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REVISITED Storyboards @paulstringer | Head of Mobile, Equal Experts.

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–Johnny Appleseed “A storyboard file captures your entire user interface in one place and lets you define both the individual view controllers and the transitions between those view controllers. As a result, storyboards capture the flow of your overall user interface in addition to the content you present.”

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“Metaprogramming” Put abstractions in code, details in metadata

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– The Pragmatic Programmer, Andy Hunt, David Thomas. “You may be able to implement several different projects using the same application engine, but with different metadata.”

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Storyboards • Far less boiler-plate code to read, write, maintain • Powerful tool for creating and previewing layout • Quickly visualise the flow of the User Interface • Expressed in a way that’s closest to the domain

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The ‘Segwayue’ Problem override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { switch segue.identifier! { case "showDetail": let editorViewController = segue.destination as! DetailViewController ... break; default: break; } }

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The ‘Segue’ Problem • ‘String-Typing' identifier based code • View Controller code dependant on Storyboards • View Controllers dependant on other View Controllers • Lots of Switch statements

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Nonorthogonal Design Changes in our Storyboard Require Changes in our View Controllers

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–The Pragmatic Progammer, Metaprogramming, Andy Hunt, David Thomas. “Our goal is to think declaratively (specifying what is to be done, not how) and to create highly dynamic and adaptable programs. - We do this by programming for the general case and put the specifics somewhere else”

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Highly Dynamic and Adaptable • Generalise handling of Segue code • Remove Switch statements • Move specifics outside of View Controllers • Make Storyboards ‘Orthogonal’ to the code

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ViewController ViewController prepare(for segue: sender:) Strongly Coupled View Controllers Configuring Destination View Controllers

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override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { let destination = segue.destination as! DetailViewController let object = objectForRowAtSelectedIndexPath() destination.model = DetailViewModel(name: } private func objectForRowAtSelectedIndexPath() -> DetailEntityObject { … } Strongly Coupled View Controllers Configuring Destination View Controllers

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Strongly Coupled View Controllers ViewController DetailViewModel DetailEntityObject Source Destination Configuring Destination View Controllers

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Configuring Destination View Controllers Strongly Coupled View Controllers ViewController ViewController DetailViewModel DetailEntityObject Source Destination

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–David Wheeler “All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection… …except for the problem of too many levels of indirection”

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Configuring Destination View Controllers Strongly Coupled View Controllers ViewController ViewController DetailViewModel DetailEntityObject Source Destination

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Decoupling View Controllers ViewController ViewController ViewModel EntityObject ? Source Destination Configuring Destination View Controllers

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Highly Dynamic and Adaptable 1. Introduce a new ‘intermediary’ to coordinate segues 2. Move responsibility for prepare(for segue:) to the intermediary 3. Determine the correct code path to prepare for the destination 4. Without String-Typing, Switch Statements, Forced Casts!

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Orthogonal Design Changes in our Storyboard Should Not Require Changes in Code

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Meet Crusty Don’t call him “Jerome” Call Crusty! WWDC Protocol-Oriented Programming

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Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Orientated Software Gamma, Helm,Johnson, Vlissides “Visitor pattern lets you add operations to classes without changing them. Visitor achieves this by using a technique called double-dispatch. “The operation that gets executed depends on both the type of Visitor and the type of Element it visits.” The Visitor Pattern

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Refactoring Segues ChooseBeverageViewController OrderSummaryViewController

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class ChooseBeverageViewController: UIViewController { override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { // Prepare OrderSummaryViewController ... } … } Refactoring Segues Move Responsibility for prepare(for segue:)

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class ChooseBeverageViewController: StoryboardViewController { … } class StoryboardViewController { var sceneVisitor: StoryboardSceneVisitor? override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) { sceneVisitor?.prepare(for: segue) } } Refactoring Segues Delegate Segue Responsibilities to the Visitor

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struct StoryboardSceneVisitor { func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue) { guard let destination = segue.destination as? StoryboardVisitableScene else { return } destination.accept(visitor: self) } } Refactoring Segues Dispatching the Visitor to the Destination public protocol StoryboardVisitableScene { func accept(visitor: StoryboardSceneVisitor) }

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extension OrderSummaryViewController: StoryboardVisitableScene { func accept(visitor: StoryboardSceneVisitor) { visitor.visit(self) } } Refactoring Segues Add conformance to destination View Controller and extend Visitor extension StoryboardSceneVisitor { func visit(_ scene: OrderSummaryViewController) { // Prepare OrderSummaryViewController ... } }

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Demo Github -"

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Orthogonal Design • Using Storyboards we remain close to the domain • Metaprogramming suggested we move details outside of code • Using classic Design Patterns we added flexibility to our code • Changes in Storyboards don’t require changes in our code

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–The Pragmatic Programmer “If we were using the same kind of tools that produced the basic dumb-terminal applications 20 years ago, we’d never get anything done.”

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Storyboards Revisited More Information: @paulstringer paulstringer/storyboardsrevisited