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Update from the Elixir team

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Elixir v1.0 Sep 2014 > 180 contributors

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Elixir v1.6 Jan 2018 > 730 contributors

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• Follow two- to three-part commands: "Put your book away, brush your teeth, and then get in bed." • Recognize familiar word signs such as "STOP" • Better understand the concept of time • Count ten or more objects • Correctly name at least four colors and three shapes Elixir 1.0 is almost 4yo

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Release every 6 months v1.5 → mid 2017 v1.6 → beg 2018 v1.7 →

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Code formatter

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def foo ( a, b ) do a+ b end def foo(a, b) do a + b end

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Feature complete formats code is configurable (for some things) supports formatting entire Mix projects (.formatter.exs)

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Dynamic supervisor

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simple_one_for_one confusing/mixed API documentation

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opts = [strategy: :one_for_one] {:ok, sup} = DynamicSupervisor.start_link(opts) DynamicSupervisor.start_child( sup, {Agent, fn -> %{} end} )

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"Just like simple_one_for_one but actually simple"

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@deprecated/@since @doc "Breaks a collection into chunks" @since "1.0.0" @deprecated "Use chunk_every/2 instead" def chunk(collection, chunk_size) do chunk_every(collection, chunk_size) end

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@deprecated/@since @doc "Breaks a collection into chunks" @since "1.0.0" @deprecated "Use chunk_every/2 instead" def chunk(collection, chunk_size) do chunk_every(collection, chunk_size) end

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@deprecated/@since @doc "Breaks a collection into chunks" @since "1.0.0" @deprecated "Use chunk_every/2 instead" def chunk(collection, chunk_size) do chunk_every(collection, chunk_size) end

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Library guidelines

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Compatibility table with Erlang/OTP

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Table of deprecations

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--slowest N $ mix test --slowest 2 Finished in 1.4 seconds Top 3 slowest (0.9s), 61.0% of total time: * test client suicide (602.8ms) (RedixTest) * test unable to connect (201.2ms) (RedixTest) * test timeouts (101.8ms) (RedixTest)

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10-20% compilation speedup with OTP21 definitely thanks to us

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defguard is_drinking_age(age) when age >= 21 def serve_drink(%User{age: age}) when is_drinking_age(age) do # Serve the drink end

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StreamData data generation property-based testing +

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Enum.take(StreamData.integer(), 2) #=> [1, -2]

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use ExUnitProperties
 property "bin1 <> bin2 always starts with bin1" do check all bin1 <- binary(), bin2 <- binary() do assert String.starts_with?(bin1 <> bin2, bin1) end end

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only stateless testing... ...but discussion started for stateful testing

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try do apply(mod, fun, args) catch :error, val -> {:error, {val, __STACKTRACE__}} end

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Configuration and releases

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Solve problems with Mix.Config Streamline releases and integrate with Mix

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Docs chunk

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EEP 48 documentation storage and format

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Standard API for all BEAM languages Access to docs in the shell + (Elixir already has this)

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Google Summer of Code

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StreamData + typespecs

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Enum.take(from_type(timeout/0), 3) #=> [0, :infinity, 927] @type timeout() :: non_neg_integer() | :infinity

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check all arg1 <- from_type(timeout/0) do result = my_fun(arg1) assert is_integer(result) end @spec my_fun(timeout()) :: integer()

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mix dialyzer

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TensorflEx: Tensorflow bindings for Elixir

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