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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb Silvan Hagen, required+

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How I Learned to Start Caring and Love the User Silvan Hagen, required+

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WAIT WHAT? Why is a developer giving a UX Talk?

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ABOUT ME Web Developer
 • male, 29 • avid open source user/contributor • happily solving tricky tasks • grumpy when under-caffeinated • code is poetry • night owl • urge to ask for the why, always • deep interest in food farming & self-sufficient energy production

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LET ME EDUCATE THE USER Make them help me be er

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FIRST TRY: EXPLAIN and hope they see the importance

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SECOND TRY: EXPLAIN MORE Setup rules and guidelines

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ON DATA MODELS & MENTAL MODELS My Mental Model !== User Mental Model

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GET THE PAIN Feel what I don’t want others to feel

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PERSONAS Identifying Personas

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FEEL THE PAIN OF OTHERS Let me see how users use the solution

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THE UX APPROACH FOR DEVELOPERS How to teach a horse to fly

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THE UX APPROACH FOR DEVELOPERS • help me ge ing to know our users • show me how to create & work with personas • let me document user tests with you • take me along on every key step of the project • gather valuable inputs from everyone • be open for inputs • everyone in the team is equally valuable, meet on eye level • show interest in everybody’s cra • remove bad apples from the team

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Force your developers to switch roles with you & guide them through a task. Open the box with them to understand UX & your users. @neverything