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Björn “Beorn” Rabenstein GoDays, Berlin – 2020-01-23 How to instrument Go code in 2020

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| 11 What Go “built in” “Modern” needs Example Debugging Profiling/Tracing runtime/pprof runtime/trace Logging log Metrics expvar

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| 12 What Go “built in” “Modern” needs Example Debugging Almost useless… You’ll find one if you really need it. Profiling/Tracing runtime/pprof runtime/trace Distributed tracing opentracing/ opentracing-go Logging log Structured logging go-kit/log Metrics expvar Labeled metrics prometheus/ client_golang

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| 13 What Go “built in” “Modern” needs Example Debugging Almost useless… You’ll find one if you really need it. Profiling/Tracing runtime/pprof runtime/trace Distributed tracing opentracing/ opentracing-go Logging log Structured logging go-kit/log Metrics expvar Labeled metrics prometheus/ client_golang

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| 16 Unified instrumentation for metrics, logging, and distributed tracing

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| 17 One way of doing it

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| 18 Go!!! Python Java Javascript C# PHP C/C++ … For ALL the languages

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A rich and universal data model | 19 Metrics are labeled. Logs are structured. OpenTracing.

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For ALL data collection models | 20 Push vs pull. On prem vs. cloud. Distributed vs. replicated. Location of sampling, aggregation, buffering. Exposition formats. Transport protocols.

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| 25 How will I instrument my Go code in 2020? Now what?

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| 26 Bet on OpenTelemetry as the winner for tracing. Step 1:

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| 27 Relax! Logs and metrics are the easy part anyway. And not everything is a trace. Step 2:

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| 28 As always: Take your context into account. (Service mesh? Microservice kit?) Step 3:

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