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Serverless Challenges Unique Challenges with Unique Value Proposition Ebru Cucen • Contino

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@ebrucucen 2 Agenda 01 | Why Serverless? 02 | Application Challenges 03 | Security Challenges 04 | Networking Challenges

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@ebrucucen 3 Key Takeaways ● Serverless provides the highest level of abstraction to enable focus on business value ● As we shift away from non-differentiating infrastructure, old and new challenges at application level still need to be tackled ● Azure is on the market offering some interesting features in the serverless space in comparison to AWS

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Why Serverless?

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@ebrucucen 6 Serverless Offering Simon Wardley “Serverless enables us, for the first time, to put a clear price tag on an application flow, allowing unprecedented visibility and accuracy when designing the supply chain of our businesses.”

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@ebrucucen 7 Serverless Offering 01 Abstraction of infrastructure management 02 Pay-as-you-go 03 Auto-scale

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@ebrucucen Focus on Your Application and Business Value 8 Data Center Networking Storage Servers Virtualisation Runtime Containers Applications Enterprise IT Functions Data Center Networking Storage Servers Virtualisation Runtime Containers Applications IaaS Functions Data Center Networking Storage Servers Virtualisation Runtime Containers Applications CaaS Functions Data Center Networking Storage Servers Virtualisation Runtime Containers Applications PaaS Functions Data Center Networking Storage Servers Virtualisation Runtime Containers Applications Serverless Functions Customer Vendor

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Serverless Is Much More than Functions 9

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@ebrucucen 10 Migrating More… Always-on option? But I heard it is expensive …

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@ebrucucen 11 Migrating More… Always-on option? But I heard it is expensive …

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@ebrucucen 1 concurrent exec for 1GB Resource Consumption: ● 2.2m GBs/month ● £950.4 Execution: ● 1.6m GBs ● £8.64/month Migrating More: Year Plan (WestEurope) 12 £959 Standard_B2s: (2CPU/4GBRAM) £313/annual Linux VM £939

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@ebrucucen 13 Is It Even? ● High-Available: x more VMs ● Load Balancer ● Queue Storage ● Management Costs

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@ebrucucen 1 concurrent exec for 1GB Resource Consumption: ● 2.2m GBs/month ● £950.4 Execution: ● 1.6m GBs ● £8.64/month VM: £626 (2 Standard_B2s) LB: £240/year £866x3 = WINNER 14 £959 £2.598

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Demo Gods:

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Application Challenges

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Migration Patterns -> Strangler, Abstraction by Branch Application Level Challenges 18 Language Trade Offs -> Runtime, Triggers A B Debugging -> Logging, Monitoring, Tracing C Caching, Versioning -> API Manager D

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Language Options ● NET Core (Linux/Windows) ● Node.JS (Linux/Windows) ● Java (Windows) ● Powershell Core (Windows) ● Python (Linux) 19

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@ebrucucen Triggers Input: ● Http ● Timer ● Azure Storage ● Azure Cosmos DB ● Azure Service Bus ● Azure Event Grid ● Azure Event Hub ● Azure IoT Hub 20 Output: ● Http ● Azure Storage ● Excel ● Azure Service Bus ● Azure Event Hub ● SendGrid ● Twilio ● Outlook Mail

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Migration Patterns -> Strangler, Abstraction by Branch Application Level Challenges 21 Language Trade Offs -> Runtime, Triggers A B Debugging -> Logging, Monitoring, Tracing C Caching, Versioning -> API Manager D

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@ebrucucen Postcode Lookup Service Migration 22 Microservice Verify Phone Register Customer Postcode Lookup

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@ebrucucen Postcode Lookup Service Migration 23 Which Pattern First? Verify Phone Register Customer Postcode Lookup How to decouple/ migrate?

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@ebrucucen Strangler Pattern 24 1. Identify Existing Call Postcode Lookup API

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@ebrucucen Strangler Pattern 25 1. Identify Existing Call Postcode Lookup API 2. Move Existing Call Postcode Lookup API Refactor Before / after? New language ?

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@ebrucucen 1. Identify Existing Call Postcode Lookup API Strangler Pattern 2. Move Existing Call Postcode Lookup API Redirected Call Lookup Function 3. Redirect Postcode Lookup API 26 Refactor Before / after? New language ? Leave/ Remove ?

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@ebrucucen Postcode Lookup Service Migration 27 How to Connect? Verify Phone Register Customer Postcode Lookup Postcode Lookup

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@ebrucucen 28 Branch by Abstraction Pattern User Registration Abstraction User Registration Implements

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@ebrucucen 29 Branch by Abstraction Pattern User Registration Abstraction User Registration Phone Verification Postcode Lookup Implements

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@ebrucucen 30 Branch by Abstraction Pattern User Registration Abstraction User Registration Phone Verification Postcode Lookup Implements

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@ebrucucen 31 Branch by Abstraction Pattern User Registration Abstraction User Registration Implements Phone Verification Postcode Lookup

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@ebrucucen User Registration Abstraction User Registration Phone Verification Postcode Lookup Implements 32 Branch by Abstraction Pattern User Registration Abstraction User Registration Implements Phone Verification Postcode Lookup User Registration Abstraction User Registration Phone Verification Postcode Lookup Implements

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@ebrucucen 33 Postcode Lookup User Registration User Registration Abstraction New User Registration Service Phone Verification Postcode Lookup Implements Serverless Promise: #autoscales So do I need to think about autoscaling of overall system?

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Serverless Design Patterns Address Lookup Address Verification Register User 34 Chaining

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@ebrucucen Serverless Design Patterns 35 Onboard User Register User State Machine Email Verification Phone Verification Address Lookup

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@ebrucucen 36 Azure Durable Functions Email Verification Phone Verification Address Verification Orchestrator Activity Functions Orchestrator Client WebApp

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Migration Patterns -> Strangler, Abstraction by Branch Application Level Challenges 37 Language Trade Offs -> Runtime, Triggers A B Debugging -> Logging, Monitoring, Tracing C Caching, Versioning -> API Manager D

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@ebrucucen 38 Starter Function

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@ebrucucen 39 Orchestration Function

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@ebrucucen 40 Activity Function

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@ebrucucen Application Level Challenges 41 Language Options -> Runtime, Triggers Migration Patterns -> Strangler, Abstraction by Branch, Chaining, State Machine/Durable Functions Debugging -> Logging, Monitoring, Tracing Caching, Versioning -> API Manager A B C D

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@ebrucucen Observability and Tracing ● Debugging locally ● Portal Kudo ● Bash/shell into ● Process Explorer ● Live metrics 42

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@ebrucucen Local Development 43

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@ebrucucen Portal Logs 44

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@ebrucucen Portal Kudo 45

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@ebrucucen Process Explorer 46

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@ebrucucen Application Map 47

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Live Metrics 48

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Dashboard 49

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Language Trade Offs -> Runtime, Triggers Application Level Challenges 50 Migration Patterns -> Strangler, Abstraction by Branch A B Debugging -> Logging, Monitoring, Tracing C Caching, Versioning -> API Manager D

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Serverless + API Manager = Epic Awesomeness 51

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Shared Concerns: Security 52

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How API Manager solves 53

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Security Challenges

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● Standards/Policies ● Cloud Security Posture ● Input sanitisation ● Token validation for each function Drawbacks 55

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Secure Http Endpoint: ● Use API Management for auth ● Use Authorization Keys Func Level ● Integrate into Identity ● Consider Rate throttling ● Enable Cost Alerts Security - Top 5 recommendations 56

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Networking Challenges

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I need a Private Address! 58

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I need on Prem Connection! 59

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Unified APIs (each side) 60

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API Manager 61

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Network ● Castle and moat approach* ● Point-to-Point to integrations/Route Table ● Communicate to back to on-prem? ● Life before and after Private Links 62 trust-model/amp/

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@ebrucucen 63 Key Takeaways ● Serverless provides the highest level of abstraction to enable focus on business value ● As we shift away from non-differentiating infrastructure, old and new challenges at application level still need to be tackled ● Azure is on the market offering some interesting features in the serverless space in comparison to AWS

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Reference 64

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@ebrucucen References Serverless Serverless Myths: Burning Monk Links: (All) 65

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@ebrucucen Books... 66

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Atlanta Questions continohq contino London New York Melbourne Sydney

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Atlanta Thank you continohq contino London New York Melbourne Sydney