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Three Layers Every Platform Needs for Success: Apps, Orchestration, and Infra! Daniel Bryant Product Marketing

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● Leadership buy-in is a must ○ Goals, intent, visibility ● Three ways to build: ○ Top-down, application developer-focused ○ Bottom-up, operations/infrastructure-focused ○ Middle-out, platform engineering-focused ● APIs, automation, and abstractions are key ○ Promises, promises… ○ Build, buy, and blend tl;dr: Building a platform for success

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The “what” of platforms 🏗

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“Platform engineering improves developer experience and productivity by providing self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations. It is trending because of its promise to optimise the developer experience and accelerate product teams’ delivery of customer value.” Gartner: What is platform engineering?

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“Platform engineering improves developer experience and productivity by providing self-service capabilities with automated infrastructure operations . It is trending because of its promise to optimise the developer experience and accelerate product teams’ delivery of customer value.” Gartner: What is platform engineering?

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Platform engineering and the Gartner Hype Cycle ● By 2026, 80% of large software engineering organizations will establish platform engineering teams / Gartner Top 10 Strategic Tech Trends 2024 ● 65% of orgs say “The platform team is important and is receiving continued investment” / Puppet State of DevOps 2024

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Navigating over the peak and through the trough

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Platform challenges

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The “why” of platforms 🤔

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Why build a platform? “The thing to keep in mind about Backstage is that its purpose is to improve developer onboarding time [...] it lets you more easily encode best practice and the best and fastest way to do things. Organisations adopt Kubernetes without understanding that if you're not building a custom PaaS for your organisation, you're wasting your time. Similarly, if you're just using Backstage for tech docs, just use Confluence or something . ”

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Why build a platform? “Operations were just drowning . We spent too much time on repetitive requests from developers that asked stuff in Slack or Jira Tickets. [...] We first trained people around Terraform and Helm but they just didn't want to deal with that and they ended up poking senior developers to fix things instead [...] This basically created a shadow operations problem on top.”

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Case studies: Removing roadblocks for developers ● 50% can deploy less than once per week ○ Accelerate State of DevOps Report 2023 ● Platforms teams must find a balance ○ Providing platform “proof of value” to dev teams, and ○ Avoiding “build it and they will come” approaches ● How can you address this? ○ Talk to your customers: the developers ○ Find a specific pain point and fix it ○ Create an “enabling team” ○ “20% of effort to serve 80% of needs” Cat Morris

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● Go faster: Platform teams need to provide “everything as a service” to help rapidly and sustainably deliver value to end-users ● Decrease risk: Teams need to automate manual processes in reusable components ● Increase efficiency: You need to manage and scale your digital platform and resources as a fleet What are the goals of your platform?

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The “how” of platforms 󰠼󰲪󰠹

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Making it happen 💪

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Tech "stacks" are emerging ● The “BACK” stack : Backstage, Argo, Crossplane, Kyverno ● CNOE Framework : Cloud Native Operation Excellence ● Kubefirst ● DIY: All the other CNCF tech ++ ● … More opinionated Less opinionated Platform builders need to elevate above Infra as Code

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Business requirements change, user expectations expand, APIs are at the core of sustainable platforms ● Open Application Model (OAM) / Score ● Kratix and Promises ● KubeBuilder ● Crossplane ● Massdriver ● … More user focused More implementation focused Platform extensibility and usability demands APIs

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The tech can be overwhelming

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Platforms: Abstract thinking ● APIs, domains, SOLID/CUPID ○ Just as important for platforms ○ Think information hiding ○ Build for progressive disclosure ● Design for UI, CLI, & API ○ Meet devs where they are at ○ Optimise for automation nd-platform-orchestrators-webinar-recap

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Example: Kratix

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Promises, promises…

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Aspects (AOP anyone?)

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Build it, and they will come Build it, and they will come Solve problems, and they will come ⚾

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What gets measured, gets managed ● Establish goals and measurements ● Leading indicators ○ Adoption rates ○ Onboarding times ○ Time to nth PR ● Lagging indicators ○ App retention rate ○ Incidents/near misses mitigated ○ ROI (time saved)

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Wrapping up 🎉

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● 🏗 Build your platform intentionally ○ APIs, abstrations, and automation are key ○ Middle-out, platform engineering-focused ○ Build, buy, and blend appropriately ● 🎯 Focus on “platform as a product” ○ Customer focus ● 👀 Set goals, measure, and retrospect ○ Balance leading and lagging indicators ○ Communicate appropriately Conclusion

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