“/users/:id”); $scope.user = User.get(id: 1234);

{{ }}

{{ }}

  • {{ }} - {{ login.ipAddress }}

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angular.module(‘controllers’).controller( “DialogController”, function($scope, $dialog, opts) { $scope.title = opts.title; $scope.message = opts.message; $scope.ok = function(data) { if (data == ‘ok’) { $dialog.confirm(); } else { $dialog.confirm(withData: data) }
 } $scope.dismiss = function() { $dialog.cancel();

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angular.module(“app”).factory( “customConfirmation”, function() { return { confirm: function($dialog,data) { if (data == ‘ok’) { $dialog.confirm(); } else { $dialog.confirm(withData: data); }
 } }
 } ); angular.module(‘controllers’).controller( “DialogController”, function($scope, $dialog, opts, customConfirmation) { $scope.title = opts.title; $scope.message = opts.message; $scope.ok = customConfirmation.confirm; $scope.dismiss = function() { $dialog.cancel();

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Angular is Popular

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The “Back End”

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Parse HTTP Extract params, headers, cookies, etc Route to code Read result Generate response, cookies, headers, etc. Database Access Package Assets Run Tests Schema Management Configuration & Deployment YOUR CODE

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Parse HTTP Extract params, headers, cookies, etc Route to code Read result Generate response, cookies, headers, etc. Database Access Package Assets Run Tests Schema Management Configuration & Deployment Plumbing

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Your Code

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Don’t make decisions

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First: Learn SQL. You won’t regret it.

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ALTER TABLE users ADD CONSTRAINT valid_emails CHECK ( ( guest = true AND email ! ‘[A-Za-z0-9._%-][email protected]’) OR ( guest = false AND email ~ ‘[A-Za-z0-9._%-][email protected]’) )

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CREATE INDEX users_name_index ON users (lower(name)) SELECT * FROM users WHERE lower(name) = ‘bob’;

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UPDATE users SET config = ‘auto_save => true, color => default’::hstore; CREATE INDEX user_config ON users USING GIN(config); ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN config HSTORE; SELECT * FROM users WHERE config @> ‘auto_save => true’;

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ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN roles text[]; UPDATE users SET roles = ‘{staff,admin}’; CREATE INDEX user_roles ON users USING GIN(roles); SELECT * FROM users WHERE roles @> ‘{admin}’;

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ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN braintree_response JSONB; UPDATE transactions SET braintree_response = ‘{ “processor_response”: “decline”, “processor_code”: 1234, “details”: { “charge_type”: “authorization”, “amount”: 12.45, “zip”: “20002” } ‘;

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CREATE INDEX txn_responses ON transactions USING GIN(braintree_response); SELECT * FROM transactions WHERE braintree_response @> ‘{“processor_response”: “decline”}’::jsonb;

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SQL Knowledge + Postgres == Powerful data layer

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Putting it all Together

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Be Honest about Weaknesses

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Bootstrap • JS-based components require jQuery • Angular-UI-Bootstrap

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Angular • Protractor (end-to-end testing) totally disconnected from Rails/back-end • Use Capybara/PhantomJS for E2E testing

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Rails • Strange view/front-end/JS/AJAX design • Avoid • Disable turbolinks • Asset Pipeline oddities • Learn to use it—it’s actually powerful

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Rails • Database Migrations “DSL” • You are not making a database-agnostic app • Use execute • Use SQL-based schema config.active_record.schema_format = :sql

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Rails • ActiveRecord • Examine queries in the log—look for optimizations • Let SQL shine • Don’t fear .where() or ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query()

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Postgres • Stored Procedures • Triggers • Avoid putting business logic here

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You don’t have to use every feature

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These are powerful tools

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The reduce the decisions you have to make to only what’s important.

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If you are making decisions not related to your product…

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…consider Bootstrap, Angular, Rails, or Postgres

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If you want to know the details…