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Espruino Espruino JavaScript for Things JavaScript for Things Niko Köbler ( ) @dasniko {JavaScript}Training

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JavaScript JavaScript as the as the Language Language of the of the Web! Web!

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Write once, Write once, run everywhere! run everywhere! It is already used everywhere!

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Clients Clients Desktops, Laptops, Smartphones, Tablets, TVs, etc.

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Servers Servers etc.

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Microcontollers & USB-Sticks And now: And now:

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Espruino Project Espruino Project Founder: Gordon Williams ( ), UK @espruino Open Source Hardware (CC-BY-SA) Open Source Software (MPLv2)

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Crowdfunded on Kickstarter! Crowdfunded on Kickstarter! Espruino Espruino Goal: 20k GBP, Pledged: 100k GBP by 1.692 backers in September 2013 Pico Pico Goal: 15k GBP, Pledged: 75k GBP by 1.448 backers in November 2014

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The Board The Board 54 x 41 mm (half of business card!) STM32F1 chip family

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The STM32 Chip The STM32 Chip STM32F103RCT6 32-bit, 72MHz 256kB Flash Memory 48kB RAM Only 1 Chip, therefore less power consumption! (this is kind of "green IT")

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Board-Features Board-Features Battery Connector Micro-USB Connector SD-Card Slot Bluetooth Pads Prototyping-Area 2 Buttons, 3 LEDs

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The Pico The Pico STM32F401C chip, 384kB Flash, 96kB RAM less (22) GPIOs than Espruino Board USB powered

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The Interpreter The Interpreter Because JavaScript is interpreted, the code can be changed while it is running! You don't have to compile/install anything anymore. No deployment-cycles, faster delivery! Instant feedback on every code/function execution: good (ok) / bad (error)

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Event-based Model Event-based Model Evented I/O like Node.js, Vert.x, Play, Akka and other popular approaches. (even NPM modules can be used!) More interactive and understandable, because it's the way people naturally describe tasks: "When it's dark, turn on the light." Code is only processed on events and if necessary, this saves energy!

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Power Saving Power Saving The interpreter knows when it can go to sleep, and how deeply. Even the WiFi module doesn't need power while sleeping! Example: Example: LED-flashing with a 700mAh Li-Ion battery: Raspberry PI: 1 - 2 hours Arduino: 1 - 2 days Espruino: ~6 months

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Documentation Documentation 1. 2. 3. Reference Modules Tutorials

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Getting Startet Getting Startet

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Web IDE (Chrome App) Web IDE (Chrome App)

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Example 1: Toggle LED Example 1: Toggle LED digitalWrite(LED1,1); digitalWrite(LED1,0); function toggle() { on = !on; digitalWrite(LED1, on); }; toggle(); var interval = setInterval(toggle, 500); clearInterval(interval);

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Example 2: Example 2: Switch LEDs with Button Switch LEDs with Button LED1.set(); LED1.reset(); setWatch(function () { LED1.set(); setTimeout("LED1.reset(); LED2.set();", 500); setTimeout("LED2.reset(); LED3.set();", 1000); setTimeout("LED3.reset()", 1500); }, BTN, { repeat : true, edge : "rising" }); Video:

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Create HTTP server via Wifi module and test on startup if wireless connection can be established. Example 3: HTTP-Server Example 3: HTTP-Server var wlan = require("CC3000").connect(); var http = require("http"); wlan.connect("mySSID", "mySecret", function (s) { if (s == "dhcp") { console.log("My IP is " + wlan.getIP().ip); http.get("", function(res) { res.on('data', function(data) { console.log(">" + data); }); }); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.write('Hello World'); res.end(); }).listen(80); } }); (CC3000)

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Where to next? Where to next?

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Sensor Networks Sensor Networks small form-factor low energy consumption (needs energy only when doing something, not while sleeping) MQTT + socket support HTTP support already built-in!

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USB HID support USB HID support Allowing Espruino (Pico) to act like a USB keyboard, mouse or joystick. Make your own input devices for you PC, or make Espruino "play back" a series of keypresses.

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"Programming" with Audio "Programming" with Audio

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TV-Output TV-Output

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Thank you! Thank you! Questions? Questions? Contact: Contact: @dasniko @dasniko Slides: