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munz & more Microservices Runtimes DOAG 2017 Dr. Frank Munz

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2 Dr. Frank Munz • Founded munz & more in 2007 • 17 years Oracle Middleware, Cloud, and Distributed Computing • Consulting and High-End Training • Wrote two Oracle WLS and one Cloud book

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Microservices Developing a single application as • a suite of small services • each running in its own process / owns it‘s data • communicating with lightweight mechanisms (Definition: M. Fowler / J. Lewis)

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munz & more #5 How to Build?

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Designing a Microservices Arch? munz & more #6

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„… consider starting monolithic first …” munz & more #7 Sam Newman:

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Come on. So what does help? CC Wheezy Jefferson

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Eric Evans describes “bounded contexts” in his DDD book. munz & more #9 published 2003 -> CDM is the opposite of a “bounded context” (see S. Tilkov)

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4950 Calories

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Efficient teams look like this: #11

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Communication (Overhead) Göran Johansson CC Atrib

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Cost? DB1 μ1 DB2 μ2 direct call ? REST?/Kafka Process {apiGW}

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What if microservices were 300x slower than your monolith? munz & more #15

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Rough Approximation network call / local call munz & more #16

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Communication Overhead 3.000.000 x munz & more #17

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But networks get a bit faster munz & more #18

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Infrastructure Complexity

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Runtimes DB1 μ1 DB2 μ2 {apiGW}

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Which Runtime Environment? Stephane Kempinaire -

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Microservices Runtimes

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Know The Essential Cloud Services ACCS JCS OCCS Deploy compiled Java, Python, Ruby code + JSON file: start command Deploy Java EE module, JMS, JDBC, XA. + db and storage Deploy (stack of) Docker containers Language container as service WebLogic as Service Docker container as Service Oracle Container CS Java CS Application Container CS

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Application Container Cloud Service

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No content

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ACCS • Polyglot: Java, node.js, PHP, Python, Go and Ruby • Java: Upload compiled zipped Java classes + JSON file with start command • Now also Java EE • Easy to deploy and operate • Lightweight: deployments run in containers Polyglot, easy to use microservices runtime

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Java CS

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Create JCS munz & more #28

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Java CS • Multi-module deployment is not a microservice architecture. • WebLogic Partitions: – share same JVM… – Dependancy on admin server • Standalone Multi-server topologies could serve as microservices runtime – Full Java EE -> heavy infrastructure / footprint – Licensing munz & more #29 WLS a.war b.war a.war WLS P1 P2 a.war WLS WLS b.war a.war Multi module deployment WebLogic Partitions Multi-server topology Not really a microservices runtime

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Docker based Runtimes

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K8s • YAML configuration • Pod: Container(s) sharing IP, network, filesystem – IP is ephemeral – Uses Labels • Replication Controller -> Replica Set – Manages PODs (restarts replicas based on labels) • Services – Proxy for pod – Permanent IP munz & more #32

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Welcome Mini J

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Google Kubernetes munz & more #34

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Docker Containers in Kubernetes munz & more #35

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Docker Swarm

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Docker Swarm munz & more #37

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Swarm vs. Kubernetes Swarm … • Wasn’t impressive when released, but this has changed • Is easier to understand and to operate • Covers a lot of what K8s does, but K8s is the trend • Only secure mode – automatic TLS certs • Is built-in and tightly linked to Docker API munz & more #38 Docker Swarm & K8s: flexible microservices RT, but bring operational complexity

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Oracle Container Cloud Service (OCCS)

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OCCS munz & more #40

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OCCS • OCCS = Oracle’s container cloud service • Abstracts away complexity of Kubernetes or Docker Swarm – Neither based on Swarm nor Kubernetes • Uses service concept like in Swarm • Integrates with Docker Hub, Wercker, Developer CS • Allows deployment of stacks • PaaS: Very easy to use (e.g. docker run …) munz & more #41 Docker based microservices runtime. Easier to operate than Swarm or Kubernetes.

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Function as a Service AWS Example used here. Fn Project was open sourced Java One 2017

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Edit Code / Upload munz & more #43 event: event passed to function context: runtime context callback: optional return (or null) Auto scaling, True pay per invocation Stateless, and Event based. Vendor lock-in?

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Fn Project • Apache 2, Open Source Java One 2017 • Fn Server (micro API GW), LB, Flow • Function / Container duality • Docker is only dependency -> polyglot @frankmunz

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munz & more #45 Is the new μ ? FaaS: Fullfill microservices criteria. Low price, automatic scaling. Vendor lock-in?

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Microservices Runtimes Oracle JCS Oracle ACCS Swarm Kubernetes Oracle OCCS FaaS Docker Polyglot No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Size infrastructure L/XL S S S S XS Complexity L S M XL S XS Elasticity auto easy scale scale scale easy scale auto Stateless No (Yes) Yes Yes Yes Yes Event based No No No No No Yes

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Successful Microservices • Uber, Netflix etc. • Fully automated CI / CD • Automated testing • Sometimes polyglot • Top notch devops teams • Large scale, single purpose apps • Extensive monitoring munz & more #47

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TL;DR #microservices #runtimes Are you tall enough J? / Tradeoff: flexibility vs simplicity / ACCS is easy, lightweight & polyglot and now Java EE / Docker RT Complexity: Kubernetes > Swarm > OCCS / FaaS: true pay per invocation & automated scale & stateless / Microservices > FaaS / K8s is THE trend @frankmunz

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Slide 49 text @frankmunz -> more than 50 web casts Don’t be shy J Graphics on title page by M. Fowler