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Zac Sweers – Slack – @ZacSweers Improve Build Times in Less Time

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Non - goals

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Gradle Refresher

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Tasks @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action • Cacheability @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action • Cacheability @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action • Cacheability • Con fi gured at con fi guration-time • Should be lazy! project.tasks.register("printMessage") { inputMessage.set("Hello World!") outputFile.set( project.layout.buildDirectory. fi le( "outputs/logs/message.txt")) }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action • Cacheability • Con fi gured at con fi guration-time • Should be lazy! @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Tasks • Inputs and outputs • Parallelizable • Task action • Cacheability • Con fi gured at con fi guration-time • Should be lazy! • Some common types (SourceTask, CompileTask, etc) @CacheableTask abstract class PrintMessageTask : DefaultTask() { @get:Input abstract val inputMessage: Property @get:OutputFile abstract val outputFile: RegularFileProperty @TaskAction fun run() { val message = inputMessage.get() println(message) outputFile.asFile.get().writeText(message) } }

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Projects • Projects contain a set of tasks • Also contain things like source sets • Can have subprojects • Every directory in between is technically a project • Can have plugins applied to them

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Plugins • Reusable implementations of gradle logic • Well known examples • Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) • Kotlin Gradle Plugin (KGP) • Many 1st-party plugins • Ours too! plugins { kotlin("jvm") id("") `java-platform` }

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Conf i gurations • Essentially named fi le collections • “implementation”, “api”, etc dependencies { implementation("com.squareup.moshi:moshi:1.13.0") testImplementation("junit:junit:4.13") }

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Conf i gurations • Essentially named fi le collections • “implementation”, “api”, etc dependencies { implementation("com.squareup.moshi:moshi:1.13.0") testImplementation("junit:junit:4.13") }

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Conf i guration • Don’t confuse it with con fi gurations • The time spent from “go” to tasks actually executing

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Conf i guration

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Caching/Incremental Builds • Multiple kinds • build dir • Build cache • Local/Remote • Con fi guration cache • GRADLE_USER_HOME • Not Studio caches

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Wiping Studio caches does not f i x your build

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Incremental Compilation (IC) • Multiple kinds • Java – Gradle – JavaCompile • Kotlin – JB/Google – KotlinCompile* • kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin • kapt*Kotlin • compile*Kotlin • compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Java • Compilation avoidance • “Can we not run?” • ABI-based • Incremental Compilation • “Can we only recompile a subset?” :project-a :project-b

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Java • Compilation avoidance • “Can we not run?” • ABI-based • Incremental Compilation • “Can we only recompile a subset?” :project-a :project-b

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Java • Compilation avoidance • “Can we not run?” • ABI-based • Incremental Compilation • “Can we only recompile a subset?” :project-a :project-b

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin • Incremental only for now, no avoidance • Coming soon though! • Depends on producer-side IC data • This makes it tricky

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin • Incremental only for now, no avoidance • Coming soon though! • Depends on producer-side IC data • This makes it tricky :project-a :project-b

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin • Incremental only for now, no avoidance • Coming soon though! • Depends on producer-side IC data • This makes it tricky :project-a :project-b produces consumes

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin • Incremental only for now, no avoidance • Coming soon though! • Depends on producer-side IC data • This makes it tricky :project-a :project-b produces consumes

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• Multiple kinds • Java – Gradle – JavaCompile • Kotlin – JB/Google – KotlinCompile* • kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin • kapt*Kotlin • compile*Kotlin • compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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compile*Kotlin Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin

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compile*Kotlin Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin KotlinCompile

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compile*Kotlin Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin KotlinCompile kotlinc

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin kotlinc Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering kotlin-compiler-1-frontend-parsing-phase-9898490d922b Parse/PSI psi2ir

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir

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Incremental Compilation (IC) – Kotlin Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir kaptGenerateStubs*Kotlin kapt*Kotlin compile*Kotlin compile*JavaWithKotlinC

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Daemons 😈 Gradle Daemon Kotlin Daemon

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Annotation Processing javac/kapt KSP

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Annotation Processing • Non - incremental • Two types of incremental • ISOLATING (Dagger, Moshi, etc) • AGGREGATING (Glide) javac/kapt KSP

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Gradle Refresher • Tasks • Projects • Plugins • Conf i gurations • Conf i guration • Caching/Incremental Builds • Incremental Compilation (IC) • Daemons • Annotation Processing

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Things That Are Hurting Your Build

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Things That Are Hurting Your Build Things That Will Improve Your Build

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Things That Are Hurting Your Build Things That Will Improve Your Build Things That Will Keep Your Build Fast

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Things That Are Hurting Your Build

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Annotation Processors

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Annotation Processors

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Kapt • Minimum 3 compilation tasks • 4 if you generate/have Java sources (hi, Dagger!) • Brittle to classpath changes • Disables new FIR • Keeps appearing in later problems as a multiplier

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Frontend Backend AnalysisHandler IR Lowering Parse/PSI psi2ir

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Frontend Stub gen .java f i les

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kotlinc Frontend Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les javac compileJava More 
 .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les javac compileJava More 
 .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les javac compileJava More 
 .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) KSP .java/.kt f i les javac javaCompile More .class f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) KSP .kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les

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 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les all - open Kotlinx - serialization parcelize moshi etc. plugin-part-1

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les javac compileJava More 
 .class f i les

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 (Frontend only) Stub gen .java f i les Kapt (javac) Kapt .java/.kt f i les kotlinc 
 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les javac compileJava More 
 .class f i les

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 (Frontend and Backend) compileKotlin .class f i les Anvil runs here

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buildSrc • Regularly invalidates buildscript classpath • It’s like occasionally having - - rerun - tasks • What’s the alternative? • Version catalogs for deps • Separate repo + artifactory for plugins

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buildSrc • What about live testing? • Use included builds if ("slack.plugin.internal.localPath" in { val path = (extra["slack.plugin.internal.localPath"] as String) includeBuild(path) { dependencySubstitution { substitute(module("slack.internal.gradle:slack-plugin-internal")) .using(project(":slack-plugin-internal")) } } }

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./gradlew clean

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./gradlew clean

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Cleaning does not f i x your build

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Don’t mix IDE and command line builds

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Don’t mix IDE and command line builds issues/164145066

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No content

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No content

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“What do you think you’d produce if you were hammered?”
 – Chet, certi fi ed Gradle expert™

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Move NDK projects to a separate repo

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Gradle API Surface Area

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Gradle API Surface Area con fi gurations.all { } extensions.get(...) tasks.getByName(...) var property: String con fi gurations.con fi gureEach { // Lazy! } extensions.con fi gure(...) { // Lazy! } tasks.named(...) { // Lazy! } val property: Property gradle-plugin-authors.html

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Incremental Compilation Issues optimizing-your-kotlin-build/

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Incremental Compilation Issues • Pure Java projects break IC on every project that depends on them (directly or transitively) • Java - only, resources - only, etc • Workaround: add a Kotlin f i le • KT-30980 KT-38622 • Code gen tools generating non - deterministic outputs • Resource ABI changes break IC (KT-40772) • Cleaning optimizing-your-kotlin-build/

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Task Issues

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Identifying Task Issues

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Task Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew clean Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2 🗂 Di ff erent directory

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Identifying Caching Issues ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug Build 1 Build 2 ☁ CI

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Corporate Bloatware

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Literally bugs optimizing-your-kotlin-build/

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Literally bugs • Kotlin build cache entries often break incremental compilation. KT-34862 • Gradle AbstractCompile tasks (i.e. KotlinCompile) are sensitive to classpath jar ordering. gradle/gradle#15626 • Error - prone freeCompilerArgs use. KT-41985 optimizing-your-kotlin-build/

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Old tools!

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Old tools • JDK • We are on 17, moving to 18 • Kotlin • Gradle • Gradle plugins • Compiler plugins • Literally anything on your buildscript classpath

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Tune GCs org.gradle.jvmargs=... -XX:+UseG1GC \ -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions \ -XX:G1NewSizePercent=67 \ -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=67 plugin/src/main/kotlin/slack/gradle/tasks/BootstrapTask.kt

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Tune Daemons org.gradle.jvmargs=... -Xms2g -Xmx8g kotlin.daemon.jvmargs=... -Xms6g -Xmx24g plugin/src/main/kotlin/slack/gradle/tasks/BootstrapTask.kt

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(CI only)

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Don’t merge main on CI builds

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Lint memory usage

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Lint memory usage org.gradle.jvmargs=... -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1g

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Tune Daemons org.gradle.jvmargs=... -Xms24g -Xmx24g kotlin.daemon.jvmargs=... -Xms4g -Xmx4g plugin/src/main/kotlin/slack/gradle/tasks/BootstrapTask.kt

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Things That Are Hurting Your Build

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Things That Will Improve Your Build

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Build caching org.gradle.caching=true

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Remote Build caching buildCache { local { isEnabled = true } remote { isEnabled = !gradle.startParameter.isOf fl ine setUrl(“…”) // only write to cache from build server isPush = isCi credentials { username = ... password = ... } } }

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android - cache - f i x - gradle - plugin fi x-gradle-plugin

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Virtual File System (VFS) fi le- system-watching

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Conf i guration Caching org.gradle.unsafe.con fi guration-cache=true con fi guration-caching

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Focus ./gradlew :my-feature:sample:focus

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Single - variant Libraries androidComponents { beforeVariants(selector().withBuildType("debug")) { builder -> builder.enable = false } }

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Modularization 🔥

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Apple Silicon

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Non - transitive R classes

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Non - transitive R classes • 5.5MB or 8.5% of Slack APK size • 14% incremental build time improvement w/ layout change • import slack.l10n.R as L10nR

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Disable Android Features # Build features that are disabled by default in all projects android.defaults.buildfeatures.aidl=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.buildcon fi g=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.renderscript=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.resvalues=false android.defaults.buildfeatures.shaders=false

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Prefer JVM-only Projects

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Make A Platform Plugin import slack.gradle.Platforms plugins { id("slack.base") `java-platform` } val catalog = extensions. fi ndByType() ?. fi nd("libs") ?: error("Could not fi nd libs catalog!") Platforms.applyFromCatalog(project, catalog.get()) plugin/src/main/kotlin/slack/gradle/Platforms.kt

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Other Things • Remove jetif i er (use `checkJetif i er` task in AGP 7.1) • api/impl projects • api/impl conf i gurations don’t avoid compilations, just control visibility •

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Things That Will Improve Your Build

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Things That Will Keep Your Build Fast

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Gradle Enterprise

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Gradle Enterprise • Remote build cache • Build scans • Compare builds • Trends/insight/visualization • Export API • Critical path • Tags/custom values • Debugging (everyone has a scan ready)

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Benchmarks fi ler

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Telemetry + Check - ins

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Telemetry • Local vs CI (GE tag) • System arch (rolling out M1 Macs) • Thermals • https: / / - gradle - plugin/blob/main/slack - plugin/src/main/kotlin/slack/gradle/util/ThermalsWatcher.kt • VCS state • Env info (OS, version, etc)

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Gradle - doctor

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TaskUpToDateValidator private/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/uptodatedness/TaskUpToDateValidator.kt

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modules - graph - assert

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modules - graph - assert moduleGraphAssert { maxHeight = 4 allowed = [':.* -> :core', ':feature.* -> :lib.*'] // regex to match module names restricted = [':feature-[a-z]* -X> :forbidden-to-depend-on'] // regex to match module names con fi gurations = ['api', 'implementation'] // Dependency confs to look. }

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modules - graph - assert

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modules - graph - assert

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dependency - analysis - android - gradle - plugin

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dependency - analysis - android - gradle - plugin kotlin/slack/dependencyrake/DependencyRake.kt /** * Task that consumes the generated advice report json generated by `AdviceTask` * and applies its advice to the project build fi le. This is usually not run * directly, but rather added as a fi nalizer to the `AdviceTask` it reads from. */ class RakeDependencies(...) : AbstractPostProcessingTask() { // ... }

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Slide 166 text Convention Plugins plugins { id("") kotlin("android") id("com.squareup.anvil") } android { namespace = "slack.libraries.emoji.api" compileSdk = 31 defaultCon fi g { minSdk = 26 } buildTypes { debug { matchingFallbacks.add("release") } } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } } androidComponents { beforeVariants { builder -> if (builder.buildType == "debug") { builder.enable = false } else { builder.enableAndroidTest = hasProperty("slack.libraryWithAndroidTest") } } } anvil { generateFactories = true } dependencies { compileOnly(libs.dagger.dagger) implementation( implementation( implementation(projects.libraries.imageLoading) implementation(projects.libraries.model) implementation(projects.libraries.telemetry.telemetryPublic) implementation(libs.rxJava.java3) }

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Slide 167 text Convention Plugins plugins { id("slack.base") id("") kotlin("android") } slack { features { dagger() } } dependencies { implementation( implementation( implementation(projects.libraries.imageLoading) implementation(projects.libraries.model) implementation(projects.libraries.telemetry.telemetryPublic) implementation(libs.rxJava.java3) }

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Future New Kotlin IC • Consumer - side IC based on classpath snapshot • Unstable preview available in 1.6.20, targeting 1.7 • Solves many producer - side issues (Java projects, caching, etc) • True compilation avoidance in some cases ( ! ! ) kotlin.incremental.useClasspathSnapshot=true

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Future New Kotlin IC KT-45777#focus=Comments-27-6004789.0-0

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Future New Kotlin IC

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Future New Kotlin IC

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Future K2 Compiler • New Kotlin compiler frontend (aka FIR) • Promises 2-4x build speed improvements • Preview coming in 1.7

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Future Conf i guration Caching org.gradle.unsafe.con fi guration-cache=true con fi guration-caching

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Future Gradle Project Isolation • Conf i guration cache pt. 2 • True project isolation, will allow parallel conf i guration and tooling model creation (aka Studio sync) • WIP. TL;DR don’t use allprojects/subprojects fi guration-cache/#project_isolation

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–You, an upstanding citizen “How can I help?”

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How can I help? • Report bugs! • Open source your build stuff • Test/prepare for new features • Use modern APIs • Make your own convention plugin • File feature requests *

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–You, an upstanding citizen “What should I do today?”

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What should I do today? • Audit deprecated/eager APIs • Update your tools (JDK, Gradle, Kotlin, etc) • Swap KSP for kapt where possible • Single - variant libraries • Disable android features by default • Fix java - only projects breaking IC • Dependency analysis to remove unused deps

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–You, a future upstanding citizen “What should I do tomorrow?”

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What should I do tomorrow? • Learn some Gradle • Reduce/remove Kapt • Create gradle - prof i ler scenarios • Modularization • Gradle Enterprise • Apple Silicon • Incorporate new tools prep in planning • OSS your stuff

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People to follow for more! • Tony Robalik – @AutonomousApps – https: / / • Aurimas Liutikas – @_aurimas – https: / / w w w - posts • Iñaki Villar – @inyaki_mwc • Ryan Harter – @rharter – http: / / • Xavier Ducrohet – @droidxav – https: / / - api • “Xav says read the docs and stop touching internal APIs” • Ivan Gavrilovic – @gavra0 • Cesar Puerta – @CesarDielo • Nelson Osacky – @nellyspageli – https: / / • Jendrik Johannes – @jeoj – –

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Zac Sweers – Slack – @ZacSweers Improve Build Times in Less Time