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PHP 8 & PHP 8 & PHP 8 & JIT Compilation JIT Compilation JIT Compilation Benoit Jacquemont Benoit Jacquemont Benoit Jacquemont @bjacquemont @bjacquemont @bjacquemont

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PHP Perf Evolution Source:

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How To Get Even Further? JIT As The Next Frontier?

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What's JIT?

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Just In Time Compilation It's a way of executing computer code that involves compilation at run time rather than prior to execution. Expectation Compiled code speed > > Interpreted code speed

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Platforms With JIT Java with the Hotspot JVM .NET with the Common Language Runtime NodeJS with V8 ...

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Once upon a time, there were PHP and JIT...

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Compilation Is A Very CPU Intensive Process 10 minutes to Compile Zend Engine 1 hour and half to compile the Linux kernel

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So, You Want To Make Your Code Execute Faster By Compiling Stuff During Execution?

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Fast Compilation Time And Best Bene ts From Compilation Compile Only The Most Executed Code Less code to compile = time spent on compilation Most used code compiled = relevant performance improvements

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How To Know What Is The Most Executed Code Parts? Add A Pro ler Into The Mix...

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JIT Standard Work ow Initial code ⤚ ⚙ syntax validation + compilation ⚙ → intermediate representation ⤚ ⚙ execution + pro ling ⚙ → selection of most used code ⤚ ⚙ compilation to native code ⚙ → native code for most used code ➠ execution on the processor

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Executing Native Code The Hardware Problem Native means built for a processor instructions set. And there's more than one... x86 x86_64 ARM MIPS RISC V

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Executing Native Code The OS Problem The OS controls what is executed. Should work on Linux, but as well as Windows, MacOS and BSDs, 32bits and 64bits...

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PHP JIT Requirements an internal pro ler very fast compilers from Opcode to: x86 x86_64 ARM MIPS ... Multi-OS support

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Introducing Introducing Introducing DynASM DynASM DynASM Avoiding the Not Invented Here syndrom

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DynASM DynASM is a Dynamic Assembler Developped for LuaJIT

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DynASM Is A Generic Assembler!

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Without DynASM Need to generate each of the following x86_64 ARM MIPS $i++; mov ebx, 0x1234h mov eax, [ebx] inc eax mov [ebx], eax MOV R0, (#0x1234h) ADD R0, R0, #1 MOV (#0x1234h), R0 lw $t0,0x1234h addw $t0,$t0,1 sw $t0,0x1234h

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With DynASM Only need to generate one assembly code DynASM will generate the native code for the target x86_64 ARM MIPS $i++; mov $0x1234, %rdi inc %rdi mov %rdi, $0x1234 mov ebx, 0x1234h mov eax, [ebx] inc eax mov [ebx], eax MOV R0, (#0x1234h) ADD R0, R0, #1 MOV (#0x1234h), R0 lw $t0,0x1234h addw $t0,$t0,1 sw $t0,0x1234h

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DynASM Is Fast Very fast and lightweight "assembler". (100x faster than LLVM)

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JIT Compilation & PHP Instead of developing multiple compilers: PHP opcode to x86 PHP opcode to x86_64 PHP opcode to ARM PHP opcode to MIPS ... Only need: PHP opcode to DynASM Assembly

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PHP JIT Work ow PHP code ⤚ ⚙ syntax validation + compilation ⚙ → opcode ⤚ ⚙ execution + pro ling ⚙ → selection of most used code ⤚ ⚙ compilation to DynASM assembly ⚙ → DynASM Assembly ⤚ ⚙ compilation to native code (thanks DynASM!) ⚙ → Native code ➠ execution on the processor

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JIT Implementation In PHP8

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PHP JIT Is An Extension Of The Opcode Cache

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Let's Compile!

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Hello World! Opcode

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Hello World! DynASM Assembly

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If Opcode $a = true; if ($a === true) { echo "Yes!"; } else { echo "No!"; } $_main: L0 (3): ASSIGN CV0 bool(true) L1 (5): T1 = IS_IDENTICAL CV0 bool(true) L2 (5): JMPZ T1 L5 L3 (6): ECHO string("Yes!") L4 (10): RETURN int(1) L5 (8): ECHO string("No!") L6 (10): RETURN int(1)

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$a = true; if ($a === true) { echo "Yes!"; } else { echo "No!"; } sub $0x10, %rsp lea 0x50(%r14), %rdi cmp $0xa, 0x8(%rdi) jnz .L1 mov (%rdi), %rdi cmp $0x0, 0x18(%rdi) jnz .L7 add $0x8, %rdi .L1: test $0x1, 0x9(%rdi) jnz .L8 .L2: mov $0x3, 0x8(%rdi) .L3: mov $EG(exception), %rax cmp $0x0, (%rax) jnz JIT$$exception_handler lea 0x50(%r14), %rdi cmp $0xa, 0x8(%rdi) jnz .L4 mov (%rdi), %rdi add $0x8, %rdi .L4: cmp $0x3, 0x8(%rdi) jz .L5 jmp .L6 .L5: add $0x60, %r15 mov %r15, (%r14) mov $0x40af2d48, %rdi mov $0x4, %rsi mov $php_output_write, %rax call *%rax mov $EG(exception), %rax cmp $0x0, (%rax) jnz JIT$$exception_handler add $0x20, %r15 add $0x10, %rsp mov $0x559ee5a027b1, %rax call *%rax jmp (%r15) .L6: mov $0x4115d6a0, %r15 mov %r15, (%r14) mov $0x40af2d70, %rdi mov $0x3, %rsi mov $php_output_write, %rax call *%rax mov $EG(exception), %rax cmp $0x0, (%rax) jnz JIT$$exception_handler add $0x20, %r15 add $0x10, %rsp mov $0x559ee5a027b1, %rax call *%rax jmp (%r15) .L7: mov $0x4115d5c0, %rsi mov $zend_jit_assign_const_to_typed_ref, %rax call *%rax jmp .L3 .L8: mov (%rdi), %rax sub $0x1, (%rax) jnz .L9 mov %rax, (%rsp) mov $0x3, 0x8(%rdi) mov (%rsp), %rdi mov %r15, (%r14) mov $rc_dtor_func, %rax call *%rax jmp .L3 .L9: mov (%rdi), %rax mov 0x4(%rax), %eax and $0xfffffc10, %eax cmp $0x10, %eax jnz .L2 mov %rdi, (%rsp) mov (%rdi), %rdi mov $gc_possible_root, %rax call *%rax mov (%rsp), %rdi jmp .L2

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JIT Con guration

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JIT Buffer At 0 , JIT disabled (default value) opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M

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JIT Controls Aka CRTO C: CPU Optimization 0 - none 1 - enable AVX instruction generation R: Register Allocation 0 - don't perform register allocation 1 - use local liner-scan register allocator 2 - use global liner-scan register allocator T: JIT Trigger 0 - JIT all functions on rst script load 1 - JIT function on rst execution 2 - Pro le on rst request and compile hot functions on second request 3 - Pro le on the y and compile hot functions 4 - Compile functions with @jit tag in doc-comments O: Optimization level 0 - don't JIT 1 - minimal JIT (call standard VM handlers) 2 - selective VM handler inlining 3 - optimized JIT based on static type inference of individual function 4 - optimized JIT based on static type inference and call tree 5 - optimized JIT based on static type inference and inner procedure analyses opcache.jit=1235

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How To Run PHP8 JIT With Docker Compile It From / docker run akondas/php:8.0-cli-alpine \ php -d \ -d opcache.enable_cli=1 \ -d opcache.jit_buffer_size=100M \ -d opcache.jit=1235

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How To Dump DynASM Assembly opcache.jit_debug=1

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Zend/Bench.Php Very basic bench available in the PHP source tree Without JIT: 0.567s With JIT: 0.130s x4 improvement

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Fibonacci Without JIT: 8.3s With JIT: 2.7s x3 improvement function fibonacci($n){ return(($n < 2) ? 1 : fibonacci($n - 2) + fibonacci($n - 1)); } $start = microtime(true); fibonacci(40); $stop = microtime(true); echo sprintf("Time: %s\n", $stop - $start);

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Real-Life Performance Results Aka Let's Crush Your Dreams

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Composer Benchmark composer update on Akeneo PIM Enterprise Edition Without JIT: 53s With JIT: Oops... JIT can have an effect on application behavior Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages Problem 1 - akeneo/pim-community-dev 3.2.x-dev requires doctrine/annotations 1.6.0 -> satisfiable by doctrine/annotations[v1.6.0]. - Conclusion: don't install doctrine/annotations v1.1.2| remove doctrine/annotations v1.6.0

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Akeneo PIM EE Installation Time Without JIT: 2m34s with JIT: 2m37s

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Wordpress Front Page Without JIT: 190 requests/s with JIT CTRO 1235: 160 requests/s with JIT CTRO 1225: 189 requests/s

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But Why JIT Can't Give Us More Perfz?

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IO Bound Vs CPU Bound In general, application perf limited either by CPU or by IO (database, network, disk, etc...) Most Of The Time, PHP Applications Are IO Bound

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Native Functions Are Very Fast PHP is maybe the fastest scripting language Large number of native functions. All written in C. Native functions already natively compiled to machine code.

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GFX PHP Pure PHP image manipulation library 1.4MB PNG rescale 20x Without JIT: 52s With JIT: 38s 27% faster

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PHP Engine Dev State Estimated 5 millions PHP devs worldwide 4 active devs on PHP Zend Engine C makes it dif cult for PHP devs to work on it

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What If PHP Internal Could Be Written In... PHP If JIT Could Make PHP As Fast As C

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GFX PHP JIT Vs GD 1.4MB PNG rescale 20x Without JIT: 52s With JIT: 38s Same with PHP+GD: 0.9s

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JIT JIT JIT The Dark Side The Dark Side The Dark Side

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Impact For The Zend Engine Developers

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Maintenance xing bugs of something that generates assembly code

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Stability JIT can introduce behavior differences

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Platform Support Current JIT supports only x86 and x86_64 on Linux, MacOSX and Windows DynASM supports more CPUs, but work needed on Zend Engine side

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JIT Impact For The PHP Developers

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Potentially Different Bugs Depending On The JIT Con guration Pro ling con guration, triggering conditions, @jit tagged functions...

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Debugger Support xdebug doesn't work (for now) with JIT enabled

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Pro ler Support BlackFire will need to be adapted to work with JIT

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Key Takeaways Don't expect the moon from JIT... ...but there's still a long way to go Test for your workload Look at PHP 7.4 preload for performances

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Thank You! Questions? For more information: @bjacquemont