Slide 24
Slide 24 text
localstack localstack-cloud
Challenges: Query Transpilation, Data Types
● Snowflake/Postgres SQL is similar, yet many subtle differences
● Query parsing using sqlglot
○ Allows us to create a query AST, and perform modifications on it
○ Big shout-out to Tobiko Data for providing this library! 🙌
○ We’ve also been able to contribute a few upstream PRs :) (#2989, #3510, #3519)
● Challenge: high-fidelity support for Snowflake data types
○ Often either no direct mapping, or different semantics in Postgres
○ Example: timestamps (TIMESTAMP_LTZ, TIMESTAMP_NTZ, etc)
○ advanced data types in Snowflake like generic VARIANT type
○ Needed to introduce a custom VARIANT data type in the core DB engine