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Haystack + ElasticSearch Gilang Chandrasa

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Django Python PHP ElasticSearch HTML5 Memcache MongoDB Celery NginX Android Git MySQL PostgreSQL Gilang Chandrasa CSS3

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Haystack Why What How

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A modular search for Django

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lets you write your search code once and choose the search engine you want it to run on

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lets you write your search code once and choose the search engine you want it to run on Solr, Elasticsearch, Whoosh and Xapian

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pip install django-haystack Step 1 Install Haystack

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INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'haystack', ] HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': '...', }, } Step 2 Configure

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class NoteIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): text = indexes.CharField(document=True, use_template=True) author = indexes.CharField(model_attr='user') def get_model(self): return Note Step 3 Create

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{{ object.title }} {{ object.user.get_full_name }} {{ object.body }} Step 4 Create search template

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Step 5 Install Search Engine Solr Xapian Whoosh ElasticSearch

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Step 6 Indexing python rebuild_index

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Some Advanced Uses Highlighting Autocomplete Boost Rich Content Extraction Spatial Search

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ElasticSearch distributed real-time search and analytics engine for the cloud

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real time data real time analytics distributed high availability multi tenancy full text search document oriented conflict management schema free restful API apache 2 open source license per operation persistence built on top apache lucene

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Spatial Search within, dwithin, distance, order_by(‘distance’), polygon

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location = Point(float(longitude), float(latitude)) SearchQuerySet()\ .dwithin('location', location,D(km=10))\ .distance('location',location)\ .order_by('distance') Search places within 10km and order by distance

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thank you!

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Gilang Chandrasa + @gchandrasa